Browse RNAs

Sorted by species, gene symbol, APPRIS isoform classification, GENCODE BASIC status, Transcript Support Level, and descending transcript length:

Ensembl Transcript ID Gene Symbol Gene Description Transcript Symbol Length Biotype Status Species
YJL120W YJL120W Dubious open reading frame YJL120W 324 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJL127C-B YJL127C-B Putative protein of unknown function YJL127C-B 159 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJL127W-A YJL127W-A Dubious open reading frame YJL127W-A 117 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJL132W YJL132W Putative protein of unknown function YJL132W 2253 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJL133C-A YJL133C-A Putative protein of unknown function YJL133C-A 225 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJL135W YJL135W Dubious open reading frame YJL135W 318 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJL136W-A YJL136W-A Putative protein of unknown function YJL136W-A 84 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJL144W YJL144W Cytoplasmic hydrophilin essential in desiccation-rehydration process YJL144W 315 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJL147C YJL147C Mitochondrial protein of unknown function YJL147C 1149 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJL150W YJL150W Dubious open reading frame YJL150W 303 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJL152W YJL152W Dubious open reading frame YJL152W 360 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJL156W-A YJL156W-A Dubious open reading frame YJL156W-A 222 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJL160C YJL160C Putative protein of unknown function YJL160C 864 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJL163C YJL163C Putative protein of unknown function YJL163C 1668 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJL169W YJL169W Dubious open reading frame YJL169W 369 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJL171C YJL171C GPI-anchored cell wall protein of unknown function YJL171C 1191 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJL175W YJL175W Dubious open reading frame unlikely to encode a functional protein YJL175W 513 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJL181W YJL181W Putative protein of unknown function YJL181W 1836 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJL182C YJL182C Dubious open reading frame YJL182C 318 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJL193W YJL193W Putative protein of unknown function YJL193W 1209 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJL195C YJL195C Dubious open reading frame YJL195C 702 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJL197C-A YJL197C-A Dubious open reading frame YJL197C-A 282 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJL202C YJL202C Dubious open reading frame YJL202C 348 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJL206C YJL206C Putative protein of unknown function YJL206C 2277 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJL211C YJL211C Dubious open reading frame YJL211C 444 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJL213W YJL213W Protein of unknown function that may interact with ribosomes YJL213W 996 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJL215C YJL215C Dubious open reading frame YJL215C 360 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJL218W YJL218W Putative acetyltransferase YJL218W 591 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJL220W YJL220W Dubious open reading frame YJL220W 453 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJL222W-A YJL222W-A Dubious open reading frame YJL222W-A 228 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJL222W-B YJL222W-B Dubious open reading frame YJL222W-B 138 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJL225C YJL225C Putative Y' element ATP-dependent helicase YJL225C 5277 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJL225W-A YJL225W-A Dubious open reading frame YJL225W-A 483 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJR003C YJR003C Putative protein of unknown function YJR003C 1560 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJR011C YJR011C Putative protein of unknown function YJR011C 786 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJR012C YJR012C Essential protein of unknown function YJR012C 624 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJR015W YJR015W Putative protein of unknown function YJR015W 1533 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJR018W YJR018W Dubious open reading frame YJR018W 363 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJR020W YJR020W Dubious open reading frame YJR020W 333 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJR023C YJR023C Putative protein of unknown function YJR023C 402 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJR026W YJR026W Retrotransposon TYA Gag gene co-transcribed with TYB Pol YJR026W 1323 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJR027W YJR027W Retrotransposon TYA Gag and TYB Pol genes YJR027W 5268 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJR028W YJR028W Retrotransposon TYA Gag gene co-transcribed with TYB Pol YJR028W 1323 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJR029W YJR029W Retrotransposon TYA Gag and TYB Pol genes YJR029W 5268 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJR030C YJR030C Putative protein of unknown function YJR030C 2238 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJR037W YJR037W Dubious open reading frame YJR037W 384 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJR038C YJR038C Dubious open reading frame YJR038C 363 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJR039W YJR039W Putative protein of unknown function YJR039W 3366 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJR056C YJR056C Protein of unknown function YJR056C 711 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJR061W YJR061W Putative protein of unknown function YJR061W 2808 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJR071W YJR071W Dubious open reading frame YJR071W 369 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJR079W YJR079W Putative protein of unknown function YJR079W 330 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJR084W YJR084W Protein that forms a complex with Thp3p YJR084W 1272 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJR085C YJR085C Protein of unknown function YJR085C 318 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJR087W YJR087W Dubious open reading frame YJR087W 351 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJR096W YJR096W Xylose and arabinose reductase YJR096W 849 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJR098C YJR098C Putative protein of unknown function YJR098C 1971 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJR107W YJR107W Putative lipase YJR107W 987 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJR111C YJR111C Putative protein of unknown function YJR111C 852 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJR112W-A YJR112W-A Putative protein of unknown function YJR112W-A 330 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJR114W YJR114W Dubious open reading frame YJR114W 393 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJR115W YJR115W Putative protein of unknown function YJR115W 510 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJR120W YJR120W Protein of unknown function YJR120W 351 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJR124C YJR124C Putative protein of unknown function YJR124C 1347 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJR128W YJR128W Dubious open reading frame YJR128W 360 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJR140W-A YJR140W-A Dubious open reading frame YJR140W-A 150 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJR141W YJR141W Essential protein of unknown function YJR141W 1044 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJR142W YJR142W 8-oxo-dGTP diphosphatase of the Nudix hydrolase family YJR142W 1029 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJR146W YJR146W Protein of unknown function YJR146W 354 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJR149W YJR149W Putative protein of unknown function YJR149W 1215 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJR154W YJR154W Putative protein of unknown function YJR154W 1041 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJR157W YJR157W Dubious open reading frame YJR157W 363 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJR162C YJR162C Dubious open reading frame YJR162C 351 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL095W YJU2 Essential protein required for pre-mRNA splicing YKL095W 837 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL094W YJU3 Monoglyceride lipase (MGL) YKL094W 942 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR200W YKE2 Subunit of the heterohexameric Gim/prefoldin protein complex YLR200W 345 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YIL023C YKE4 Zinc transporter YIL023C 1041 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL018C-A YKL018C-A Putative protein of unknown function YKL018C-A 300 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL023C-A YKL023C-A Putative protein of unknown function YKL023C-A 228 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL023W YKL023W Putative protein of unknown function YKL023W 834 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL030W YKL030W Dubious open reading frame YKL030W 606 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL031W YKL031W Dubious open reading frame YKL031W 414 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL033W-A YKL033W-A Putative protein of unknown function YKL033W-A 711 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL036C YKL036C Dubious open reading frame YKL036C 393 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL044W YKL044W Protein of unknown function YKL044W 321 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL050C YKL050C Protein of unknown function YKL050C 2769 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL053W YKL053W Dubious open reading frame YKL053W 375 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL063C YKL063C Putative protein of unknown function YKL063C 504 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL065W-A YKL065W-A Putative protein of unknown function YKL065W-A 222 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL066W YKL066W Dubious open reading frame YKL066W 444 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL068W-A YKL068W-A Putative protein of unknown function YKL068W-A 237 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL069W YKL069W Methionine-R-sulfoxide reductase YKL069W 543 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL070W YKL070W Putative protein of unknown function YKL070W 510 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL071W YKL071W Putative protein of unknown function YKL071W 771 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL075C YKL075C Putative protein of unknown function YKL075C 1353 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL077W YKL077W Putative protein of unknown function YKL077W 1179 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL083W YKL083W Dubious open reading frame YKL083W 615 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL091C YKL091C Putative phosphatidylinositol/phosphatidylcholine transfer protein YKL091C 933 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL096C-B YKL096C-B Putative protein of unknown function YKL096C-B 150 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL097C YKL097C Dubious open reading frame YKL097C 411 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL100C YKL100C Putative protein of unknown function YKL100C 1764 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL100W-A YKL100W-A Putative protein of unknown function YKL100W-A 90 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL102C YKL102C Dubious open reading frame unlikely to encode a functional protein YKL102C 306 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL106C-A YKL106C-A Putative protein of unknown function YKL106C-A 120 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL107W YKL107W Putative short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase YKL107W 930 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL111C YKL111C Dubious open reading frame YKL111C 336 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL115C YKL115C Dubious open reading frame YKL115C 393 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL118W YKL118W Dubious open reading frame YKL118W 312 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL123W YKL123W Dubious open reading frame YKL123W 381 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL131W YKL131W Dubious open reading frame YKL131W 522 