Protein–RNA interactions for Protein: O75940

SMNDC1, Survival of motor neuron-related-splicing factor 30, humanhuman


Length 238 aa.

Protein RNA Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (ENCODE eCLIP)
Gene UniProt Accession Transcript Symbol Ensembl Transcript ID Length Transcript Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score p-Value Fold Change
SMNDC1O75940 EHBP1-209ENST00000431489 5076 ntAPPRIS ALT2 TSL 1 (best) BASIC19.87■□□□□ 0.773e-6■■□□□ 11.5
SMNDC1O75940 EHBP1-201ENST00000263991 5165 ntAPPRIS P3 TSL 1 (best) BASIC10.17□□□□□ -0.783e-6■■□□□ 11.5
SMNDC1O75940 EHBP1-220ENST00000496857 1262 ntTSL 1 (best)9.84□□□□□ -0.833e-6■■□□□ 11.5
SMNDC1O75940 EHBP1-203ENST00000405289 3591 ntTSL 1 (best) BASIC8.06□□□□□ -1.123e-6■■□□□ 11.5
SMNDC1O75940 EHBP1-202ENST00000405015 4108 ntAPPRIS ALT2 TSL 2 BASIC5.45□□□□□ -1.543e-6■■□□□ 11.5
SMNDC1O75940 DDX17-212ENST00000640668 2196 ntAPPRIS ALT2 TSL 1 (best) BASIC18.29■□□□□ 0.524e-17■■□□□ 11.5
SMNDC1O75940 DDX17-211ENST00000640332 2190 ntAPPRIS P3 TSL 1 (best) BASIC18.29■□□□□ 0.524e-17■■□□□ 11.5
SMNDC1O75940 DDX17-203ENST00000403230 2322 ntAPPRIS ALT2 TSL 1 (best)17.15■□□□□ 0.344e-17■■□□□ 11.5
SMNDC1O75940 DDX17-202ENST00000396821 4791 ntAPPRIS ALT2 TSL 1 (best) BASIC14.71□□□□□ -0.064e-17■■□□□ 11.5
SMNDC1O75940 DDX17-201ENST00000216019 6441 ntTSL 1 (best)13.23□□□□□ -0.294e-17■■□□□ 11.5
SMNDC1O75940 GSE1-205ENST00000412692 6625 ntTSL 515.92■□□□□ 0.143e-7■■□□□ 11.5
SMNDC1O75940 C20orf27-203ENST00000399672 1734 ntAPPRIS P1 TSL 224.42■■□□□ 1.52e-6■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 SNX5-206ENST00000469704 696 ntTSL 323.89■■□□□ 1.412e-6■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 SNX5-219ENST00000606602 885 ntTSL 1 (best) BASIC22■■□□□ 1.112e-6■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 POLR2H-208ENST00000456318 1802 ntAPPRIS P1 TSL 5 BASIC21.84■■□□□ 1.098e-12■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 UBE2D3-216ENST00000503742 1977 ntTSL 1 (best)20.55■□□□□ 0.883e-7■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 SNX5-217ENST00000606557 1087 ntBASIC20.51■□□□□ 0.872e-6■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 C20orf27-202ENST00000379772 1886 ntAPPRIS P1 TSL 1 (best) BASIC20.15■□□□□ 0.822e-6■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 SH3BP2-204ENST00000452765 2265 ntAPPRIS P3 TSL 1 (best) BASIC19.93■□□□□ 0.782e-6■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 SEMA3B-205ENST00000434030 1011 ntTSL 319.88■□□□□ 0.777e-6■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 UBE2D3-214ENST00000503282 584 ntTSL 219.67■□□□□ 0.743e-7■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 POLR2H-204ENST00000438240 994 ntTSL 3 BASIC19.43■□□□□ 0.78e-12■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 VARS2-209ENST00000477288 6054 ntTSL 219.16■□□□□ 0.663e-7■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 UBE2D3-201ENST00000321805 1087 ntAPPRIS ALT1 TSL 5 BASIC19.13■□□□□ 0.653e-7■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 UBE2D3-229ENST00000510129 582 ntTSL 319.13■□□□□ 0.653e-7■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 CHRD-215ENST00000485883 568 ntTSL 418.37■□□□□ 0.532e-6■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 CHRD-207ENST00000459711 503 ntTSL 218.04■□□□□ 0.482e-6■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 UBE2D3-220ENST00000505307 743 ntTSL 518■□□□□ 0.473e-7■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 NINL-201ENST00000278886 4969 ntAPPRIS P3 TSL 1 (best) BASIC17.7■□□□□ 0.422e-6■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 C20orf27-201ENST00000217195 1302 ntTSL 2 BASIC17.63■□□□□ 0.412e-6■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 UBE2D3-215ENST00000503418 662 ntTSL 417.54■□□□□ 0.43e-7■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 SNX5-213ENST00000486039 602 ntTSL 1 (best) BASIC17.52■□□□□ 0.42e-6■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 CHRD-216ENST00000486066 546 ntTSL 