Protein–RNA interactions for Protein: Q03956

RAV2, Regulator of V-ATPase in vacuolar membrane protein 2, yeastyeast

Predictions only

Length 351 aa.

Protein RNA Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene UniProt Accession Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Length Transcript Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
RAV2Q03956 YKL033W-AYKL033W-A 711 nt2.03□□□□□ -2.08
RAV2Q03956 OMA1YKR087C 1038 nt2.03□□□□□ -2.08
RAV2Q03956 RDN58-1RDN58-1 158 nt2.03□□□□□ -2.08
RAV2Q03956 RDN58-2RDN58-2 158 nt2.03□□□□□ -2.08
RAV2Q03956 SUB1YMR039C 879 nt2.03□□□□□ -2.08
RAV2Q03956 POL30YBR088C 777 nt2.03□□□□□ -2.08
RAV2Q03956 MLH1YMR167W 2310 nt2.03□□□□□ -2.08
RAV2Q03956 GIN4YDR507C 3429 nt2.03□□□□□ -2.08
RAV2Q03956 UBP15YMR304W 3693 nt2.02□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 NFI1YOR156C 2181 nt2.02□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 YGR111WYGR111W 1203 nt2.02□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 YGR149WYGR149W 1299 nt2.02□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 SOL3YHR163W 750 nt2.02□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 RNR2YJL026W 1200 nt2.02□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 YAL042C-AYAL042C-A 378 nt2.02□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 APC9YLR102C 798 nt2.02□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 YLR154W-EYLR154W-E 204 nt2.02□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 PML39YML107C 1005 nt2.02□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 TPT1YOL102C 693 nt2.02□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 YOL114CYOL114C 609 nt2.02□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 YOL134CYOL134C 390 nt2.02□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 DAD3YBR233W-A 285 nt2.02□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 SPF1YEL031W 3648 nt2.02□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 YHR078WYHR078W 1659 nt2.02□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 UTP15YMR093W 1542 nt2.01□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 TCB2YNL087W 3537 nt2.01□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 YDR186CYDR186C 2634 nt2.01□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 YDR222WYDR222W 1248 nt2.01□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 BRR6YGL247W 594 nt2.01□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 GTT1YIR038C 705 nt2.01□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 BOS1YLR078C 735 nt2.01□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 RPL19BYBL027W 570 nt2.01□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 YOR055WYOR055W 435 nt2.01□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 JID1YPR061C 906 nt2.01□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 YBR259WYBR259W 2067 nt2.01□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 AFI1YOR129C 2682 nt2.01□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 YHL012WYHL012W 1482 nt2.01□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 VPS9YML097C 1356 nt2□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 USO1YDL058W 5373 nt2□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 BNI1YNL271C 5862 nt2□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 TAN1YGL232W 870 nt2□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 YGR050CYGR050C 357 nt2□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 MTD1YKR080W 963 nt2□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 REX3YLR107W 1215 nt2□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 YPR097WYPR097W 3222 nt2□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 YJL132WYJL132W 2253 nt2□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 SPB1YCL054W 2526 nt1.99□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 PDR1YGL013C 3207 nt1.99□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 PTI1YGR156W 1278 nt1.99□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 YKR070WYKR070W 1059 nt1.99□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 SAS2YMR127C 1017 nt1.99□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 YNL046WYNL046W 519 nt1.99□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 YBR209WYBR209W 318 nt1.99□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 YPK1YKL126W 2043 nt1.98□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 RGA1YOR127W 3024 nt1.98□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 RNH202YDR279W 1053 nt1.98□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 NOP19YGR251W 591 nt1.98□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 YIL068W-AYIL068W-A 384 nt1.98□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 MST28YAR033W 705 nt1.98□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 YLR347W-AYLR347W-A 141 nt1.98□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 ILV5YLR355C 1188 nt1.98□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 YMR187CYMR187C 1296 nt1.98□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 NMA111YNL123W 2994 nt1.98□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 ATG3YNR007C 933 nt1.98□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 SVL3YPL032C 2478 nt1.98□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 RSE1YML049C 4086 nt1.97□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 HSC82YMR186W 2118 nt1.97□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 ROY1YMR258C 1662 nt1.97□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 YNL018CYNL018C 1839 nt1.97□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 ERG20YJL167W 1059 nt1.97□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 BET3YKR068C 582 nt1.97□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 MRPS17YMR188C 714 nt1.97□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 YNL067W-AYNL067W-A 147 nt1.97□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 FPR1YNL135C 345 nt1.97□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 HMT1YBR034C 1047 nt1.97□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 VMA9YCL005W-A 222 nt1.97□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 EDS1YBR033W 2760 nt1.97□□□□□ -2.09
RAV2Q03956 YLR108CYLR108C 1458 nt1.96□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 KSP1YHR082C 3090 nt1.96□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 YKL162CYKL162C 1209 nt1.96□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 RPL8BYLL045C 771 nt1.96□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 YLR290CYLR290C 834 nt1.96□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 YLR400WYLR400W 474 nt1.96□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 AGE1YDR524C 1449 nt1.96□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 YDR179W-AYDR179W-A 1392 nt1.96□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 ORC1YML065W 2745 nt1.96□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 ATP22YDR350C 2055 nt1.95□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 RGL1YPL066W 1440 nt1.95□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 YGR064WYGR064W 369 nt1.95□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 UTP30YKR060W 825 nt1.95□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 YMR320WYMR320W 306 nt1.95□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 YOL019W-AYOL019W-A 153 nt1.95□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 YOR387CYOR387C 621 nt1.95□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 ISU1YPL135W 498 nt1.95□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 STE11YLR362W 2154 nt1.95□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 DNL4YOR005C 2835 nt1.95□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 PKP2YGL059W 1476 nt1.94□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 SDC25YLL016W 3147 nt1.94□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 RSR1YGR152C 819 nt1.94□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 YOL166CYOL166C 339 nt1.94□□□□□ -2.1
Retrieved 100 of 7,029 protein–RNA pairs in 188.3 ms