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL133C YKL133C Putative protein of unknown function YKL133C 1392 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL136W YKL136W Dubious open reading frame YKL136W 399 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL145W-A YKL145W-A Dubious open reading frame YKL145W-A 93 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL147C YKL147C Dubious open reading frame YKL147C 618 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL151C YKL151C NADHX dehydratase YKL151C 1014 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL153W YKL153W Dubious open reading frame YKL153W 510 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL156C-A YKL156C-A Dubious open reading frame YKL156C-A 117 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL162C YKL162C Putative protein of unknown function YKL162C 1209 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL162C-A YKL162C-A Dubious open reading frame YKL162C-A 153 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL165C-A YKL165C-A Dubious open reading frame YKL165C-A 234 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL169C YKL169C Dubious open reading frame YKL169C 384 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL177W YKL177W Dubious open reading frame YKL177W 339 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL183C-A YKL183C-A Putative protein of unknown function YKL183C-A 213 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL202W YKL202W Dubious open reading frame YKL202W 582 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL222C YKL222C Protein of unknown function YKL222C 2118 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL223W YKL223W Dubious open reading frame YKL223W 333 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL225W YKL225W Dubious open reading frame YKL225W 348 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKR005C YKR005C Putative protein of unknown function YKR005C 1578 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKR011C YKR011C Protein of unknown function YKR011C 1062 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKR012C YKR012C Dubious open reading frame YKR012C 378 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKR015C YKR015C Putative protein of unknown function YKR015C 1707 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKR018C YKR018C Protein of unknown function YKR018C 2178 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKR023W YKR023W Putative protein of unknown function YKR023W 1593 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKR032W YKR032W Dubious open reading frame YKR032W 315 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKR033C YKR033C Dubious open reading frame YKR033C 426 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKR040C YKR040C Dubious open reading frame YKR040C 504 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKR041W YKR041W Protein of unknown function YKR041W 753 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKR045C YKR045C Putative protein of unknown function YKR045C 552 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKR047W YKR047W Dubious open reading frame YKR047W 306 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKR051W YKR051W Putative protein of unknown function YKR051W 1257 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKR070W YKR070W Putative protein of unknown function YKR070W 1059 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKR073C YKR073C Dubious open reading frame YKR073C 321 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKR075C YKR075C Protein of unknown function YKR075C 924 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKR075W-A YKR075W-A Dubious open reading frame unlikely to encode a protein YKR075W-A 270 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKR078W YKR078W Cytoplasmic protein of unknown function YKR078W 1758 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKR104W YKR104W Putative transporter of the MRP subfamily YKR104W 921 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL196C YKT6 Vesicle membrane protein (v-SNARE) with acyltransferase activity YKL196C 603 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR284W YKU70 Subunit of the telomeric Ku complex (Yku70p-Yku80p) YMR284W 1809 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR106C YKU80 Subunit of the telomeric Ku complex (Yku70p-Yku80p) YMR106C 1890 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YHL014C YLF2 Protein of unknown function YHL014C 1218 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR125W YLH47 Mitochondrial inner membrane protein YPR125W 1365 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLL006W-A YLL006W-A Putative protein of unknown function YLL006W-A 177 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLL007C YLL007C Putative protein of unknown function YLL007C 1998 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLL017W YLL017W Non-essential Ras guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) YLL017W 312 nt pseudogene yeastyeast
YLL019W-A YLL019W-A Dubious open reading frame YLL019W-A 93 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLL020C YLL020C Dubious open reading frame YLL020C 306 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLL032C YLL032C Protein of unknown function YLL032C 2478 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLL037W YLL037W Dubious open reading frame unlikely to encode a functional protein YLL037W 381 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLL044W YLL044W Dubious open reading frame YLL044W 447 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLL047W YLL047W Dubious open reading frame YLL047W 384 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLL053C YLL053C Putative protein YLL053C 459 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLL054C YLL054C Putative protein of unknown function with similarity to Pip2p YLL054C 2532 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLL056C YLL056C Putative protein of unknown function YLL056C 897 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLL058W YLL058W Putative protein of unknown function with similarity to Str2p YLL058W 1728 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLL059C YLL059C Dubious open reading frame YLL059C 507 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLL066C YLL066C Putative Y' element ATP-dependent helicase YLL066C 3618 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLL066W-A YLL066W-A Dubious open reading frame YLL066W-A 483 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLL066W-B YLL066W-B Putative protein of unknown function YLL066W-B 171 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLL067C YLL067C Putative Y' element ATP-dependent helicase YLL067C 3618 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLL067W-A YLL067W-A Dubious open reading frame YLL067W-A 483 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR001C YLR001C Putative protein of unknown function YLR001C 2589 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR012C YLR012C Putative protein of unknown function YLR012C 300 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR030W YLR030W Putative protein of unknown function YLR030W 792 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR031W YLR031W Putative protein of unknown function YLR031W 561 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR035C-A YLR035C-A Retrotransposon TYA Gag and TYB Pol genes YLR035C-A 3468 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR036C YLR036C Putative protein predicted to have transmembrane domains YLR036C 612 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR041W YLR041W Dubious open reading frame YLR041W 321 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR042C YLR042C Cell wall protein of unknown function YLR042C 486 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR046C YLR046C Putative membrane protein YLR046C 813 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR049C YLR049C Putative protein of unknown function YLR049C 1287 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR050C YLR050C Putative protein of unknown function YLR050C 486 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR053C YLR053C Putative protein of unknown function YLR053C 327 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR072W YLR072W Protein of unknown function YLR072W 2082 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR076C YLR076C Dubious open reading frame YLR076C 423 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR101C YLR101C Dubious open reading frame YLR101C 396 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR108C YLR108C Protein of unknown function YLR108C 1458 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR111W YLR111W Dubious open reading frame YLR111W 333 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR112W YLR112W Dubious open reading frame YLR112W 420 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR118C YLR118C Acyl-protein thioesterase responsible for depalmitoylation of Gpa1p YLR118C 684 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR120W-A YLR120W-A Dubious open reading frame YLR120W-A 102 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR122C YLR122C Dubious open reading frame YLR122C 378 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR123C YLR123C Dubious open reading frame YLR123C 330 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR124W YLR124W Dubious open reading frame YLR124W 345 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR125W YLR125W Putative protein of unknown function YLR125W 411 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR126C YLR126C Putative glutamine amidotransferase YLR126C 756 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR140W YLR140W Dubious open reading frame unlikely to encode a functional protein YLR140W 327 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR146W-A YLR146W-A Putative protein of unknown function YLR146W-A 189 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR149C YLR149C Protein of unknown function YLR149C 2193 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR149C-A YLR149C-A Dubious open reading frame YLR149C-A 87 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR152C YLR152C Putative protein of unknown function YLR152C 1731 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR154C-G YLR154C-G Putative protein of unknown function YLR154C-G 150 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR154C-H YLR154C-H Putative protein of unknown function YLR154C-H 132 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR154W-A YLR154W-A Dubious open reading frame YLR154W-A 186 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR154W-B YLR154W-B Dubious open reading frame YLR154W-B 165 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR154W-E YLR154W-E Dubious open reading frame YLR154W-E 204 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR154W-F YLR154W-F Dubious open reading frame YLR154W-F 141 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR156C-A YLR156C-A Putative protein of unknown function YLR156C-A 132 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR156W YLR156W Putative protein of unknown function YLR156W 345 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR157C-A YLR157C-A Retrotransposon TYA Gag gene co-transcribed with TYB Pol YLR157C-A 1323 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR157C-B YLR157C-B Retrotransposon TYA Gag and TYB Pol genes YLR157C-B 5268 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR157C-C YLR157C-C Putative protein of unknown function YLR157C-C 132 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR157W-D YLR157W-D Putative protein of unknown function YLR157W-D 213 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR157W-E YLR157W-E Putative protein of unknown function identified by gene-trapping YLR157W-E 165 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR159C-A YLR159C-A Putative protein of unknown function YLR159C-A 132 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR159W YLR159W Putative protein of unknown function YLR159W 345 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR161W YLR161W Putative protein of unknown function YLR161W 345 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR162W YLR162W Putative protein of unknown function YLR162W 357 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR163W-A YLR163W-A Dubious open reading frame YLR163W-A 114 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR169W YLR169W Dubious open reading frame YLR169W 354 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR171W YLR171W Dubious open reading frame YLR171W 390 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR173W YLR173W Putative protein of unknown function YLR173W 1827 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR177W YLR177W Putative protein of unknown function YLR177W 1887 