RNA–Protein interactions for RNA: YIL099W

SGA1, Transcript of Intracellular sporulation-specific glucoamylase, yeastyeast

Gene SGA1, Length 1,650 nt, Biotype protein coding.

RNA Protein Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Gene UniProt Accession Length Protein Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
SGA1YIL099W UGP1P32861 499 aaKnown RBP9.03□□□□□ -0.96
SGA1YIL099W MDJ1P35191 511 aa9.03□□□□□ -0.96
SGA1YIL099W YMC2P38087 329 aa9.03□□□□□ -0.96
SGA1YIL099W MMS4P38257 691 aa9.03□□□□□ -0.96
SGA1YIL099W ETP1P38748 585 aaKnown RBP9.03□□□□□ -0.96
SGA1YIL099W TIF11P38912 153 aaKnown RBP9.03□□□□□ -0.96
SGA1YIL099W EAF6P47128 113 aa9.03□□□□□ -0.96
SGA1YIL099W TPO2P53283 614 aa9.03□□□□□ -0.96
SGA1YIL099W YNL058CP53947 316 aa9.03□□□□□ -0.96
SGA1YIL099W RKM2Q03942 479 aa9.03□□□□□ -0.96
SGA1YIL099W GLO2Q05584 274 aa9.03□□□□□ -0.96
SGA1YIL099W TPO1Q07824 586 aa9.03□□□□□ -0.96
SGA1YIL099W GPI13Q07830 1017 aa9.03□□□□□ -0.96
SGA1YIL099W PSY3Q12318 242 aa9.03□□□□□ -0.96
SGA1YIL099W NHA1Q99271 985 aa9.03□□□□□ -0.96
SGA1YIL099W IZH4Q99393 312 aa9.03□□□□□ -0.96
SGA1YIL099W MOT1P32333 1867 aa9.03□□□□□ -0.96
SGA1YIL099W SPE1P08432 466 aa9.02□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W PTP2P29461 750 aa9.02□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W SHC1P39000 512 aa9.02□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W YEL025CP39991 1188 aa9.02□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W MND2P40577 368 aa9.02□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W ULI1P43604 169 aa9.02□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W STB2P46679 850 aa9.02□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W ASN2P49090 572 aaKnown RBP9.02□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W DSL1P53847 754 aa9.02□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W ECM7Q06200 448 aa9.02□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W SEC10Q06245 871 aa9.02□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W FMP25Q08023 583 aa9.02□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W THI21Q08975 551 aa9.02□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W YLL058WQ12198 575 aa9.02□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W CTT1P06115 562 aa9.01□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W RPL4AP10664 362 aaKnown RBP9.01□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W TEC1P18412 486 aa9.01□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W MSM1P22438 575 aa9.01□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W BUD23P25627 275 aaPredicted RBP9.01□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W DPH2P32461 534 aa9.01□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W AEP1P32493 518 aa9.01□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W UTR4P32626 227 aa9.01□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W NOP4P37838 685 aaKnown RBP9.01□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W REG2P38232 338 aa9.01□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W YBR285WP38354 144 aa9.01□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W AVT2P39981 480 aa9.01□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W YJL007CP47080 104 aa9.01□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W RPL4BP49626 362 aaKnown RBP9.01□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W BUD32P53323 261 aa9.01□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W SED5Q01590 340 aa9.01□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W SPP1Q03012 353 aa9.01□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W YPK1P12688 680 aaKnown RBP9□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W HPR1P17629 752 aaKnown RBP9□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W AMD2P22580 549 aa9□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W SPB1P25582 841 aaPredicted RBP9□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W YCL068CP25593 260 aa9□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W RIM1P32445 135 aaKnown RBP9□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W NGG1P32494 702 aa9□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W UTR2P32623 467 aa9□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W PTC1P35182 281 aa9□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W TDP1P38319 544 aa9□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W MEF2P39677 819 aa9□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W ECM10P39987 644 aa9□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W SWP82P43554 623 aa9□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W YGR283CP53336 341 aaPredicted RBP9□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W SLD5Q03406 294 aa9□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W YMR155WQ03795 547 aa9□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W GPI17Q04080 534 aa9□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W DOT1Q04089 582 aaKnown RBP9□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W CDC123Q05791 360 aa9□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W JIP5Q06214 492 aaPredicted RBP9□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W TSR2Q06672 205 aaKnown RBP9□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W YDL114WQ07530 308 aa9□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W ZPS1Q12512 249 aa9□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W GAP1P19145 602 aaPredicted RBP9□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W SEC15P22224 910 aa9□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W TKL1P23254 680 aaKnown RBP9□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W MSH2P25847 964 aa9□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W TYE7P33122 291 aaPredicted RBP9□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W ARN1P38731 627 aa9□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W GOS1P38736 223 aa9□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W LYS9P38999 446 aa9□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W FAA2P39518 744 aa9□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W IES5P40060 125 aa9□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W IML2P47031 731 aa9□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W AZR1P50080 613 aa9□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W MNP1P53163 194 aaPredicted RBP9□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W GPI1P53306 609 aa9□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W ARC35P53731 342 aaKnown RBP9□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W JIP4Q03361 876 aa9□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W LOT6Q07923 191 aa9□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W DIS3Q08162 1001 aaKnown RBP9□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W GYP1Q08484 637 aa9□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W BRR1Q99177 341 aaPredicted RBP9□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W VBA3P25594 458 aa8.99□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W PER1P25625 357 aa8.99□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W ITR2P30606 609 aa8.99□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W ATP7P30902 174 aa8.99□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W PEX6P33760 1030 aa8.99□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W PEX5P35056 612 aa8.99□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W NTR2P36118 322 aaPredicted RBP8.99□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W VBA5P36172 582 aa8.99□□□□□ -0.97
SGA1YIL099W ABZ1P37254 787 aaPredicted RBP8.99□□□□□ -0.97
Retrieved 100 of 5,963 RNA–protein pairs in 11.7 ms