Protein–RNA interactions for Protein: P53080

EDC1, Enhancer of mRNA-decapping protein 1, yeastyeast

Predicted RBP Predictions only

Length 175 aa.

Protein RNA Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene UniProt Accession Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Length Transcript Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
EDC1P53080 APM1YPL259C 1428 nt1.76□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 SNX41YDR425W 1878 nt1.76□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 EAF5YEL018W 840 nt1.76□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 SPT2YER161C 1002 nt1.76□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 RPL17BYJL177W 555 nt1.76□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 REC102YLR329W 795 nt1.76□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 YNR062CYNR062C 984 nt1.76□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 SPF1YEL031W 3648 nt1.76□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 PHO2YDL106C 1680 nt1.76□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 MDV1YJL112W 2145 nt1.76□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 OMS1YDR316W 1416 nt1.75□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 YJL181WYJL181W 1836 nt1.75□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 ARP8YOR141C 2646 nt1.75□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 TLC1TLC1 1301 nt1.75□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 VPS30YPL120W 1674 nt1.75□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 OPI6YDL096C 327 nt1.75□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 DTD1YDL219W 453 nt1.75□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 YHL006W-AYHL006W-A 354 nt1.75□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 YLR154W-EYLR154W-E 204 nt1.75□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 SMA2YML066C 1110 nt1.75□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 RPC19YNL113W 429 nt1.75□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 MCA1YOR197W 1299 nt1.75□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 YPR027CYPR027C 834 nt1.75□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 snR42snR42 351 nt1.75□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 SEC15YGL233W 2733 nt1.75□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 NAB3YPL190C 2409 nt1.74□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 COX18YGR062C 951 nt1.74□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 GTF1YGR102C 552 nt1.74□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 MRPS35YGR165W 1038 nt1.74□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 MAK16YAL025C 921 nt1.74□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 TIS11YLR136C 858 nt1.74□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 MIC27YNL100W 705 nt1.74□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 PSF3YOL146W 585 nt1.74□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 YBR209WYBR209W 318 nt1.74□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 TPS2YDR074W 2691 nt1.74□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 SLP1YOR154W 1764 nt1.74□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 YIL082W-AYIL082W-A 4497 nt1.74□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 VAS1YGR094W 3315 nt1.74□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 RTT10YPL183C 3042 nt1.74□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 UPS3YDR185C 540 nt1.73□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 YDR445CYDR445C 408 nt1.73□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 YHB1YGR234W 1200 nt1.73□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 SDP1YIL113W 630 nt1.73□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 YAL026C-AYAL026C-A 438 nt1.73□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 PIR1YKL164C 1026 nt1.73□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 ERP1YAR002C-A 660 nt1.73□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 NCE103YNL036W 666 nt1.73□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 ESL2YKR096W 3588 nt1.73□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 TRM1YDR120C 1713 nt1.73□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 YKL222CYKL222C 2118 nt1.73□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 SOK1YDR006C 2706 nt1.73□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 HFD1YMR110C 1599 nt1.72□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 CCM1YGR150C 2595 nt1.72□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 KIN3YAR018C 1308 nt1.72□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 YKU80YMR106C 1890 nt1.72□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 YGR107WYGR107W 450 nt1.72□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 ARF3YOR094W 552 nt1.72□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 DDP1YOR163W 567 nt1.72□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 FES1YBR101C 873 nt1.72□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 DAD3YBR233W-A 285 nt1.72□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 FKH2YNL068C 2589 nt1.72□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 RPA190YOR341W 4995 nt1.72□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 SVL3YPL032C 2478 nt1.72□□□□□ -2.13
EDC1P53080 MSB2YGR014W 3921 nt1.71□□□□□ -2.14
EDC1P53080 SIR1YKR101W 1965 nt1.71□□□□□ -2.14
EDC1P53080 DNL4YOR005C 2835 nt1.71□□□□□ -2.14
EDC1P53080 SWR1YDR334W 4545 nt1.71□□□□□ -2.14
EDC1P53080 BSC1YDL037C 987 nt1.71□□□□□ -2.14
EDC1P53080 NKP1YDR383C 717 nt1.71□□□□□ -2.14
EDC1P53080 HPA3YEL066W 540 nt1.71□□□□□ -2.14
EDC1P53080 PEX4YGR133W 552 nt1.71□□□□□ -2.14
EDC1P53080 BET3YKR068C 582 nt1.71□□□□□ -2.14
EDC1P53080 YLR339CYLR339C 552 nt1.71□□□□□ -2.14
EDC1P53080 GTR1YML121W 933 nt1.71□□□□□ -2.14
EDC1P53080 YOR283WYOR283W 693 nt1.71□□□□□ -2.14
EDC1P53080 YOR292CYOR292C 930 nt1.71□□□□□ -2.14
EDC1P53080 PDC2YDR081C 2778 nt1.71□□□□□ -2.14
EDC1P53080 UBP8YMR223W 1416 nt1.71□□□□□ -2.14
EDC1P53080 SMY2YBR172C 2223 nt1.71□□□□□ -2.14
EDC1P53080 NET1YJL076W 3570 nt1.7□□□□□ -2.14
EDC1P53080 DNF1YER166W 4716 nt1.7□□□□□ -2.14
EDC1P53080 ORM1YGR038W 669 nt1.7□□□□□ -2.14
EDC1P53080 OKP1YGR179C 1221 nt1.7□□□□□ -2.14
EDC1P53080 YHI9YHR029C 885 nt1.7□□□□□ -2.14
EDC1P53080 MST28YAR033W 705 nt1.7□□□□□ -2.14
EDC1P53080 ILV5YLR355C 1188 nt1.7□□□□□ -2.14
EDC1P53080 YLR462WYLR462W 609 nt1.7□□□□□ -2.14
EDC1P53080 MRPL33YMR286W 261 nt1.7□□□□□ -2.14
EDC1P53080 YOR055WYOR055W 435 nt1.7□□□□□ -2.14
EDC1P53080 NFI1YOR156C 2181 nt1.7□□□□□ -2.14
EDC1P53080 ISW2YOR304W 3363 nt1.7□□□□□ -2.14
EDC1P53080 YOR342CYOR342C 960 nt1.7□□□□□ -2.14
EDC1P53080 STH1YIL126W 4080 nt1.7□□□□□ -2.14
EDC1P53080 NUM1YDR150W 8247 nt1.69□□□□□ -2.14
EDC1P53080 TOF1YNL273W 3717 nt1.69□□□□□ -2.14
EDC1P53080 AYT1YLL063C 1425 nt1.69□□□□□ -2.14
EDC1P53080 VPS64YDR200C 1815 nt1.69□□□□□ -2.14
EDC1P53080 UBC1YDR177W 648 nt1.69□□□□□ -2.14
EDC1P53080 COX23YHR116W 456 nt1.69□□□□□ -2.14
EDC1P53080 YMR087WYMR087W 855 nt1.69□□□□□ -2.14
Retrieved 100 of 7,029 protein–RNA pairs in 34.9 ms