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR179C YLR179C Protein of unknown function with similarity to Tfs1p YLR179C 606 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR184W YLR184W Dubious open reading frame YLR184W 348 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR194C YLR194C Structural constituent of the cell wall YLR194C 765 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR198C YLR198C Dubious open reading frame YLR198C 360 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR202C YLR202C Dubious open reading frame YLR202C 327 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR217W YLR217W Dubious open reading frame YLR217W 324 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR222C-A YLR222C-A Dubious open reading frame YLR222C-A 231 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR224W YLR224W F-box protein and component of SCF ubiquitin ligase complexes YLR224W 1110 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR225C YLR225C Putative protein of unknown function YLR225C 1224 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR227W-A YLR227W-A Retrotransposon TYA Gag gene co-transcribed with TYB Pol YLR227W-A 1323 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR227W-B YLR227W-B Retrotransposon TYA Gag and TYB Pol genes YLR227W-B 5268 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR230W YLR230W Dubious open reading frame unlikely to encode a functional protein YLR230W 306 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR232W YLR232W Dubious open reading frame YLR232W 348 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR235C YLR235C Dubious open reading frame YLR235C 399 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR236C YLR236C Dubious open reading frame YLR236C 324 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR252W YLR252W Dubious open reading frame YLR252W 306 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR255C YLR255C Dubious open reading frame YLR255C 354 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR256W-A YLR256W-A Retrotransposon TYA Gag gene co-transcribed with TYB Pol YLR256W-A 1323 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR257W YLR257W Protein of unknown function YLR257W 966 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR264C-A YLR264C-A Putative protein of unknown function YLR264C-A 117 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR269C YLR269C Dubious open reading frame YLR269C 351 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR271W YLR271W Putative protein of unknown function YLR271W 825 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR278C YLR278C Zinc-cluster protein YLR278C 4026 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR279W YLR279W Dubious open reading frame YLR279W 390 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR280C YLR280C Dubious open reading frame YLR280C 351 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR281C YLR281C Putative protein of unknown function YLR281C 468 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR282C YLR282C Dubious open reading frame YLR282C 342 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR283W YLR283W Putative protein of unknown function YLR283W 945 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR285C-A YLR285C-A Putative protein of unknown function YLR285C-A 171 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR286W-A YLR286W-A Dubious open reading frame YLR286W-A 135 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR287C YLR287C Putative protein of unknown function YLR287C 1068 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR290C YLR290C Putative protein of unknown function YLR290C 834 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR294C YLR294C Dubious open reading frame YLR294C 330 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR296W YLR296W Dubious open reading frame YLR296W 327 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR297W YLR297W Protein of unknown function YLR297W 390 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR299C-A YLR299C-A Dubious open reading frame YLR299C-A 93 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR302C YLR302C Dubious open reading frame YLR302C 363 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR307C-A YLR307C-A Putative protein of unknown function YLR307C-A 264 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR311C YLR311C Dubious open reading frame YLR311C 348 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR312C YLR312C Putative protein of unknown function YLR312C 1197 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR317W YLR317W Dubious open reading frame YLR317W 435 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR326W YLR326W Putative protein of unknown function YLR326W 723 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR334C YLR334C Dubious open reading frame YLR334C 381 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR339C YLR339C Dubious open reading frame YLR339C 552 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR342W-A YLR342W-A Putative protein of unknown function YLR342W-A 174 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR345W YLR345W Similar to 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase enzymes YLR345W 1530 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR346C YLR346C Putative protein of unknown function found in mitochondria YLR346C 306 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR347W-A YLR347W-A Dubious open reading frame YLR347W-A 141 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR349W YLR349W Dubious open reading frame YLR349W 507 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR352W YLR352W Putative protein of unknown function with similarity to F-box proteins YLR352W 2424 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR358C YLR358C Protein of unknown function YLR358C 564 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR361C-A YLR361C-A Putative protein of unknown function YLR361C-A 297 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR363W-A YLR363W-A Protein of unknown function YLR363W-A 258 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR364C-A YLR364C-A Dubious open reading frame YLR364C-A 123 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR365W YLR365W Dubious open reading frame YLR365W 333 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR366W YLR366W Dubious open reading frame YLR366W 306 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR374C YLR374C Dubious open reading frame YLR374C 390 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR379W YLR379W Dubious open reading frame YLR379W 375 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR399W-A YLR399W-A Dubious open reading frame YLR399W-A 105 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR400W YLR400W Dubious open reading frame YLR400W 474 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR402W YLR402W Dubious open reading frame YLR402W 192 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR406C-A YLR406C-A Putative protein of unknown function YLR406C-A 150 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR407W YLR407W Putative protein of unknown function YLR407W 687 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR410W-A YLR410W-A Retrotransposon TYA Gag gene co-transcribed with TYB Pol YLR410W-A 1317 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR410W-B YLR410W-B Retrotransposon TYA Gag and TYB Pol genes YLR410W-B 5313 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR412C-A YLR412C-A Putative protein of unknown function YLR412C-A 207 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR415C YLR415C Putative protein of unknown function YLR415C 339 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR416C YLR416C Dubious open reading frame YLR416C 399 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR419W YLR419W Putative helicase with limited sequence similarity to human Rb protein YLR419W 4308 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR422W YLR422W Protein of unknown function with similarity to human DOCK proteins YLR422W 5799 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR428C YLR428C Dubious open reading frame YLR428C 345 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR434C YLR434C Dubious open reading frame YLR434C 384 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR437C-A YLR437C-A Dubious open reading frame YLR437C-A 228 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR444C YLR444C Dubious open reading frame YLR444C 303 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR446W YLR446W Putative hexokinase YLR446W 1302 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR456W YLR456W Putative pyridoxal 5'-phosphate synthase YLR456W 615 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR458W YLR458W Dubious open reading frame YLR458W 381 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR460C YLR460C Member of the quinone oxidoreductase family YLR460C 1131 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR462W YLR462W Putative protein of unknown function with similarity to helicases YLR462W 609 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR463C YLR463C Dubious open reading frame YLR463C 552 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR464W YLR464W Putative protein of unknown function YLR464W 651 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR466C-A YLR466C-A Dubious open reading frame YLR466C-A 483 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR466C-B YLR466C-B Dubious open reading frame YLR466C-B 117 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR467C-A YLR467C-A Dubious open reading frame YLR467C-A 483 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR058W YMC1 Putative mitochondrial inner membrane transporter YPR058W 924 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YBR104W YMC2 Putative mitochondrial inner membrane transporter YBR104W 990 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YML038C YMD8 Putative nucleotide sugar transporter YML038C 1329 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR024W YME1 Catalytic subunit of the i-AAA protease complex YPR024W 2244 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR302C YME2 Integral inner mitochondrial membrane protein YMR302C 2553 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YML002W YML002W Putative protein of unknown function YML002W 2214 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YML003W YML003W Putative protein of unknown function YML003W 873 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YML007C-A YML007C-A Putative protein of unknown function YML007C-A 111 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YML009C-A YML009C-A Dubious open reading frame YML009C-A 327 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YML009W-B YML009W-B Dubious open reading frame YML009W-B 477 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YML012C-A YML012C-A Dubious open reading frame YML012C-A 378 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YML018C YML018C Protein of unknown function YML018C 1182 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YML020W YML020W Putative protein of unknown function YML020W 1995 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YML031C-A YML031C-A Dubious open reading frame YML031C-A 336 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YML034C-A YML034C-A Dubious open reading frame YML034C-A 399 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YML037C YML037C Putative protein of unknown function YML037C 1023 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YML039W YML039W Retrotransposon TYA Gag and TYB Pol genes YML039W 5268 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YML040W YML040W Retrotransposon TYA Gag gene co-transcribed with TYB Pol YML040W 1323 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YML045W YML045W Retrotransposon TYA Gag and TYB Pol genes YML045W 5268 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YML045W-A YML045W-A Retrotransposon TYA Gag gene co-transcribed with TYB Pol YML045W-A 1323 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YML047W-A YML047W-A Dubious open reading frame YML047W-A 366 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YML053C YML053C Putative protein of unknown function YML053C 639 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YML054C-A YML054C-A Putative protein of unknown function YML054C-A 159 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YML057C-A YML057C-A Dubious open reading frame YML057C-A 390 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YML079W YML079W Non-essential protein of unknown function YML079W 606 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YML082W YML082W Putative protein predicted to have carbon-sulfur lyase activity YML082W 1950 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YML083C YML083C