417.38■□□□□ 0.372e-6■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 SEMA3B-206ENST00000439487 594 ntTSL 317.37■□□□□ 0.377e-6■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 CDKN1A-204ENST00000448526 2104 ntAPPRIS P1 TSL 3 BASIC17.06■□□□□ 0.322e-6■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 B4GALNT4-201ENST00000329962 3444 ntAPPRIS P1 TSL 1 (best) BASIC17.02■□□□□ 0.322e-6■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 CDKN1A-201ENST00000244741 2180 ntAPPRIS P1 TSL 1 (best) BASIC16.84■□□□□ 0.292e-6■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 SNX5-210ENST00000481323 562 ntTSL 3 BASIC16.63■□□□□ 0.252e-6■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 VARS2-212ENST00000542001 4064 ntAPPRIS P1 TSL 1 (best) BASIC16.47■□□□□ 0.233e-7■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 CDKN1A-203ENST00000405375 2267 ntAPPRIS P1 TSL 1 (best) BASIC16.41■□□□□ 0.222e-6■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 VARS2-201ENST00000321897 4073 ntTSL 1 (best) BASIC15.83■□□□□ 0.123e-7■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 UBE2D3-207ENST00000394801 2368 ntAPPRIS ALT1 TSL 1 (best) BASIC15.48■□□□□ 0.073e-7■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 UBE2D3-213ENST00000502690 599 ntTSL 415.36■□□□□ 0.053e-7■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 SH3BP2-223ENST00000512131 615 ntTSL 215.36■□□□□ 0.052e-6■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 VARS2-211ENST00000541562 3566 ntTSL 2 BASIC15.32■□□□□ 0.043e-7■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 VARS2-204ENST00000467717 863 ntTSL 315.12■□□□□ 0.013e-7■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 CDKN1A-208ENST00000615513 2102 ntAPPRIS P1 TSL 2 BASIC14.86□□□□□ -0.032e-6■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 CHRD-214ENST00000482805 608 ntTSL 414.86□□□□□ -0.032e-6■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 UBE2D3-210ENST00000453744 3990 ntAPPRIS ALT1 TSL 1 (best) BASIC14.69□□□□□ -0.063e-7■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 C20orf27-204ENST00000399683 933 ntTSL 214.55□□□□□ -0.082e-6■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 SH3BP2-206ENST00000503219 551 ntTSL 414.51□□□□□ -0.092e-6■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 SH3BP2-215ENST00000510074 649 ntTSL 514.44□□□□□ -0.12e-6■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 SH3BP2-219ENST00000511237 517 ntTSL 514.44□□□□□ -0.12e-6■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 SNX5-204ENST00000431277 840 ntTSL 514.38□□□□□ -0.112e-6■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 CHRD-210ENST00000461684 677 ntTSL 414.37□□□□□ -0.112e-6■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 NINL-203ENST00000422516 3801 ntAPPRIS ALT2 TSL 1 (best) BASIC14.36□□□□□ -0.112e-6■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 VARS2-203ENST00000428017 1103 ntTSL 213.49□□□□□ -0.253e-7■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 CDKN1A-202ENST00000373711 793 ntAPPRIS P1 TSL 5 BASIC13.48□□□□□ -0.252e-6■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 SNX5-203ENST00000419004 778 ntTSL 513.45□□□□□ -0.262e-6■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 UBE2D3-228ENST00000508974 568 ntTSL 413.36□□□□□ -0.273e-7■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 SH3BP2-213ENST00000508385 876 ntTSL 313.18□□□□□ -0.32e-6■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 SH3BP2-208ENST00000504294 557 ntTSL 512.98□□□□□ -0.332e-6■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 OVOL2-204ENST00000486776 550 ntTSL 312.73□□□□□ -0.372e-6■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 FLNA-210ENST00000462590 1026 ntTSL 1 (best)12.66□□□□□ -0.386e-17■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 POLR2H-203ENST00000430783 1159 ntTSL 2 BASIC12.2□□□□□ -0.468e-12■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 UBE2D3-209ENST00000394804 4166 ntAPPRIS ALT1 TSL 5 BASIC12□□□□□ -0.493e-7■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 VARS2-213ENST00000625423 3362 ntTSL 2 BASIC11.68□□□□□ -0.543e-7■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 POLR2H-207ENST00000455712 823 ntTSL 311.31□□□□□ -0.68e-12■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 UBE2D3-231ENST00000513098 702 ntTSL 311.27□□□□□ -0.613e-7■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 AP1G2-216ENST00000554982 716 ntTSL 411.24□□□□□ -0.615e-10■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 ITIH2-202ENST00000379587 2848 ntTSL 5 BASIC11.13□□□□□ -0.632e-6■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 AP1G2-217ENST00000555118 362 ntTSL 511.02□□□□□ -0.655e-10■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 UBE2D3-202ENST00000338145 896 ntAPPRIS ALT1 TSL 5 BASIC10.72□□□□□ -0.693e-7■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 SH3BP2-224ENST00000513020 868 ntTSL 310.71□□□□□ -0.692e-6■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 AP1G2-229ENST00000557132 474 ntTSL 310.66□□□□□ -0.75e-10■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 UBE2D3-208ENST00000394803 2227 ntAPPRIS ALT1 TSL 1 (best) BASIC10.57□□□□□ -0.723e-7■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 AP1G2-224ENST00000556741 353 ntTSL 210.43□□□□□ -0.745e-10■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 UBE2D3-232ENST00000514755 593 ntTSL 410.34□□□□□ -0.753e-7■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 POLR2H-205ENST00000443489 807 ntTSL 2 BASIC10.29□□□□□ -0.768e-12■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 UBE2D3-203ENST00000343106 2389 ntAPPRIS P4 TSL 2 BASIC10.23□□□□□ -0.773e-7■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 UBE2D3-204ENST00000349311 838 ntAPPRIS ALT1 TSL 2 BASIC10.15□□□□□ -0.783e-7■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 ITIH2-201ENST00000358415 3193 ntAPPRIS P1 TSL 1 (best) BASIC10.11□□□□□ -0.792e-6■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 POLR2H-202ENST00000429568 878 ntTSL 2 BASIC10.03□□□□□ -0.88e-12■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 POLR2H-211ENST00000488213 1035 ntTSL 29.78□□□□□ -0.848e-12■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 VARS2-210ENST00000490699 719 ntTSL 39.73□□□□□ -0.852e-6■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 POLR1A-203ENST00000409681 6454 ntTSL 5 BASIC9.65□□□□□ -0.862e-6■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 UBE2D3-212ENST00000502563 680 ntTSL 39.5□□□□□ -0.893e-7■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 POLR2H-212ENST00000489043 433 ntTSL 29.43□□□□□ -0.98e-12■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 AP1G2-212ENST00000554554 2955 ntTSL 29.31□□□□□ -0.925e-10■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 UBE2D3-206ENST00000357194 660 ntTSL 2 BASIC9.26□□□□□ -0.933e-7■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 UBE2D3-227ENST00000508818 584 ntTSL 29.13□□□□□ -0.953e-7■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 POLR2H-206ENST00000452961 791 ntTSL 2 BASIC8.53□□□□□ -1.048e-12■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 AP1G2-219ENST00000555789 318 ntTSL 38.3□□□□□ -1.085e-10■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 UBE2D3-223ENST00000508249 604 ntTSL 48.14□□□□□ -1.113e-7■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 ITIH2-206ENST00000480387 573 ntTSL 38.05□□□□□ -1.122e-6■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 AP1G2-221ENST00000555974 349 ntTSL 37.9□□□□□ -1.145e-10■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 UBE2D3-222ENST00000508238 547 ntTSL 47.72□□□□□ -1.173e-7■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 ITIH2-203ENST00000429820 767 ntTSL 37.55□□□□□ -1.22e-6■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 POLR1A-201ENST00000263857 12749 ntAPPRIS P1 TSL 1 (best) BASIC6.96□□□□□ -1.292e-6■■□□□ 11.4
SMNDC1O75940 SNX5-207ENST00000474883 695 ntTSL 56.55□□□□□ -1.362e-6■■□□□ 11.4
Retrieved 100 of 11,362 protein–RNA pairs in 112.6 ms