RNA–Protein interactions for RNA: YOL149W

DCP1, Transcript of Subunit of the Dcp1p-Dcp2p decapping enzyme complex, yeastyeast

Gene DCP1, Length 696 nt, Biotype protein coding.

RNA Protein Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Gene UniProt Accession Length Protein Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
DCP1YOL149W SPO19Q03029 223 aa1.94□□□□□ -2.1
DCP1YOL149W BCP1Q06338 283 aa1.94□□□□□ -2.1
DCP1YOL149W BOL1Q3E793 110 aa1.94□□□□□ -2.1
DCP1YOL149W RPL4AP10664 362 aaKnown RBP1.93□□□□□ -2.1
DCP1YOL149W MAL32P38158 584 aa1.93□□□□□ -2.1
DCP1YOL149W RPL4BP49626 362 aaKnown RBP1.93□□□□□ -2.1
DCP1YOL149W MAL12P53341 584 aa1.93□□□□□ -2.1
DCP1YOL149W YNL260CP53846 198 aa1.93□□□□□ -2.1
DCP1YOL149W BOP2Q06150 570 aa1.93□□□□□ -2.1
DCP1YOL149W PST1Q12355 444 aa1.93□□□□□ -2.1
DCP1YOL149W PUT1P09368 476 aa1.92□□□□□ -2.1
DCP1YOL149W FRS2P15625 503 aaKnown RBP1.92□□□□□ -2.1
DCP1YOL149W OPI1P21957 404 aa1.92□□□□□ -2.1
DCP1YOL149W ECM13P38195 257 aa1.92□□□□□ -2.1
DCP1YOL149W AYR1P40471 297 aa1.92□□□□□ -2.1
DCP1YOL149W SNX4P47057 423 aa1.92□□□□□ -2.1
DCP1YOL149W SLX9P53251 210 aaPredicted RBP1.92□□□□□ -2.1
DCP1YOL149W EMI1Q04406 187 aa1.92□□□□□ -2.1
DCP1YOL149W SAS5Q99314 248 aa1.92□□□□□ -2.1
DCP1YOL149W POX1P13711 748 aa1.91□□□□□ -2.1
DCP1YOL149W UGA1P17649 471 aa1.91□□□□□ -2.1
DCP1YOL149W RPP0P05317 312 aaKnown RBP1.9□□□□□ -2.11
DCP1YOL149W RPC40P07703 335 aaKnown RBP1.9□□□□□ -2.11
DCP1YOL149W CCA1P21269 546 aa1.9□□□□□ -2.11
DCP1YOL149W YHL049CP38722 271 aa1.9□□□□□ -2.11
DCP1YOL149W PRM9P39551 298 aa1.9□□□□□ -2.11
DCP1YOL149W NBP35P52920 328 aa1.9□□□□□ -2.11
DCP1YOL149W AAH1P53909 347 aa1.9□□□□□ -2.11
DCP1YOL149W SWS2P53937 143 aa1.9□□□□□ -2.11
DCP1YOL149W CDC14Q00684 551 aa1.9□□□□□ -2.11
DCP1YOL149W MDY2Q12285 212 aa1.9□□□□□ -2.11
DCP1YOL149W FKS1P38631 1876 aaKnown RBP1.9□□□□□ -2.11
DCP1YOL149W SGA1P08019 549 aa1.89□□□□□ -2.11
DCP1YOL149W KRR1P25586 316 aaPredicted RBP1.89□□□□□ -2.11
DCP1YOL149W GCD14P46959 383 aaPredicted RBP1.89□□□□□ -2.11
DCP1YOL149W PNC1P53184 216 aaKnown RBP1.89□□□□□ -2.11
DCP1YOL149W TIM21P53220 239 aa1.89□□□□□ -2.11
DCP1YOL149W DAD3P69850 94 aa1.89□□□□□ -2.11
DCP1YOL149W RSM10Q03201 203 aa1.89□□□□□ -2.11
DCP1YOL149W ERV41Q04651 352 aa1.89□□□□□ -2.11
DCP1YOL149W PER33Q12144 273 aa1.89□□□□□ -2.11
DCP1YOL149W POF1P25576 258 aa1.88□□□□□ -2.11
DCP1YOL149W HEK2P38199 381 aaKnown RBP RIP-Chip data1.88□□□□□ -2.11not detected
DCP1YOL149W SHC1P39000 512 aa1.88□□□□□ -2.11
DCP1YOL149W RPL10P41805 221 aaKnown RBP1.88□□□□□ -2.11
DCP1YOL149W SLD7Q08457 257 aa1.88□□□□□ -2.11
DCP1YOL149W STF1P01098 86 aa1.87□□□□□ -2.11
DCP1YOL149W CWP1P28319 239 aa1.87□□□□□ -2.11