Protein of unknown function YML083C 1257 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YML084W YML084W Dubious open reading frame YML084W 309 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YML089C YML089C Dubious open reading frame YML089C 369 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YML090W YML090W Dubious open reading frame YML090W 387 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YML094C-A YML094C-A Dubious open reading frame YML094C-A 402 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YML096W YML096W Putative protein with similarity to asparagine synthetases YML096W 1578 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YML099W-A YML099W-A Dubious open reading frame YML099W-A 330 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YML100W-A YML100W-A Putative protein of unknown function YML100W-A 174 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YML101C-A YML101C-A Dubious open reading frame YML101C-A 318 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YML108W YML108W Protein of unknown function YML108W 318 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YML116W-A YML116W-A Putative protein of unknown function YML116W-A 303 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YML119W YML119W Putative protein of unknown function YML119W 1074 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YML122C YML122C Dubious open reading frame YML122C 381 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YML131W YML131W Protein of unknown function YML131W 1098 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YML133C YML133C Putative Y' element ATP-dependent helicase YML133C 4125 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YML133W-A YML133W-A Dubious open reading frame YML133W-A 576 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YML133W-B YML133W-B Dubious open reading frame YML133W-B 483 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YML025C YML6 Mitochondrial ribosomal protein of the large subunit YML025C 861 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR001C-A YMR001C-A Putative protein of unknown function YMR001C-A 231 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR007W YMR007W Dubious open reading frame YMR007W 381 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR010W YMR010W Putative protein of unknown function YMR010W 1218 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR013C-A YMR013C-A Dubious open reading frame YMR013C-A 150 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR018W YMR018W Putative protein of unknown function with similarity to human PEX5Rp YMR018W 1545 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR027W YMR027W Putative protein of unknown function YMR027W 1413 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR030W-A YMR030W-A Putative protein of unknown function YMR030W-A 291 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR031W-A YMR031W-A Dubious open reading frame YMR031W-A 327 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR034C YMR034C Putative transporter YMR034C 1305 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR045C YMR045C Retrotransposon TYA Gag and TYB Pol genes YMR045C 5268 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR046C YMR046C Retrotransposon TYA Gag gene co-transcribed with TYB Pol YMR046C 1323 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR046W-A YMR046W-A Dubious open reading frame YMR046W-A 129 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR050C YMR050C Retrotransposon TYA Gag and TYB Pol genes YMR050C 5268 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR051C YMR051C Retrotransposon TYA Gag gene co-transcribed with TYB Pol YMR051C 1323 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR052C-A YMR052C-A Dubious open reading frame YMR052C-A 366 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR057C YMR057C Dubious open reading frame YMR057C 372 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR074C YMR074C Protein with homology to human PDCD5 YMR074C 438 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR075C-A YMR075C-A Dubious open reading frame YMR075C-A 366 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR082C YMR082C Dubious open reading frame YMR082C 357 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR084W YMR084W Putative protein of unknown function YMR084W 789 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR085W YMR085W Putative protein of unknown function YMR085W 1299 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR086C-A YMR086C-A Dubious open reading frame YMR086C-A 339 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR087W YMR087W Putative ADP-ribose-1''-monophosphatase YMR087W 855 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR090W YMR090W Putative protein of unknown function YMR090W 684 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR099C YMR099C Glucose-6-phosphate 1-epimerase (hexose-6-phosphate mutarotase) YMR099C 894 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJR110W YMR1 Phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate (PI3P) phosphatase YJR110W 2067 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR102C YMR102C Protein of unknown function YMR102C 2505 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR103C YMR103C Dubious open reading frame YMR103C 363 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR105W-A YMR105W-A Putative protein of unknown function YMR105W-A 195 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR111C YMR111C Protein of unknown function YMR111C 1389 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR114C YMR114C Protein of unknown function YMR114C 1107 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR119W-A YMR119W-A Dubious open reading frame YMR119W-A 375 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR122C YMR122C Dubious open reading frame YMR122C 375 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR122W-A YMR122W-A Protein of unknown function YMR122W-A 255 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR130W YMR130W Putative protein of unknown function YMR130W 909 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR135W-A YMR135W-A Dubious open reading frame YMR135W-A 534 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR141C YMR141C Dubious open reading frame YMR141C 309 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR141W-A YMR141W-A Dubious open reading frame YMR141W-A 225 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR144W YMR144W Putative protein of unknown function YMR144W 1029 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR147W YMR147W Putative protein of unknown function YMR147W 672 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR153C-A YMR153C-A Dubious open reading frame YMR153C-A 336 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR155W YMR155W Putative protein of unknown function YMR155W 1644 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR158C-A YMR158C-A Putative protein of unknown function YMR158C-A 138 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR158W-B YMR158W-B Dubious open reading frame YMR158W-B 321 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR160W YMR160W Protein of unknown function YMR160W 2451 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR166C YMR166C Predicted transporter of the mitochondrial inner membrane YMR166C 1107 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR172C-A YMR172C-A Dubious open reading frame YMR172C-A 384 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR173W-A YMR173W-A Dubious open reading frame YMR173W-A 1185 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR175W-A YMR175W-A Putative protein of unknown function YMR175W-A 195 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR178W YMR178W Protein of unknown function YMR178W 825 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR181C YMR181C Protein of unknown function YMR181C 465 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR187C YMR187C Putative protein of unknown function YMR187C 1296 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR193C-A YMR193C-A Dubious open reading frame YMR193C-A 387 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR194C-A YMR194C-A Dubious open reading frame YMR194C-A 225 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR196W YMR196W Putative protein of unknown function YMR196W 3267 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR206W YMR206W Putative protein of unknown function YMR206W 942 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR209C YMR209C Putative S-adenosylmethionine-dependent methyltransferase YMR209C 1374 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR210W YMR210W Putative acyltransferase with similarity to Eeb1p and Eht1p YMR210W 1350 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR221C YMR221C Putative protein of unknown function YMR221C 1515 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR226C YMR226C NADP(+)-dependent serine dehydrogenase and carbonyl reductase YMR226C 804 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR230W-A YMR230W-A Putative protein of unknown function YMR230W-A 189 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR242W-A YMR242W-A Putative protein of unknown function YMR242W-A 90 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR244W YMR244W Putative protein of unknown function YMR244W 1068 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR245W YMR245W Dubious open reading frame YMR245W 621 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR247W-A YMR247W-A Putative protein of unknown function YMR247W-A 144 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR252C YMR252C Putative protein of unknown function YMR252C 405 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR253C YMR253C Putative protein of unknown function YMR253C 1245 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR254C YMR254C Dubious open reading frame YMR254C 309 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR262W YMR262W Protein of unknown function YMR262W 942 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR265C YMR265C Putative protein of unknown function YMR265C 1386 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR272W-A YMR272W-A Dubious open reading frame YMR272W-A 114 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR272W-B YMR272W-B Protein of unknown function YMR272W-B 108 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR279C YMR279C Putative boron transporter involved in boron efflux and resistance YMR279C 1623 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR290W-A YMR290W-A Dubious open reading frame YMR290W-A 348 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR294W-A YMR294W-A Dubious open reading frame YMR294W-A 360 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR295C YMR295C Protein of unknown function that associates with ribosomes YMR295C 594 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR304C-A YMR304C-A Dubious open reading frame YMR304C-A 351 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR306C-A YMR306C-A Dubious open reading frame YMR306C-A 390 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR307C-A YMR307C-A Dubious open reading frame YMR307C-A 195 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YFR049W YMR31 Mitochondrial ribosomal protein of the small subunit YFR049W 372 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR310C YMR310C Putative methyltransferase YMR310C 954 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR315W YMR315W Protein with NADP(H) oxidoreductase activity YMR315W 1050 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR315W-A YMR315W-A Putative protein of unknown function YMR315W-A 108 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR316C-A YMR316C-A Protein of unknown function YMR316C-A 312 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR316C-B YMR316C-B Dubious open reading frame YMR316C-B 309 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR317W YMR317W Putative protein of unknown function YMR317W 3423 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR320W YMR320W Dubious open reading frame YMR320W 306 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR321C YMR321C Putative protein of unknown function YMR321C 318 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR324C YMR324C Dubious open reading frame YMR324C 243 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR326C YMR326C Dubious open reading frame YMR326C 309 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YER005W YND1 Apyrase with wide substrate specificity YER005W 1893 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR064C YNG1 Subunit of the NuA3 histone acetyltransferase complex YOR064C 660 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YHR090C YNG2 Subunit of NuA4, an essential histone acetyltransferase complex YHR090C 849 