RNA–Protein interactions for RNA: YOL149W

DCP1, Transcript of Subunit of the Dcp1p-Dcp2p decapping enzyme complex, yeastyeast

Gene DCP1, Length 696 nt, Biotype protein coding.

RNA Protein Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Gene UniProt Accession Length Protein Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
DCP1YOL149W YLR413WQ06689 675 aa1.75□□□□□ -2.13
DCP1YOL149W YOL162WP0CF19 215 aa1.74□□□□□ -2.13
DCP1YOL149W DBP3P20447 523 aaKnown RBP1.74□□□□□ -2.13
DCP1YOL149W GMC2Q06201 188 aa1.74□□□□□ -2.13
DCP1YOL149W AKR2Q12013 749 aa1.74□□□□□ -2.13
DCP1YOL149W YIL002W-AQ3E7Z5 69 aa1.74□□□□□ -2.13
DCP1YOL149W SSH1P38353 490 aaKnown RBP1.73□□□□□ -2.13
DCP1YOL149W YHR125WP38831 101 aa1.73□□□□□ -2.13
DCP1YOL149W DDI1P40087 428 aa1.73□□□□□ -2.13
DCP1YOL149W COA1P40452 197 aa1.73□□□□□ -2.13
DCP1YOL149W BMT5P40493 336 aa1.73□□□□□ -2.13
DCP1YOL149W CIS3P47001 227 aa1.73□□□□□ -2.13
DCP1YOL149W YGR026WP53217 278 aa1.73□□□□□ -2.13
DCP1YOL149W YLR179CQ06252 201 aaKnown RBP1.73□□□□□ -2.13
DCP1YOL149W DSF1P0CX08 502 aa1.72□□□□□ -2.13
DCP1YOL149W YNR073CP0CX09 502 aa1.72□□□□□ -2.13
DCP1YOL149W CTR2P38865 189 aa1.72□□□□□ -2.13
DCP1YOL149W YMR279CQ03263 540 aa1.72□□□□□ -2.13
DCP1YOL149W MEU1Q07938 337 aaKnown RBP RIP-Chip data1.72□□□□□ -2.13not detected
DCP1YOL149W ATO3Q12359 275 aa1.72□□□□□ -2.13
DCP1YOL149W YPL119C-AQ3E751 87 aa1.72□□□□□ -2.13
DCP1YOL149W MDH3P32419 343 aaKnown RBP RIP-Chip data1.71□□□□□ -2.14not detected
DCP1YOL149W PEX18P38855 283 aa1.71□□□□□ -2.14
DCP1YOL149W YER189WP40104 122 aa1.71□□□□□ -2.14
DCP1YOL149W YJR012CP47087 207 aa1.71□□□□□ -2.14
DCP1YOL149W YDR124WQ04608 324 aa1.71□□□□□ -2.14
DCP1YOL149W INM2Q05533 292 aa1.71□□□□□ -2.14
DCP1YOL149W YLR462WO13556 202 aa1.7□□□□□ -2.14
DCP1YOL149W COX5AP00424 153 aa1.7□□□□□ -2.14
DCP1YOL149W YKR045CP36138 183 aa1.7□□□□□ -2.14
DCP1YOL149W PHO88P38264 188 aaPredicted RBP1.7□□□□□ -2.14
DCP1YOL149W YEL075CP39972 122 aa1.7□□□□□ -2.14
DCP1YOL149W DCN1Q12395 269 aa1.7□□□□□ -2.14
DCP1YOL149W SNF8Q12483 233 aa1.7□□□□□ -2.14
DCP1YOL149W SWI1P09547 1314 aa1.69□□□□□ -2.14
DCP1YOL149W SSK22P25390 1331 aaPredicted RBP1.69□□□□□ -2.14
DCP1YOL149W HIS1P00498 297 aaKnown RBP1.69□□□□□ -2.14
DCP1YOL149W MDH2P22133 377 aa1.69□□□□□ -2.14
DCP1YOL149W ERG25P53045 309 aa1.69□□□□□ -2.14
DCP1YOL149W MRH4P53166 561 aa1.69□□□□□ -2.14
DCP1YOL149W CYT2Q00873 224 aa1.69□□□□□ -2.14
DCP1YOL149W EGD1Q02642 157 aaKnown RBP1.69□□□□□ -2.14
DCP1YOL149W SSA3P09435 649 aaKnown RBP1.68□□□□□ -2.14
DCP1YOL149W YHR022CP38763 256 aa1.68□□□□□ -2.14
DCP1YOL149W VTC1P40046 129 aaRIP-Chip data1.68□□□□□ -2.14not detected
DCP1YOL149W KAP114P53067 1004 aa1.68□□□□□ -2.14
