Protein–RNA interactions for Protein: P25604

STP22, Suppressor protein STP22 of temperature-sensitive alpha-factor receptor and arginine permease, yeastyeast

Predictions only

Length 385 aa.

Protein RNA Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene UniProt Accession Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Length Transcript Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
STP22P25604 CST6YIL036W 1764 nt5.14□□□□□ -1.59
STP22P25604 CPA1YOR303W 1236 nt5.14□□□□□ -1.59
STP22P25604 TKL1YPR074C 2043 nt5.14□□□□□ -1.59
STP22P25604 HSX1tR(CCU)J 72 nt5.13□□□□□ -1.59
STP22P25604 HCR1YLR192C 798 nt5.13□□□□□ -1.59
STP22P25604 SCO2YBR024W 906 nt5.13□□□□□ -1.59
STP22P25604 SSK22YCR073C 3996 nt5.12□□□□□ -1.59
STP22P25604 YEH1YLL012W 1722 nt5.12□□□□□ -1.59
STP22P25604 YRF1-4YLR466W 4149 nt5.12□□□□□ -1.59
STP22P25604 DBP9YLR276C 1785 nt5.12□□□□□ -1.59
STP22P25604 GAA1YLR088W 1845 nt5.12□□□□□ -1.59
STP22P25604 YDL034WYDL034W 345 nt5.12□□□□□ -1.59
STP22P25604 YLR194CYLR194C 765 nt5.12□□□□□ -1.59
STP22P25604 PYC1YGL062W 3537 nt5.11□□□□□ -1.59
STP22P25604 tN(GUU)CtN(GUU)C 74 nt5.11□□□□□ -1.59
STP22P25604 tN(GUU)FtN(GUU)F 74 nt5.11□□□□□ -1.59
STP22P25604 tN(GUU)GtN(GUU)G 74 nt5.11□□□□□ -1.59
STP22P25604 tN(GUU)KtN(GUU)K 74 nt5.11□□□□□ -1.59
STP22P25604 tN(GUU)LtN(GUU)L 74 nt5.11□□□□□ -1.59
STP22P25604 tN(GUU)N1tN(GUU)N1 74 nt5.11□□□□□ -1.59
STP22P25604 tN(GUU)N2tN(GUU)N2 74 nt5.11□□□□□ -1.59
STP22P25604 tN(GUU)O1tN(GUU)O1 74 nt5.11□□□□□ -1.59
STP22P25604 tN(GUU)O2tN(GUU)O2 74 nt5.11□□□□□ -1.59
STP22P25604 tN(GUU)PtN(GUU)P 74 nt5.11□□□□□ -1.59
STP22P25604 RRP46YGR095C 672 nt5.11□□□□□ -1.59
STP22P25604 MRPL13YKR006C 795 nt5.11□□□□□ -1.59
STP22P25604 GFD1YMR255W 567 nt5.11□□□□□ -1.59
STP22P25604 IMA2YOL157C 1770 nt5.11□□□□□ -1.59
STP22P25604 MSN2YMR037C 2115 nt5.11□□□□□ -1.59
STP22P25604 DUR1,2YBR208C 5508 nt5.1□□□□□ -1.59
STP22P25604 ARP2YDL029W 1176 nt5.1□□□□□ -1.59
STP22P25604 YFL052WYFL052W 1398 nt5.1□□□□□ -1.59
STP22P25604 BRL1YHR036W 1416 nt5.1□□□□□ -1.59
STP22P25604 MLC2YPR188C 492 nt5.1□□□□□ -1.59
STP22P25604 ROG3YFR022W 2202 nt5.09□□□□□ -1.59
STP22P25604 SMF2YHR050W 1650 nt5.09□□□□□ -1.59
STP22P25604 UBA1YKL210W 3075 nt5.09□□□□□ -1.59
STP22P25604 CLB1YGR108W 1416 nt5.09□□□□□ -1.59
STP22P25604 SFB3YHR098C 2790 nt5.09□□□□□ -1.59
STP22P25604 YCR097W-AYCR097W-A 267 nt5.09□□□□□ -1.59
STP22P25604 GIR2YDR152W 798 nt5.09□□□□□ -1.59
STP22P25604 CDC11YJR076C 1248 nt5.09□□□□□ -1.59
STP22P25604 COS9YKL219W 1224 nt5.09□□□□□ -1.59
STP22P25604 YLR296WYLR296W 327 nt5.09□□□□□ -1.59
STP22P25604 ELA1YNL230C 1140 nt5.09□□□□□ -1.59