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL067W YNK1 Nucleoside diphosphate kinase YKL067W 462 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL010W YNL010W Putative protein of unknown function YNL010W 726 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL011C YNL011C Putative protein of unknown function YNL011C 1335 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL013C YNL013C Dubious open reading frame YNL013C 378 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL017C YNL017C Dubious open reading frame YNL017C 339 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL018C YNL018C Putative protein of unknown function YNL018C 1839 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL019C YNL019C Putative protein of unknown function YNL019C 855 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL024C YNL024C Putative methyltransferase YNL024C 741 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL028W YNL028W Dubious open reading frame YNL028W 318 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL033W YNL033W Putative protein of unknown function YNL033W 855 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL034W YNL034W Putative protein of unknown function YNL034W 1839 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL035C YNL035C Nuclear protein of unknown function YNL035C 1170 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL040W YNL040W Putative protein of unknown function YNL040W 1371 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL042W-B YNL042W-B Putative protein of unknown function YNL042W-B 258 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL043C YNL043C Dubious open reading frame YNL043C 321 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL046W YNL046W Putative protein of unknown function YNL046W 519 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL050C YNL050C Putative protein of unknown function YNL050C 813 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL054W-A YNL054W-A Retrotransposon TYA Gag gene co-transcribed with TYB Pol YNL054W-A 1323 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL054W-B YNL054W-B TyB Gag-Pol protein YNL054W-B 5250 nt pseudogene yeastyeast
YNL057W YNL057W Dubious open reading frame YNL057W 333 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL058C YNL058C Putative protein of unknown function YNL058C 951 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL067W-A YNL067W-A Dubious open reading frame YNL067W-A 147 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL067W-B YNL067W-B Putative protein of unknown function YNL067W-B 141 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL089C YNL089C Dubious open reading frame unlikely to encode a functional protein YNL089C 477 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL092W YNL092W Putative S-adenosylmethionine-dependent methyltransferase YNL092W 1203 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL095C YNL095C Putative protein of unknown function YNL095C 1929 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL097C-B YNL097C-B Putative protein of unknown function YNL097C-B 123 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL097W-A YNL097W-A Dubious open reading frame YNL097W-A 156 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL103W-A YNL103W-A Dubious open reading frame YNL103W-A 90 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL108C YNL108C Protein phosphatase YNL108C 813 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL109W YNL109W Dubious open reading frame YNL109W 546 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL114C YNL114C Dubious open reading frame YNL114C 372 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL115C YNL115C Putative protein of unknown function YNL115C 1935 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL120C YNL120C Dubious open reading frame YNL120C 486 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL122C YNL122C Putative protein of unknown function YNL122C 348 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL134C YNL134C Protein of unknown function YNL134C 1131 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL140C YNL140C Protein of unknown function YNL140C 570 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL143C YNL143C Protein of unknown function YNL143C 393 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL144C YNL144C Putative protein of unknown function YNL144C 2223 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL144W-A YNL144W-A Dubious open reading frame YNL144W-A 84 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL146C-A YNL146C-A Putative protein of unknown function YNL146C-A 195 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL146W YNL146W Putative protein of unknown function YNL146W 303 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL150W YNL150W Dubious open reading frame YNL150W 408 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL162W-A YNL162W-A Putative protein of unknown function YNL162W-A 219 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL165W YNL165W Putative protein of unknown function YNL165W 1221 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL170W YNL170W Dubious open reading frame YNL170W 396 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL171C YNL171C Dubious open reading frame YNL171C 369 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL174W YNL174W Dubious open reading frame YNL174W 573 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL179C YNL179C Dubious open reading frame YNL179C 438 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL181W YNL181W Putative oxidoreductase YNL181W 1224 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL184C YNL184C Protein of unknown function YNL184C 327 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL190W YNL190W Hydrophilin essential in desiccation-rehydration process YNL190W 615 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL193W YNL193W Putative protein of unknown function YNL193W 1677 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL194C YNL194C Integral membrane protein YNL194C 906 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL195C YNL195C Protein of unknown function YNL195C 786 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL198C YNL198C Dubious open reading frame YNL198C 303 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL200C YNL200C NADHX epimerase YNL200C 741 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL203C YNL203C Dubious open reading frame YNL203C 612 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL205C YNL205C Dubious open reading frame YNL205C 423 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL208W YNL208W Protein of unknown function YNL208W 600 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL211C YNL211C Putative protein of unknown function YNL211C 261 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL217W YNL217W Putative protein of unknown function YNL217W 981 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL226W YNL226W Dubious open reading frame YNL226W 411 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL228W YNL228W Dubious open reading frame YNL228W 777 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL234W YNL234W Protein of unknown function with similarity to globins YNL234W 1281 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL235C YNL235C Dubious open reading frame YNL235C 432 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL247W YNL247W Cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase YNL247W 2304 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL266W YNL266W Dubious open reading frame YNL266W 420 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL276C YNL276C Dubious open reading frame YNL276C 396 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL277W-A YNL277W-A Putative protein of unknown function YNL277W-A 189 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL284C-A YNL284C-A Retrotransposon TYA Gag gene co-transcribed with TYB Pol YNL284C-A 1323 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL284C-B YNL284C-B Retrotransposon TYA Gag and TYB Pol genes YNL284C-B 5268 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL285W YNL285W Dubious open reading frame YNL285W 372 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL295W YNL295W Putative protein of unknown function YNL295W 1575 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL296W YNL296W Dubious open reading frame unlikely to encode a functional protein YNL296W 315 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL303W YNL303W Dubious open reading frame YNL303W 348 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL319W YNL319W Dubious open reading frame YNL319W 441 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL320W YNL320W Putative protein of unknown function YNL320W 855 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL324W YNL324W Dubious open reading frame YNL324W 396 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL337W YNL337W Dubious open reading frame YNL337W 255 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL338W YNL338W Dubious open reading frame YNL338W 159 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL339W-A YNL339W-A Protein of unknown function YNL339W-A 576 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL339W-B YNL339W-B Protein of unknown function YNL339W-B 483 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNR001W-A YNR001W-A Dubious open reading frame unlikely to encode a functional protein YNR001W-A 219 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNR005C YNR005C Dubious open reading frame YNR005C 405 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNR014W YNR014W Putative protein of unknown function YNR014W 639 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNR021W YNR021W Putative protein of unknown function YNR021W 1215 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNR025C YNR025C Dubious open reading frame YNR025C 360 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNR029C YNR029C Putative protein of unknown function YNR029C 1290 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNR034W-A YNR034W-A Putative protein of unknown function YNR034W-A 297 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNR040W YNR040W Putative protein of unknown function YNR040W 771 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNR042W YNR042W Dubious open reading frame YNR042W 429 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNR048W YNR048W Potential noncatalytic subunit for phospholipid translocase Dnf3p YNR048W 1182 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNR061C YNR061C Protein of unknown function YNR061C 660 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNR062C YNR062C Putative membrane protein of unknown function YNR062C 984 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNR063W YNR063W Putative zinc-cluster protein of unknown function YNR063W 1824 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNR064C YNR064C Epoxide hydrolase YNR064C 873 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNR065C YNR065C Protein of unknown function YNR065C 3351 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNR066C YNR066C Putative membrane-localized protein of unknown function YNR066C 1311 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNR068C YNR068C Putative protein of unknown function YNR068C 819 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNR071C YNR071C Putative aldose 1-epimerase YNR071C 1029 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNR073C YNR073C Putative mannitol dehydrogenase YNR073C 1509 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNR075C-A YNR075C-A Protein of unknown function YNR075C-A 93 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNR077C YNR077C Protein of unknown function, abundance changes with carbon source YNR077C 255 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOL013W-A YOL013W-A Putative protein of unknown function YOL013W-A 192 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOL013W-B YOL013W-B Dubious open reading frame YOL013W-B 291 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOL014W YOL014W Putative protein of unknown function YOL014W 375 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOL019W YOL019W Protein of unknown function YOL019W 1656 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOL019W-A YOL019W-A Protein of unknown function YOL019W-A 153 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOL024W YOL024W Putative protein of unknown function YOL024W 519 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOL029C YOL029C Putative protein of unknown function YOL029C 606 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOL035C YOL035C Dubious open reading frame YOL035C 303 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOL036W YOL036W Protein of unknown function YOL036W 2286 