Protein–RNA interactions for Protein: P38263

VID24, Vacuolar import and degradation protein 24, yeastyeast

Predictions only

Length 362 aa.

Protein RNA Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene UniProt Accession Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Length Transcript Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
VID24P38263 RGT2YDL138W 2292 nt6.49□□□□□ -1.37
VID24P38263 BDF2YDL070W 1917 nt6.48□□□□□ -1.37
VID24P38263 EEB1YPL095C 1371 nt6.48□□□□□ -1.37
VID24P38263 DFM1YDR411C 1026 nt6.48□□□□□ -1.37
VID24P38263 TSA1YML028W 591 nt6.48□□□□□ -1.37
VID24P38263 YOS9YDR057W 1629 nt6.47□□□□□ -1.37
VID24P38263 SMK1YPR054W 1167 nt6.47□□□□□ -1.37
VID24P38263 NPL6YMR091C 1308 nt6.47□□□□□ -1.37
VID24P38263 CRP1YHR146W 1398 nt6.46□□□□□ -1.37
VID24P38263 NSE5YML023C 1671 nt6.46□□□□□ -1.37
VID24P38263 ECM38YLR299W 1983 nt6.46□□□□□ -1.37
VID24P38263 CMR1YDL156W 1569 nt6.46□□□□□ -1.38
VID24P38263 COX20YDR231C 618 nt6.46□□□□□ -1.38
VID24P38263 TFC6YDR362C 2019 nt6.46□□□□□ -1.38
VID24P38263 YDR401WYDR401W 564 nt6.46□□□□□ -1.38
VID24P38263 FZF1YGL254W 900 nt6.46□□□□□ -1.38
VID24P38263 BSC4YNL269W 396 nt6.46□□□□□ -1.38
VID24P38263 YPR114WYPR114W 948 nt6.46□□□□□ -1.38
VID24P38263 HEL1YKR017C 1656 nt6.45□□□□□ -1.38
VID24P38263 YFL052WYFL052W 1398 nt6.45□□□□□ -1.38
VID24P38263 ASN2YGR124W 1719 nt6.45□□□□□ -1.38
VID24P38263 PRI2YKL045W 1587 nt6.45□□□□□ -1.38
VID24P38263 ARG81YML099C 2643 nt6.45□□□□□ -1.38
VID24P38263 LEU5YHR002W 1074 nt6.45□□□□□ -1.38
VID24P38263 ASK1YKL052C 879 nt6.45□□□□□ -1.38
VID24P38263 SWP1YMR149W 861 nt6.45□□□□□ -1.38
VID24P38263 YBR056C-BYBR056C-B 159 nt6.45□□□□□ -1.38
VID24P38263 UGX2YDL169C 672 nt6.44□□□□□ -1.38
VID24P38263 SYF2YGR129W 648 nt6.44□□□□□ -1.38
VID24P38263 YIR042CYIR042C 711 nt6.44□□□□□ -1.38
VID24P38263 SPO7YAL009W 780 nt6.44□□□□□ -1.38
VID24P38263 CIN4YMR138W 576 nt6.44□□□□□ -1.38
VID24P38263 MRPS5YBR251W 924 nt6.44□□□□□ -1.38
VID24P38263 PYK2YOR347C 1521 nt6.44□□□□□ -1.38
VID24P38263 ISN1YOR155C 1353 nt6.44□□□□□ -1.38
VID24P38263 GUD1YDL238C 1470 nt6.43□□□□□ -1.38
VID24P38263 YDL022C-AYDL022C-A 249 nt6.43□□□□□ -1.38
VID24P38263 YDL172CYDL172C 480 nt6.43□□□□□ -1.38
VID24P38263 RRN10YBL025W 438 nt6.43□□□□□ -1.38
VID24P38263 YMR119W-AYMR119W-A 375 nt6.43□□□□□ -1.38
VID24P38263 DAP1YPL170W 459 nt6.43□□□□□ -1.38
VID24P38263 RAD24YER173W 1980 nt6.43□□□□□ -1.38
VID24P38263 AGP2YBR132C 1791 nt6.42□□□□□ -1.38
VID24P38263 VPS61YDR136C 573 nt6.42□□□□□ -1.38
VID24P38263 YDR278CYDR278C 318 nt6.42□□□□□ -1.38
VID24P38263 YGL235WYGL235W 537 nt6.42□□□□□ -1.38
VID24P38263 tR(ACG)DtR(ACG)D 73 nt6.42□□□□□ -1.38