STP22P25604 RBD2YPL246C 789 nt5.09□□□□□ -1.59
STP22P25604 YAP1801YHR161C 1914 nt5.09□□□□□ -1.6
STP22P25604 NUD1YOR373W 2556 nt5.09□□□□□ -1.6
STP22P25604 TRP3YKL211C 1455 nt5.08□□□□□ -1.6
STP22P25604 SPS22YCL048W 1392 nt5.08□□□□□ -1.6
STP22P25604 COX26YDR119W-A 201 nt5.08□□□□□ -1.6
STP22P25604 SHE10YGL228W 1734 nt5.08□□□□□ -1.6
STP22P25604 VBA1YMR088C 1689 nt5.08□□□□□ -1.6
STP22P25604 MID1YNL291C 1647 nt5.08□□□□□ -1.6
STP22P25604 CMR1YDL156W 1569 nt5.08□□□□□ -1.6
STP22P25604 GUF1YLR289W 1938 nt5.07□□□□□ -1.6
STP22P25604 GPT2YKR067W 2232 nt5.07□□□□□ -1.6
STP22P25604 CAD1YDR423C 1230 nt5.07□□□□□ -1.6
STP22P25604 SYN8YAL014C 768 nt5.07□□□□□ -1.6
STP22P25604 YKL223WYKL223W 333 nt5.07□□□□□ -1.6
STP22P25604 PGA3YML125C 939 nt5.07□□□□□ -1.6
STP22P25604 BUL1YMR275C 2931 nt5.07□□□□□ -1.6
STP22P25604 YDL057WYDL057W 987 nt5.06□□□□□ -1.6
STP22P25604 CWC21YDR482C 408 nt5.06□□□□□ -1.6
STP22P25604 CHO1YER026C 831 nt5.06□□□□□ -1.6
STP22P25604 YGR176WYGR176W 348 nt5.06□□□□□ -1.6
STP22P25604 DAL82YNL314W 768 nt5.06□□□□□ -1.6
STP22P25604 RPS15YOL040C 429 nt5.06□□□□□ -1.6
STP22P25604 PIN2YOR104W 849 nt5.06□□□□□ -1.6
STP22P25604 GUA1YMR217W 1578 nt5.06□□□□□ -1.6
STP22P25604 MAL11YGR289C 1851 nt5.05□□□□□ -1.6
STP22P25604 EPS1YIL005W 2106 nt5.05□□□□□ -1.6
STP22P25604 GDA1YEL042W 1557 nt5.05□□□□□ -1.6
STP22P25604 OXP1YKL215C 3861 nt5.05□□□□□ -1.6
STP22P25604 IDP1YDL066W 1287 nt5.05□□□□□ -1.6
STP22P25604 YLL059CYLL059C 507 nt5.05□□□□□ -1.6
STP22P25604 YOL131WYOL131W 327 nt5.05□□□□□ -1.6
STP22P25604 CAR1YPL111W 1002 nt5.05□□□□□ -1.6
STP22P25604 TEA1YOR337W 2280 nt5.04□□□□□ -1.6
STP22P25604 ASN1YPR145W 1719 nt5.04□□□□□ -1.6
STP22P25604 KNH1YDL049C 807 nt5.04□□□□□ -1.6
STP22P25604 SNZ3YFL059W 897 nt5.04□□□□□ -1.6
STP22P25604 SNZ2YNL333W 897 nt5.04□□□□□ -1.6
STP22P25604 CDC16YKL022C 2523 nt5.04□□□□□ -1.6
STP22P25604 TBF1YPL128C 1689 nt5.04□□□□□ -1.6
STP22P25604 QDR3YBR043C 2070 nt5.04□□□□□ -1.6
STP22P25604 ATP1YBL099W 1638 nt5.04□□□□□ -1.6
STP22P25604 CHS5YLR330W 2016 nt5.04□□□□□ -1.6
STP22P25604 GYP1YOR070C 1914 nt5.03□□□□□ -1.6
STP22P25604 RIM101YHL027W 1878 nt5.03□□□□□ -1.6
STP22P25604 IPI1YHR085W 1005 nt5.03□□□□□ -1.6
STP22P25604 YOL097W-AYOL097W-A 186 nt5.03□□□□□ -1.6
STP22P25604 RDL2YOR286W 450 nt5.03□□□□□ -1.6
STP22P25604 TRK2YKR050W 2670 nt5.03□□□□□ -1.6
STP22P25604 GSY2YLR258W 2118 nt5.03□□□□□ -1.6
STP22P25604 RTT106YNL206C 1368 nt5.03□□□□□ -1.6
STP22P25604 YJR115WYJR115W 510 nt5.02□□□□□ -1.61
STP22P25604 POR1YNL055C 852 nt5.02□□□□□ -1.61
STP22P25604 YNR048WYNR048W 1182 nt5.02□□□□□ -1.61
STP22P25604 HIR1YBL008W 2523 nt5.02□□□□□ -1.61
Retrieved 100 of 7,029 protein–RNA pairs in 12.2 ms