RNA–Protein interactions for RNA: YGL092W

NUP145, Transcript of Essential protein with distinct roles in two nuclear pore subcomplexes, yeastyeast

Gene NUP145, Length 3,954 nt, Biotype protein coding.

RNA Protein Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Gene UniProt Accession Length Protein Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
NUP145YGL092W SRP54P20424 541 aaKnown RBP1.31□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W OCA4P25366 362 aa1.31□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W YIH1P25637 258 aa1.31□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W ADK2P26364 225 aa1.31□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W CDC15P27636 974 aa1.31□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W GSH1P32477 678 aa1.31□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W SPO73P40031 143 aa1.31□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W ALG5P40350 334 aa1.31□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W MET18P40469 1032 aa1.31□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W YGL117WP53133 265 aa1.31□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W YDR131CQ03899 556 aa1.31□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W ARG7Q04728 441 aa1.31□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W GTB1Q04924 702 aa1.31□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W CRT10Q08226 957 aa1.31□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W GEP3Q08622 556 aa1.31□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W CFT2Q12102 859 aaPredicted RBP1.31□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W WTM1Q12363 437 aaKnown RBP1.31□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W YJR112W-AQ3E743 109 aa1.31□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W TY1B-NL2Q99337 1749 aaKnown RBP1.3□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W HXK2P04807 486 aaKnown RBP1.3□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W MKK1P32490 508 aa1.3□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W AGP2P38090 596 aa1.3□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W RXT2P38255 430 aa1.3□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W IMD2P38697 523 aaKnown RBP1.3□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W DJP1P40564 432 aa1.3□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W PTR3P43606 678 aa1.3□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W IMD3P50095 523 aaKnown RBP1.3□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W HOS2P53096 452 aaPredicted RBP1.3□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W OAZ1Q02803 292 aa1.3□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W ROY1Q04847 553 aa1.3□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W YLR456WQ06199 204 aa1.3□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W YDL057WQ07379 328 aa1.3□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W GPM3Q12326 303 aa1.3□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W BUD3P25558 1636 aa1.3□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W CLB1P24868 471 aa1.3□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W YCR006CP25350 157 aa1.3□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W PTC6P25646 442 aa1.3□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W TFB1P32776 642 aa1.3□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W ATP22P50273 684 aaPredicted RBP1.3□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W DCP2P53550 970 aaKnown RBP1.3□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W KTR5P53966 522 aaPredicted RBP1.3□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W COQ9Q05779 260 aa1.3□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W TEN1Q07921 160 aa1.3□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W NFI1Q12216 726 aa1.3□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W CLB3P24870 427 aa1.3□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W RRP7P25368 297 aaPredicted RBP1.3□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W YME1P32795 747 aa1.3□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W SEF1P34228 1148 aa1.3□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W SIP3P38717 1229 aa1.3□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W LRP1P38801 184 aaKnown RBP1.3□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W RCY1P39531 840 aa1.3□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W EXO1P39875 702 aa1.3□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W ECM10P39987 644 aa1.3□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W ASG1P40467 964 aa1.3□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W ALT2P52892 507 aa1.3□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W STR3P53101 465 aaKnown RBP1.3□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W YTP1P53584 459 aa1.3□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W CPR8P53728 308 aa1.3□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W DUG3P53871 357 aa1.3□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W RSM23Q01163 450 aa1.3□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W MEH1Q02205 184 aa1.3□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W RBS1Q05672 457 aaKnown RBP1.3□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W MRD1Q06106 887 aaKnown RBP1.3□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W HBT1Q07653 1046 aaKnown RBP1.3□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W BMS1Q08965 1183 aaKnown RBP1.3□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W ACF2Q12168 779 aa1.3□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W FRE6Q12473 712 aa1.3□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W ARO1P08566 1588 aaKnown RBP1.3□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W MF(ALPHA)1P01149 165 aa1.29□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W ILS1P09436 1072 aaKnown RBP1.29□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W APN1P22936 367 aa1.29□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W ELO2P25358 347 aa1.29□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W IMG1P25626 169 aa1.29□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W PAP1P29468 568 aaKnown RBP1.29□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W UGP1P32861 499 aaKnown RBP1.29□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W VID24P38263 362 aa1.29□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W ICS2P38284 255 aa1.29□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W APE4P38821 490 aa1.29□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W BDH2P39713 417 aa1.29□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W LAS21P40367 830 aa1.29□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W YJL055WP47044 245 aa1.29□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W BPL1P48445 690 aaPredicted RBP1.29□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W GIS1Q03833 894 aa1.29□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W PDS5Q04264 1277 aa1.29□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W GFD1Q04839 188 aaKnown RBP1.29□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W ATG23Q06671 453 aa1.29□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W FMP40Q08968 688 aaPredicted RBP1.29□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W ATG29Q12092 213 aa1.29□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W ATG9Q12142 997 aa1.29□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W RPL7AP05737 244 aaKnown RBP1.29□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W TKL1P23254 680 aaKnown RBP1.29□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W STE50P25344 346 aa1.29□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W YCR051WP25631 222 aa1.29□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W MDL1P33310 695 aa1.29□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W TRM2P33753 639 aa1.29□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W YBR144CP34215 104 aa1.29□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W YKL102CP34249 101 aa1.29□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W THI2P38141 450 aa1.29□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W KEL1P38853 1164 aaKnown RBP1.29□□□□□ -2.2
NUP145YGL092W ELO1P39540 310 aa1.29□□□□□ -2.2
Retrieved 100 of 5,963 RNA–protein pairs in 7.7 ms