VID24P38263 tR(ACG)EtR(ACG)E 73 nt6.42□□□□□ -1.38
VID24P38263 tR(ACG)KtR(ACG)K 73 nt6.42□□□□□ -1.38
VID24P38263 tR(ACG)LtR(ACG)L 73 nt6.42□□□□□ -1.38
VID24P38263 tR(ACG)OtR(ACG)O 73 nt6.42□□□□□ -1.38
VID24P38263 ERP5YHR110W 639 nt6.42□□□□□ -1.38
VID24P38263 COA1YIL157C 594 nt6.42□□□□□ -1.38
VID24P38263 COR1YBL045C 1374 nt6.42□□□□□ -1.38
VID24P38263 ENP1YBR247C 1452 nt6.41□□□□□ -1.38
VID24P38263 CTF3YLR381W 2202 nt6.41□□□□□ -1.38
VID24P38263 YML012C-AYML012C-A 378 nt6.41□□□□□ -1.38
VID24P38263 CSL4YNL232W 879 nt6.41□□□□□ -1.38
VID24P38263 PDR18YNR070W 4002 nt6.41□□□□□ -1.38
VID24P38263 PXL1YKR090W 2121 nt6.4□□□□□ -1.38
VID24P38263 GTT3YEL017W 1014 nt6.4□□□□□ -1.38
VID24P38263 BCY1YIL033C 1251 nt6.4□□□□□ -1.38
VID24P38263 HAP3YBL021C 435 nt6.4□□□□□ -1.38
VID24P38263 YHM2YMR241W 945 nt6.4□□□□□ -1.38
VID24P38263 ATG12YBR217W 561 nt6.4□□□□□ -1.38
VID24P38263 MTF2YDL044C 1323 nt6.4□□□□□ -1.39
VID24P38263 HST3YOR025W 1344 nt6.4□□□□□ -1.39
VID24P38263 OPT1YJL212C 2400 nt6.4□□□□□ -1.39
VID24P38263 TPO3YPR156C 1869 nt6.39□□□□□ -1.39
VID24P38263 YNL200CYNL200C 741 nt6.39□□□□□ -1.39
VID24P38263 AFG2YLR397C 2343 nt6.39□□□□□ -1.39
VID24P38263 ATF1YOR377W 1578 nt6.39□□□□□ -1.39
VID24P38263 PHB1YGR132C 864 nt6.38□□□□□ -1.39
VID24P38263 DUS4YLR405W 1104 nt6.38□□□□□ -1.39
VID24P38263 AFG1YEL052W 1530 nt6.38□□□□□ -1.39
VID24P38263 NDE1YMR145C 1683 nt6.38□□□□□ -1.39
VID24P38263 GAA1YLR088W 1845 nt6.38□□□□□ -1.39
VID24P38263 ATG4YNL223W 1485 nt6.37□□□□□ -1.39
VID24P38263 PZF1YPR186C 1290 nt6.37□□□□□ -1.39
VID24P38263 KKQ8YKL168C 2175 nt6.37□□□□□ -1.39
VID24P38263 YOR389WYOR389W 1875 nt6.36□□□□□ -1.39
VID24P38263 DON1YDR273W 1098 nt6.36□□□□□ -1.39
VID24P38263 CTF8YHR191C 402 nt6.36□□□□□ -1.39
VID24P38263 MEU1YLR017W 1014 nt6.36□□□□□ -1.39
VID24P38263 AAD15YOL165C 432 nt6.36□□□□□ -1.39
VID24P38263 UBC11YOR339C 471 nt6.36□□□□□ -1.39
VID24P38263 CCR4YAL021C 2514 nt6.36□□□□□ -1.39
VID24P38263 MPA43YNL249C 1629 nt6.36□□□□□ -1.39
VID24P38263 MRK1YDL079C 1506 nt6.35□□□□□ -1.39
VID24P38263 AIM33YML087C 939 nt6.35□□□□□ -1.39
VID24P38263 SNO4YMR322C 714 nt6.35□□□□□ -1.39
VID24P38263 HSP33YOR391C 714 nt6.35□□□□□ -1.39
VID24P38263 HSP32YPL280W 714 nt6.35□□□□□ -1.39
VID24P38263 MOD5YOR274W 1287 nt6.34□□□□□ -1.39
VID24P38263 PUF3YLL013C 2640 nt6.34□□□□□ -1.39
VID24P38263 YNL040WYNL040W 1371 nt6.33□□□□□ -1.4
VID24P38263 YHR145CYHR145C 357 nt6.33□□□□□ -1.4
VID24P38263 MRPS12YNR036C 462 nt6.33□□□□□ -1.4
VID24P38263 GYP8YFL027C 1494 nt6.33□□□□□ -1.4
VID24P38263 YFR006WYFR006W 1608 nt6.32□□□□□ -1.4
Retrieved 100 of 7,029 protein–RNA pairs in 26.6 ms