DCP1YOL149W OST6Q03723 332 aa1.68□□□□□ -2.14
DCP1YOL149W QRI5P32344 111 aa1.67□□□□□ -2.14
DCP1YOL149W MSA2P36157 363 aa1.67□□□□□ -2.14
DCP1YOL149W DSE2P38844 325 aa1.67□□□□□ -2.14
DCP1YOL149W PRM10P42946 383 aa1.67□□□□□ -2.14
DCP1YOL149W GOT1Q03554 138 aa1.67□□□□□ -2.14
DCP1YOL149W FAR8Q05040 523 aa1.67□□□□□ -2.14
DCP1YOL149W ATG17Q06410 417 aa1.67□□□□□ -2.14
DCP1YOL149W YPR147CQ06522 304 aaKnown RBP1.67□□□□□ -2.14
DCP1YOL149W SYC1Q08553 188 aaPredicted RBP1.67□□□□□ -2.14
DCP1YOL149W DDI2P0CH63 225 aa1.66□□□□□ -2.14
DCP1YOL149W DDI3P0CH64 225 aa1.66□□□□□ -2.14
DCP1YOL149W VPS3P23643 1011 aa1.66□□□□□ -2.14
DCP1YOL149W DAL80P26343 269 aa1.66□□□□□ -2.14
DCP1YOL149W YGR219WP53307 113 aa1.66□□□□□ -2.14
DCP1YOL149W UBR2Q07963 1872 aa1.66□□□□□ -2.14
DCP1YOL149W GLE2P40066 365 aa1.65□□□□□ -2.15
DCP1YOL149W NUP49Q02199 472 aa1.65□□□□□ -2.15
DCP1YOL149W YLR030WQ07967 263 aa1.65□□□□□ -2.15
DCP1YOL149W YKR104WP0CE69 306 aa1.64□□□□□ -2.15
DCP1YOL149W YGL010WP25338 174 aa1.64□□□□□ -2.15
DCP1YOL149W OAC1P32332 324 aa1.64□□□□□ -2.15
DCP1YOL149W ERG24P32462 438 aaKnown RBP1.64□□□□□ -2.15
DCP1YOL149W YBR219CP38317 127 aa1.64□□□□□ -2.15
DCP1YOL149W YGL159WP53110 370 aa1.64□□□□□ -2.15
DCP1YOL149W MZM1Q03429 123 aaPredicted RBP1.64□□□□□ -2.15
DCP1YOL149W SIR4P11978 1358 aa1.63□□□□□ -2.15
DCP1YOL149W EHD3P28817 500 aa1.63□□□□□ -2.15
DCP1YOL149W VMA11P32842 164 aa1.63□□□□□ -2.15
DCP1YOL149W FZO1P38297 855 aa1.63□□□□□ -2.15
DCP1YOL149W ERV15P38312 142 aa1.63□□□□□ -2.15
DCP1YOL149W AVT2P39981 480 aa1.63□□□□□ -2.15
DCP1YOL149W THO1P40040 218 aaKnown RBP1.63□□□□□ -2.15
DCP1YOL149W YKE4P40544 346 aa1.63□□□□□ -2.15
DCP1YOL149W SNZ3P43545 298 aa1.63□□□□□ -2.15
DCP1YOL149W COQ10Q08058 207 aa1.63□□□□□ -2.15
DCP1YOL149W USB1Q12208 290 aaKnown RBP1.63□□□□□ -2.15
DCP1YOL149W RPL9AP05738 191 aaKnown RBP1.62□□□□□ -2.15
DCP1YOL149W EBP2P36049 427 aaKnown RBP1.62□□□□□ -2.15
DCP1YOL149W YBR220CP38318 560 aa1.62□□□□□ -2.15
DCP1YOL149W PRS2P38620 318 aaKnown RBP1.62□□□□□ -2.15
DCP1YOL149W RPL9BP51401 191 aaKnown RBP1.62□□□□□ -2.15
DCP1YOL149W GTR2P53290 341 aa1.62□□□□□ -2.15
DCP1YOL149W NEJ1Q06148 342 aa1.62□□□□□ -2.15
DCP1YOL149W COX2P00410 251 aa1.61□□□□□ -2.15
DCP1YOL149W RRP40Q08285 240 aaKnown RBP1.61□□□□□ -2.15
DCP1YOL149W JEN1P36035 616 aa1.6□□□□□ -2.15
DCP1YOL149W SMB1P40018 196 aaKnown RBP1.6□□□□□ -2.15
DCP1YOL149W ALG11P53954 548 aaKnown RBP1.6□□□□□ -2.15
DCP1YOL149W ERV25P54837 211 aaKnown RBP1.6□□□□□ -2.15
DCP1YOL149W BUD25P85052 153 aa1.6□□□□□ -2.15
DCP1YOL149W YOR186WQ08560 144 aa1.6□□□□□ -2.15
DCP1YOL149W MSW1P04803 379 aa1.59□□□□□ -2.15
DCP1YOL149W CSI2Q08054 341 aa1.59□□□□□ -2.15
Retrieved 100 of 5,963 RNA–protein pairs in 52.3 ms