DCP1YOL149W OST2P46964 130 aa1.86□□□□□ -2.11
DCP1YOL149W ARV1Q06541 321 aa1.86□□□□□ -2.11
DCP1YOL149W MHT1Q12525 324 aa1.86□□□□□ -2.11
DCP1YOL149W YSR3P23501 404 aa1.85□□□□□ -2.11
DCP1YOL149W MEK1P24719 497 aaPredicted RBP1.85□□□□□ -2.11
DCP1YOL149W YGL185CP53100 379 aa1.85□□□□□ -2.11
DCP1YOL149W LSB1P53281 241 aa1.85□□□□□ -2.11
DCP1YOL149W MNT4P53745 580 aa1.85□□□□□ -2.11
DCP1YOL149W ASI3P53983 676 aa1.85□□□□□ -2.11
DCP1YOL149W SKI2P35207 1287 aaKnown RBP RIP-Chip data1.84□□□□□ -2.11not detected
DCP1YOL149W YHB1P39676 399 aaKnown RBP1.84□□□□□ -2.11
DCP1YOL149W STH1P32597 1359 aa1.84□□□□□ -2.12
DCP1YOL149W HSM3P38348 480 aa1.83□□□□□ -2.12
DCP1YOL149W PRM15Q03262 622 aa1.83□□□□□ -2.12
DCP1YOL149W PEX10Q05568 337 aa1.83□□□□□ -2.12
DCP1YOL149W RCY1P39531 840 aa1.82□□□□□ -2.12
DCP1YOL149W PEP8P40335 379 aa1.82□□□□□ -2.12
DCP1YOL149W FMP33P46998 180 aa1.82□□□□□ -2.12
DCP1YOL149W YPR011CQ12251 326 aa1.82□□□□□ -2.12
DCP1YOL149W EMP46Q12396 444 aa1.82□□□□□ -2.12
DCP1YOL149W RAS2P01120 322 aaKnown RBP1.81□□□□□ -2.12
DCP1YOL149W CDC7P06243 507 aa1.81□□□□□ -2.12
DCP1YOL149W SMD3P43321 101 aaKnown RBP1.81□□□□□ -2.12
DCP1YOL149W MRX5P47007 382 aa1.81□□□□□ -2.12
DCP1YOL149W SME1Q12330 94 aaPredicted RBP1.81□□□□□ -2.12
DCP1YOL149W RCN1P36054 211 aa1.8□□□□□ -2.12
DCP1YOL149W PRS4P38063 326 aaPredicted RBP1.8□□□□□ -2.12
DCP1YOL149W CTR3Q06686 241 aa1.8□□□□□ -2.12
DCP1YOL149W FMP16Q12497 93 aa1.8□□□□□ -2.12
DCP1YOL149W FBA1P14540 359 aaKnown RBP1.79□□□□□ -2.12
DCP1YOL149W SEC22P22214 214 aa1.79□□□□□ -2.12
DCP1YOL149W DOG1P38774 246 aa1.79□□□□□ -2.12
DCP1YOL149W ARP5P53946 755 aa1.79□□□□□ -2.12
DCP1YOL149W SPP2Q02521 185 aa1.79□□□□□ -2.12
DCP1YOL149W SCL1P21243 252 aaKnown RBP1.78□□□□□ -2.12
DCP1YOL149W MRPL40P36534 297 aa1.78□□□□□ -2.12
DCP1YOL149W YER135CP40082 130 aa1.78□□□□□ -2.12
DCP1YOL149W YBL008W-AQ3E821 79 aa1.78□□□□□ -2.12
DCP1YOL149W YHR032W-AP0C5N6 59 aa1.77□□□□□ -2.13
DCP1YOL149W PEX4P29340 183 aa1.77□□□□□ -2.13
DCP1YOL149W COS8P38723 381 aa1.77□□□□□ -2.13
DCP1YOL149W ARC15P40518 154 aaRIP-Chip data1.77□□□□□ -2.13not detected
DCP1YOL149W BBP1Q12365 385 aa1.77□□□□□ -2.13
DCP1YOL149W Q0255P03881 472 aa1.76□□□□□ -2.13
DCP1YOL149W MET16P18408 261 aaPredicted RBP1.76□□□□□ -2.13
DCP1YOL149W YGL034CP53186 121 aa1.76□□□□□ -2.13
DCP1YOL149W MAL13P53338 473 aa1.76□□□□□ -2.13
DCP1YOL149W MRPL23Q12487 163 aaPredicted RBP1.76□□□□□ -2.13
DCP1YOL149W YKL070WP36087 169 aa1.75□□□□□ -2.13
DCP1YOL149W DSN1P40568 576 aa1.75□□□□□ -2.13
DCP1YOL149W CTF19Q02732 369 aa1.75□□□□□ -2.13
DCP1YOL149W MRPS8Q03799 155 aa1.75□□□□□ -2.13
Retrieved 100 of 5,963 RNA–protein pairs in 15 ms