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOL037C YOL037C Dubious open reading frame YOL037C 354 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOL038C-A YOL038C-A Putative protein of unknown function YOL038C-A 96 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOL046C YOL046C Dubious open reading frame YOL046C 675 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOL050C YOL050C Dubious open reading frame YOL050C 321 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOL057W YOL057W Dipeptidyl-peptidase III YOL057W 2136 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOL075C YOL075C Putative ABC transporter YOL075C 3885 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOL079W YOL079W Dubious open reading frame YOL079W 399 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOL083C-A YOL083C-A Dubious open reading frame YOL083C-A 141 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOL085C YOL085C Dubious open reading frame YOL085C 342 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOL085W-A YOL085W-A Dubious open reading frame YOL085W-A 213 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOL097W-A YOL097W-A Putative protein of unknown function YOL097W-A 186 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOL098C YOL098C Putative metalloprotease YOL098C 3114 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOL099C YOL099C Dubious open reading frame YOL099C 492 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOL103W-A YOL103W-A Retrotransposon TYA Gag gene co-transcribed with TYB Pol YOL103W-A 1323 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOL103W-B YOL103W-B Retrotransposon TYA Gag and TYB Pol genes YOL103W-B 5268 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOL106W YOL106W Dubious open reading frame YOL106W 354 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOL107W YOL107W Putative protein of unknown function YOL107W 1029 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOL114C YOL114C Putative protein of unknown function with similarity to human ICT1 YOL114C 609 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOL118C YOL118C Dubious open reading frame YOL118C 309 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOL131W YOL131W Putative protein of unknown function YOL131W 327 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOL134C YOL134C Dubious open reading frame YOL134C 390 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOL150C YOL150C Dubious open reading frame YOL150C 312 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOL153C YOL153C Hypothetical protein YOL153C 1746 nt pseudogene yeastyeast
YOL155W-A YOL155W-A Putative protein of unknown function YOL155W-A 135 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOL159C YOL159C Soluble protein of unknown function YOL159C 516 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOL159C-A YOL159C-A Protein of unknown function YOL159C-A 273 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOL160W YOL160W Dubious open reading frame YOL160W 342 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOL162W YOL162W Putative protein of unknown function YOL162W 648 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOL163W YOL163W Putative protein of unknown function YOL163W 510 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOL164W-A YOL164W-A Putative protein of unknown function YOL164W-A 183 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOL166C YOL166C Dubious open reading frame YOL166C 339 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOL166W-A YOL166W-A Protein of unknown function YOL166W-A 156 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR028W YOP1 Membrane protein that interacts with Yip1p to mediate membrane traffic YPR028W 543 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR008C-A YOR008C-A Putative protein of unknown function YOR008C-A 225 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR008W-B YOR008W-B Dubious open reading frame YOR008W-B 102 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR011W-A YOR011W-A Putative protein of unknown function YOR011W-A 207 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR012W YOR012W Putative protein of unknown function YOR012W 414 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR015W YOR015W Dubious open reading frame YOR015W 360 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR019W YOR019W Protein of unknown function YOR019W 2193 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR020W-A YOR020W-A Putative protein of unknown function YOR020W-A 273 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR022C YOR022C Putative carboxylic ester hydrolase YOR022C 2148 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR024W YOR024W Dubious open reading frame YOR024W 324 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR029W YOR029W Dubious open reading frame YOR029W 336 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR032W-A YOR032W-A Protein of unknown function YOR032W-A 201 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR034C-A YOR034C-A Putative protein of unknown function YOR034C-A 243 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR041C YOR041C Dubious open reading frame YOR041C 432 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR050C YOR050C Dubious open reading frame YOR050C 348 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR053W YOR053W Dubious open reading frame YOR053W 342 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR055W YOR055W Dubious open reading frame YOR055W 435 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR062C YOR062C Protein of unknown function YOR062C 807 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR072W YOR072W Dubious open reading frame YOR072W 315 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR072W-A YOR072W-A Dubious open reading frame YOR072W-A 249 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR072W-B YOR072W-B Putative protein of unknown function YOR072W-B 162 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR073W-A YOR073W-A Dubious open reading frame YOR073W-A 234 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR082C YOR082C Dubious open reading frame YOR082C 342 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR093C YOR093C Putative protein of unknown function YOR093C 4947 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR097C YOR097C Putative protein of unknown function YOR097C 528 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YGR281W YOR1 Plasma membrane ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter YGR281W 4434 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR102W YOR102W Dubious open reading frame YOR102W 351 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR105W YOR105W Protein of unknown function YOR105W 327 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR108C-A YOR108C-A Protein of unknown function YOR108C-A 210 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR111W YOR111W Putative protein of unknown function YOR111W 699 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR114W YOR114W Putative protein of unknown function YOR114W 885 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR121C YOR121C Dubious open reading frame YOR121C 306 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR131C YOR131C Putative haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase YOR131C 657 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR139C YOR139C Dubious open reading frame YOR139C 393 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR142W-A YOR142W-A Retrotransposon TYA Gag gene co-transcribed with TYB Pol YOR142W-A 1323 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR142W-B YOR142W-B Retrotransposon TYA Gag and TYB Pol genes YOR142W-B 5268 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR146W YOR146W Dubious open reading frame YOR146W 306 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR152C YOR152C Putative protein of unknown function YOR152C 771 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR161W-A YOR161W-A Protein of unknown function YOR161W-A 81 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR161W-B YOR161W-B Protein of unknown function YOR161W-B 261 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR169C YOR169C Dubious open reading frame YOR169C 465 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR170W YOR170W Dubious open reading frame YOR170W 306 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR186C-A YOR186C-A Protein of unknown function YOR186C-A 210 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR186W YOR186W Putative protein of unknown function YOR186W 435 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR192C-A YOR192C-A Retrotransposon TYA Gag gene co-transcribed with TYB Pol YOR192C-A 1317 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR192C-B YOR192C-B Retrotransposon TYA Gag and TYB Pol genes YOR192C-B 5313 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR192C-C YOR192C-C Putative protein of unknown function YOR192C-C 237 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR199W YOR199W Dubious open reading frame YOR199W 330 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR200W YOR200W Dubious open reading frame YOR200W 399 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR203W YOR203W Dubious open reading frame YOR203W 354 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR218C YOR218C Dubious open reading frame YOR218C 420 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR225W YOR225W Dubious open reading frame YOR225W 330 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR231C-A YOR231C-A Protein of unknown function YOR231C-A 201 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR238W YOR238W Putative protein of unknown function YOR238W 912 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR248W YOR248W Dubious open reading frame YOR248W 303 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR263C YOR263C Dubious open reading frame YOR263C 408 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR268C YOR268C Putative protein of unknown function YOR268C 399 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR277C YOR277C Dubious open reading frame YOR277C 309 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR282W YOR282W Dubious open reading frame YOR282W 321 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR283W YOR283W Phosphatase with a broad substrate specificity YOR283W 693 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR289W YOR289W Putative protein of unknown function YOR289W 756 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR292C YOR292C Putative protein of unknown function YOR292C 930 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR293C-A YOR293C-A Putative protein of unknown function YOR293C-A 150 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR296W YOR296W Putative protein of unknown function YOR296W 3870 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR300W YOR300W Dubious open reading frame YOR300W 309 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR302W YOR302W CPA1 uORF YOR302W 78 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR309C YOR309C Dubious open reading frame YOR309C 381 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR314W YOR314W Dubious open reading frame YOR314W 330 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR314W-A YOR314W-A Dubious open reading frame YOR314W-A 111 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR316C-A YOR316C-A Putative protein of unknown function YOR316C-A 210 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR318C YOR318C Dubious open reading frame YOR318C 306 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR325W YOR325W Dubious open reading frame YOR325W 474 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR329W-A YOR329W-A Dubious open reading frame unlikely to encode a functional protein YOR329W-A 210 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR331C YOR331C Dubious open reading frame YOR331C 558 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR333C YOR333C Dubious open reading frame YOR333C 417 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR335W-A YOR335W-A Dubious open reading frame YOR335W-A 81 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR338W YOR338W Putative protein of unknown function YOR338W 1092 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR342C YOR342C Protein of unknown function YOR342C 960 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR343C YOR343C Dubious open reading frame YOR343C 327 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR343W-A YOR343W-A Retrotransposon TYA Gag gene co-transcribed with TYB Pol YOR343W-A 1317 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR343W-B YOR343W-B Retrotransposon TYA Gag and TYB Pol genes YOR343W-B 5313 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR345C YOR345C Dubious open reading frame YOR345C 351 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR364W YOR364W Dubious open reading frame YOR364W 369 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR365C YOR365C Putative protein of unknown function YOR365C 2112 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR366W YOR366W Dubious open reading frame YOR366W 354 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR376W YOR376W Dubious open reading frame YOR376W 369 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR376W-A YOR376W-A Putative protein of unknown function YOR376W-A 156 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR379C YOR379C Dubious open reading frame YOR379C 339 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR381W-A YOR381W-A Putative protein of unknown function YOR381W-A 168 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR385W YOR385W Putative protein of unknown function YOR385W 873 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR387C YOR387C Putative protein of unknown function YOR387C 621 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR389W YOR389W Putative protein of unknown function YOR389W 1875 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR392W YOR392W Dubious open reading frame YOR392W 444 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR394C-A YOR394C-A Protein of unknown function YOR394C-A 168 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR396C-A YOR396C-A Protein of unknown function YOR396C-A 483 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YER074W-A YOS1 Integral membrane protein required for ER to Golgi transport YER074W-A 258 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YDR057W YOS9 ER quality-control lectin YDR057W 1629 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YML027W YOX1 Homeobox transcriptional repressor YML027W 1158 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YBR183W YPC1 Alkaline ceramidase YBR183W 951 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YDL235C YPD1 Osmotic stress-responsive phosphorelay intermediate sensor protein YDL235C 504 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YFR003C YPI1 Regulatory subunit of the type I protein phosphatase (PP1) Glc7p YFR003C 468 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL126W YPK1 Serine/threonine protein kinase YKL126W 2043 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR104C YPK2 Protein kinase similar to serine/threonine protein kinase Ypk1p YMR104C 2034 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YBR028C YPK3 AGC kinase YBR028C 1578 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR291W YPK9 Vacuolar protein with a possible role in sequestering heavy metals YOR291W 4419 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL014W YPL014W Putative protein of unknown function YPL014W 1146 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL025C YPL025C Dubious open reading frame YPL025C 558 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL034W YPL034W Putative protein of unknown function YPL034W 498 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL035C YPL035C Dubious open reading frame YPL035C 348 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL038W-A YPL038W-A Putative protein of unknown function YPL038W-A 192 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL039W YPL039W Putative protein of unknown function YPL039W 951 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL041C YPL041C Protein of unknown function involved in maintenance of telomere length YPL041C 624 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL044C YPL044C Dubious open reading frame YPL044C 549 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL060C-A YPL060C-A TyA Gag protein YPL060C-A 3315 nt pseudogene yeastyeast
YPL062W YPL062W Dubious open reading frame YPL062W 405 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL067C YPL067C Putative protein of unknown function YPL067C 597 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL068C YPL068C Protein of unknown function YPL068C 882 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL071C YPL071C Putative protein of unknown function YPL071C 471 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL073C YPL073C Dubious open reading frame YPL073C 486 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL077C YPL077C Putative protein of unknown function YPL077C 723 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL080C YPL080C Dubious open reading frame YPL080C 327 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL088W YPL088W Putative aryl alcohol dehydrogenase YPL088W 1029 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL102C YPL102C Dubious open reading frame YPL102C 303 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL107W YPL107W Putative protein of unknown function YPL107W 747 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL108W YPL108W Cytoplasmic protein of unknown function YPL108W 507 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL109C YPL109C Putative protein of unknown function YPL109C 1974 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL113C YPL113C Glyoxylate reductase YPL113C 1191 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL114W YPL114W Dubious open reading frame YPL114W 420 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL119C-A YPL119C-A Putative protein of unknown function YPL119C-A 264 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL135C-A YPL135C-A Protein of unknown function YPL135C-A 174 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL136W YPL136W Dubious open reading frame YPL136W 369 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL142C YPL142C Dubious open reading frame YPL142C 318 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL150W YPL150W Protein kinase of unknown cellular role YPL150W 2706 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL152W-A YPL152W-A Protein of unknown function YPL152W-A 99 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL162C YPL162C Putative protein of unknown function YPL162C 822 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL168W YPL168W Putative protein of unknown function YPL168W 1293 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL182C YPL182C Dubious open reading frame YPL182C 384 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL185W YPL185W Dubious open reading frame YPL185W 396 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL191C YPL191C Putative protein of unknown function YPL191C 1083 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL197C YPL197C Dubious open reading frame YPL197C 414 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL199C YPL199C Putative protein of unknown function YPL199C 723 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL205C YPL205C Hypothetical protein YPL205C 345 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL216W YPL216W Putative protein of unknown function YPL216W 3309 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL222C-A YPL222C-A Protein of unknown function YPL222C-A 246 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL225W YPL225W Protein of unknown function YPL225W 441 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL229W YPL229W Putative protein of unknown function YPL229W 621 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL238C YPL238C Dubious open reading frame YPL238C 390 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL245W YPL245W Putative protein of unknown function YPL245W 1365 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL247C YPL247C Putative protein of unknown function YPL247C 1572 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL250W-A YPL250W-A Dubious open reading frame YPL250W-A 288 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL251W YPL251W Dubious open reading frame YPL251W 303 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL257W YPL257W Putative protein of unknown function YPL257W 582 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL257W-A YPL257W-A Retrotransposon TYA Gag gene co-transcribed with TYB Pol YPL257W-A 1323 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL257W-B YPL257W-B Retrotransposon TYA Gag and TYB Pol genes YPL257W-B 5268 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL260W YPL260W Putative substrate of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) YPL260W 1656 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL261C YPL261C Dubious open reading frame YPL261C 309 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL264C YPL264C Putative membrane protein of unknown function YPL264C 1062 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL276W YPL276W NAD(+)-dependent formate dehydrogenase YPL276W 438 nt pseudogene yeastyeast
YPL277C YPL277C Putative protein of unknown function YPL277C 1464 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL278C YPL278C Putative protein of unknown function YPL278C 303 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL283W-A YPL283W-A Protein of unknown function YPL283W-A 576 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL283W-B YPL283W-B Protein of unknown function YPL283W-B 483 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YGR198W YPP1 Cargo-transport protein involved in endocytosis YGR198W 2454 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOL092W YPQ1 Putative vacuolar membrane transporter for cationic amino acids YOL092W 927 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YDR352W YPQ2 Putative vacuolar membrane transporter for cationic amino acids YDR352W 954 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR002C-A YPR002C-A Dubious open reading frame YPR002C-A 198 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR003C YPR003C Putative sulfate permease YPR003C 2265 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR010C-A YPR010C-A Putative protein of unknown function YPR010C-A 219 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR011C YPR011C Mitochondrial transporter YPR011C 981 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR012W YPR012W Dubious open reading frame YPR012W 255 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR014C YPR014C Dubious open reading frame YPR014C 330 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR015C YPR015C Putative protein of unknown function YPR015C 744 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR016W-A YPR016W-A Dubious open reading frame YPR016W-A 261 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR022C YPR022C Putative transcription factor, as suggested by computational analysis YPR022C 3402 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR027C YPR027C Putative protein of unknown function YPR027C 834 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR039W YPR039W Dubious open reading frame YPR039W 336 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR050C YPR050C Dubious open reading frame YPR050C 414 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR053C YPR053C Dubious open reading frame YPR053C 456 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR059C YPR059C Dubious open reading frame YPR059C 387 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR063C YPR063C ER-localized protein of unknown function YPR063C 423 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR064W YPR064W Dubious open reading frame YPR064W 420 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR071W YPR071W Putative membrane protein YPR071W 636 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR074W-A YPR074W-A Hypothetical protein identified by homology YPR074W-A 171 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR076W YPR076W Dubious open reading frame YPR076W 375 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR077C YPR077C Dubious open reading frame YPR077C 372 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR078C YPR078C Putative protein of unknown function YPR078C 1119 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR084W YPR084W Putative protein of unknown function YPR084W 1371 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR089W YPR089W Protein of unknown function YPR089W 2667 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR092W YPR092W Dubious open reading frame YPR092W 306 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR096C YPR096C Protein of unknown function YPR096C 303 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR097W YPR097W Protein that contains a PX domain and binds phosphoinositides YPR097W 3222 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR098C YPR098C Protein of unknown function YPR098C 486 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR099C YPR099C Dubious open reading frame YPR099C 357 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YDR368W YPR1 NADPH-dependent aldo-keto reductase YDR368W 939 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR108W-A YPR108W-A Putative protein of unknown function YPR108W-A 213 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR109W YPR109W Predicted membrane protein YPR109W 885 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR114W YPR114W Putative protein of unknown function YPR114W 948 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR117W YPR117W Putative protein of unknown function YPR117W 7470 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR123C YPR123C Dubious open reading frame YPR123C 435 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR126C YPR126C Dubious open reading frame YPR126C 309 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR127W YPR127W Putative pyridoxine 4-dehydrogenase YPR127W 1038 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR130C YPR130C Dubious open reading frame YPR130C 408 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR136C YPR136C Dubious open reading frame YPR136C 513 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR137C-A YPR137C-A Retrotransposon TYA Gag gene co-transcribed with TYB Pol YPR137C-A 1323 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR137C-B YPR137C-B Retrotransposon TYA Gag and TYB Pol genes YPR137C-B 5268 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR142C YPR142C Dubious open reading frame YPR142C 564 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR145C-A YPR145C-A Putative protein of unknown function YPR145C-A 237 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR146C YPR146C Dubious open reading frame YPR146C 330 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR147C YPR147C Putative protein of unknown function YPR147C 915 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR148C YPR148C Protein of unknown function YPR148C 1308 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR150W YPR150W Dubious open reading frame YPR150W 522 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR153W YPR153W Putative protein of unknown function YPR153W 423 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR158C-C YPR158C-C Retrotransposon TYA Gag gene co-transcribed with TYB Pol YPR158C-C 1323 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR158C-D YPR158C-D Retrotransposon TYA Gag and TYB Pol genes YPR158C-D 5268 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR158W-A YPR158W-A Retrotransposon TYA Gag gene co-transcribed with TYB Pol YPR158W-A 1323 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR158W-B YPR158W-B Retrotransposon TYA Gag and TYB Pol genes YPR158W-B 5271 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR159C-A YPR159C-A Protein of unknown function YPR159C-A 102 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR160C-A YPR160C-A Protein of unknown function YPR160C-A 285 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR160W-A YPR160W-A Dubious open reading frame YPR160W-A 81 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR169W-A YPR169W-A Dubious open reading frame YPR169W-A 219 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR170C YPR170C Dubious open reading frame YPR170C 336 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR170W-A YPR170W-A Dubious open reading frame YPR170W-A 186 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR170W-B YPR170W-B Putative protein of unknown function YPR170W-B 258 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR172W YPR172W Putative pyridoxal 5'-phosphate synthase YPR172W 603 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR174C YPR174C Protein of unknown function YPR174C 666 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR177C YPR177C Dubious open reading frame YPR177C 372 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR195C YPR195C Dubious open reading frame YPR195C 330 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR196W YPR196W Putative maltose-responsive transcription factor YPR196W 1413 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR197C YPR197C Dubious open reading frame YPR197C 564 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR202W YPR202W Putative protein of unknown function YPR202W 717 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR203W YPR203W Putative protein of unknown function YPR203W 309 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR204C-A YPR204C-A Protein of unknown function YPR204C-A 483 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR204W YPR204W DNA helicase encoded within the telomeric Y' element YPR204W 3099 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR120C YPS1 Aspartic protease YLR120C 1710 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR121C YPS3 Aspartic protease YLR121C 1527 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YGL259W YPS5 Protein with similarity to GPI-anchored aspartic proteases YGL259W 498 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YIR039C YPS6 Putative GPI-anchored aspartic protease YIR039C 1614 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YDR349C YPS7 Putative GPI-anchored aspartic protease YDR349C 1791 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YFL038C YPT1 Rab family GTPase YFL038C 621 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YBR264C YPT10 Rab family GTP-binding protein YBR264C 600 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL304W YPT11 Rab GTPase YNL304W 1254 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YER031C YPT31 Rab family GTPase YER031C 672 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YGL210W YPT32 Rab family GTPase involved in the exocytic pathway YGL210W 669 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YHR105W YPT35 Endosomal protein of unknown function YHR105W 645 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKR014C YPT52 Endosomal Rab family GTPase YKR014C 705 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL093W YPT53 Stress-induced Rab family GTPase YNL093W 663 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR262C YPT6 Rab family GTPase YLR262C 648 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YML001W YPT7 Rab family GTPase YML001W 627 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YDR381W YRA1 Nuclear polyadenylated RNA-binding protein YDR381W 681 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL214C YRA2 Member of the REF (RNA and export factor binding proteins) family YKL214C 612 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YDR002W YRB1 Ran GTPase binding protein YDR002W 606 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YIL063C YRB2 Protein of unknown function YIL063C 984 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YGL164C YRB30 RanGTP-binding protein YGL164C 1323 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YDR545W YRF1-1 Helicase encoded by the Y' element of subtelomeric regions YDR545W 5391 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YER190W YRF1-2 Helicase encoded by the Y' element of subtelomeric regions YER190W 5046 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YGR296W YRF1-3 Helicase encoded by the Y' element of subtelomeric regions YGR296W 5580 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR466W YRF1-4 Helicase encoded by the Y' element of subtelomeric regions YLR466W 4149 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR467W YRF1-5 Helicase encoded by the Y' element of subtelomeric regions YLR467W 5391 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL339C YRF1-6 Helicase encoded by the Y' element of subtelomeric regions YNL339C 5580 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL283C YRF1-7 Helicase encoded by the Y' element of subtelomeric regions YPL283C 5580 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR396W YRF1-8 One of several telomeric Y' element-encoded DNA helicases YOR396W 5391 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR172W YRM1 Zinc finger transcription factor involved in multidrug resistance YOR172W 2361 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YBR054W YRO2 Protein of unknown function with similarity to archaeal rhodopsins YBR054W 1035 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR162C YRR1 Zn2-Cys6 zinc-finger transcription factor YOR162C 2433 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YBR111C YSA1 Nudix hydrolase family member with ADP-ribose pyrophosphatase activity YBR111C 696 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YHR017W YSC83 Non-essential mitochondrial protein of unknown function YHR017W 1158 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YHR016C YSC84 Actin-binding protein YHR016C 1407 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL138W-A YSF3 Component of the SF3b subcomplex of the U2 snRNP YNL138W-A 258 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR277C YSH1 Putative endoribonuclease YLR277C 2340 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YHR155W YSP1 Mitochondrial protein YHR155W 3687 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YDR326C YSP2 Protein involved in programmed cell death YDR326C 4317 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR003W YSP3 Putative precursor to the subtilisin-like protease III YOR003W 1437 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKR053C YSR3 Dihydrosphingosine 1-phosphate phosphatase YKR053C 1215 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YBR148W YSW1 Protein required for normal prospore membrane formation YBR148W 1830 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YBR162W-A YSY6 Protein of unknown function YBR162W-A 198 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR089C YTA12 Mitochondrial inner membrane m-AAA protease component YMR089C 2478 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPL074W YTA6 Putative ATPase of the CDC48/PAS1/SEC18 (AAA) family YPL074W 2265 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YGR270W YTA7 Protein that localizes to chromatin YGR270W 4140 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YPR107C YTH1 Essential RNA-binding component of cleavage and polyadenylation factor YPR107C 627 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR272W YTM1 Constituent of 66S pre-ribosomal particles YOR272W 1383 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL237W YTP1 Probable type-III integral membrane protein of unknown function YNL237W 1380 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJR099W YUH1 Ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase YJR099W 711 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJL139C YUR1 Mannosyltransferase involved in protein N-glycosylation YJL139C 1287 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOR087W YVC1 Vacuolar cation channel YOR087W 2028 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YIR026C YVH1 Protein phosphatase YIR026C 1095 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YJL056C ZAP1 Zinc-regulated transcription factor YJL056C 2643 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR273C ZDS1 Protein with a role in regulating Swe1p-dependent polarized growth YMR273C 2748 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YML109W ZDS2 Protein with a role in regulating Swe1p-dependent polarized growth YML109W 2829 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOL109W ZEO1 Peripheral membrane protein of the plasma membrane YOL109W 342 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL310C ZIM17 Protein co-chaperone with a zinc finger motif YNL310C 525 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YDR285W ZIP1 Transverse filament protein of the synaptonemal complex YDR285W 2628 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YGL249W ZIP2 Meiosis-specific protein YGL249W 2115 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YGR211W ZPR1 Essential protein with two zinc fingers YGR211W 1461 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YOL154W ZPS1 Putative GPI-anchored protein YOL154W 750 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YMR243C ZRC1 Vacuolar membrane zinc transporter YMR243C 1329 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNR039C ZRG17 Endoplasmic reticulum zinc transporter YNR039C 1818 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YER033C ZRG8 Protein of unknown function YER033C 3231 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YGL255W ZRT1 High-affinity zinc transporter of the plasma membrane YGL255W 1131 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YLR130C ZRT2 Low-affinity zinc transporter of the plasma membrane YLR130C 1269 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YKL175W ZRT3 Vacuolar membrane zinc transporter YKL175W 1512 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YBR046C ZTA1 NADPH-dependent quinone reductase YBR046C 1005 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YGR285C ZUO1 Ribosome-associated chaperone YGR285C 1302 nt protein coding yeastyeast
YNL241C ZWF1 Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) YNL241C 1518 nt protein coding yeastyeast
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