Protein–RNA interactions for Protein: Q08204

SMC5, Structural maintenance of chromosomes protein 5, yeastyeast

Predictions only

Length 1,093 aa.

Protein RNA Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene UniProt Accession Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Length Transcript Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
SMC5Q08204 SWC7YLR385C 399 nt4.06□□□□□ -1.76
SMC5Q08204 LTO1YNL260C 597 nt4.06□□□□□ -1.76
SMC5Q08204 ARX1YDR101C 1782 nt4.06□□□□□ -1.76
SMC5Q08204 PRM2YIL037C 1971 nt4.05□□□□□ -1.76
SMC5Q08204 ENT1YDL161W 1365 nt4.05□□□□□ -1.76
SMC5Q08204 TAF7YMR227C 1773 nt4.05□□□□□ -1.76
SMC5Q08204 ATP5YDR298C 639 nt4.05□□□□□ -1.76
SMC5Q08204 YER085CYER085C 522 nt4.05□□□□□ -1.76
SMC5Q08204 REC104YHR157W 549 nt4.05□□□□□ -1.76
SMC5Q08204 NSE1YLR007W 1011 nt4.05□□□□□ -1.76
SMC5Q08204 COQ5YML110C 924 nt4.05□□□□□ -1.76
SMC5Q08204 TPP1YMR156C 717 nt4.05□□□□□ -1.76
SMC5Q08204 YOL024WYOL024W 519 nt4.05□□□□□ -1.76
SMC5Q08204 NAT3YPR131C 588 nt4.05□□□□□ -1.76
SMC5Q08204 YBR141W-AYBR141W-A 96 nt4.05□□□□□ -1.76
SMC5Q08204 MRH4YGL064C 1686 nt4.05□□□□□ -1.76
SMC5Q08204 MUP3YHL036W 1641 nt4.05□□□□□ -1.76
SMC5Q08204 SWP82YFL049W 1872 nt4.05□□□□□ -1.76
SMC5Q08204 NTH1YDR001C 2256 nt4.04□□□□□ -1.76
SMC5Q08204 YCR050CYCR050C 309 nt4.04□□□□□ -1.76
SMC5Q08204 YDL241WYDL241W 372 nt4.04□□□□□ -1.76
SMC5Q08204 LRG1YDL240W 3054 nt4.04□□□□□ -1.76
SMC5Q08204 CUS1YMR240C 1311 nt4.03□□□□□ -1.76
SMC5Q08204 RNY1YPL123C 1305 nt4.03□□□□□ -1.76
SMC5Q08204 YDR444WYDR444W 2064 nt4.03□□□□□ -1.76
SMC5Q08204 COS7YDL248W 1152 nt4.03□□□□□ -1.76
SMC5Q08204 DOS2YDR068W 933 nt4.03□□□□□ -1.76
SMC5Q08204 COS5YJR161C 1152 nt4.03□□□□□ -1.76
SMC5Q08204 AIM26YKL037W 357 nt4.03□□□□□ -1.76
SMC5Q08204 IDI1YPL117C 867 nt4.03□□□□□ -1.76
SMC5Q08204 snR37snR37 386 nt4.03□□□□□ -1.76
SMC5Q08204 BCH2YKR027W 2298 nt4.03□□□□□ -1.76
SMC5Q08204 YGR027W-BYGR027W-B 5268 nt4.02□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 YLR227W-BYLR227W-B 5268 nt4.02□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 YPR158C-DYPR158C-D 5268 nt4.02□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 SPT23YKL020C 3249 nt4.02□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 YER034WYER034W 558 nt4.02□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 FOL2YGR267C 732 nt4.02□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 MBR1YKL093W 1020 nt4.02□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 CDA2YLR308W 939 nt4.02□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 IMP1YMR150C 573 nt4.02□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 UTP23YOR004W 765 nt4.02□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 GGA1YDR358W 1674 nt4.02□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 GRS2YPR081C 1857 nt4.01□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 CNA1YLR433C 1662 nt4.01□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 SYF1YDR416W 2580 nt4.01□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 YGL063C-AYGL063C-A 150 nt4.01□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 YIL014C-AYIL014C-A 315 nt4.01□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 VPS28YPL065W 729 nt4.01□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 AGA1YNR044W 2178 nt4.01□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 SIP1YDR422C 2448 nt4.01□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 TCM62YBR044C 1719 nt4.01□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 MSN4YKL062W 1893 nt4.01□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 OSH2YDL019C 3852 nt4□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 VPS53YJL029C 2469 nt4□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 YHL012WYHL012W 1482 nt4□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 TCO89YPL180W 2400 nt4□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 YFL041W-AYFL041W-A 192 nt4□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 MRM2YGL136C 963 nt4□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 POF1YCL047C 777 nt4□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 RDS1YCR106W 2499 nt4□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 TGL1YKL140W 1647 nt3.99□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 KIN3YAR018C 1308 nt3.99□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 FAT1YBR041W 2010 nt3.99□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 SEG1YMR086W 2883 nt3.99□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 NSE3YDR288W 912 nt3.99□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 RPB3YIL021W 957 nt3.99□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 MCM7YBR202W 2538 nt3.99□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 ARO9YHR137W 1542 nt3.99□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 ABD1YBR236C 1311 nt3.98□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 SIR1YKR101W 1965 nt3.98□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 CDC45YLR103C 1953 nt3.98□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 YPK3YBR028C 1578 nt3.98□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 CHD1YER164W 4407 nt3.98□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 PHO12YHR215W 1404 nt3.98□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 PHO11YAR071W 1404 nt3.98□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 GPI13YLL031C 3054 nt3.98□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 PHO92YDR374C 921 nt3.98□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 YER076CYER076C 909 nt3.98□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 SPI1YER150W 447 nt3.98□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 YGR015CYGR015C 987 nt3.98□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 ECM34YHL043W 513 nt3.98□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 ATP12YJL180C 978 nt3.98□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 YAE1YJR067C 426 nt3.98□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 OAR1YKL055C 837 nt3.98□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 SPC3YLR066W 555 nt3.98□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 EMG1YLR186W 759 nt3.98□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 YLR225CYLR225C 1224 nt3.98□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 YMR084WYMR084W 789 nt3.98□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 RIB4YOL143C 510 nt3.98□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 JEN1YKL217W 1851 nt3.98□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 YTM1YOR272W 1383 nt3.98□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 UGA3YDL170W 1587 nt3.97□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 FMP25YLR077W 1752 nt3.97□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 GVP36YIL041W 981 nt3.97□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 YLR154W-BYLR154W-B 165 nt3.97□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 YPT53YNL093W 663 nt3.97□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 HRT1YOL133W 366 nt3.97□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 MTC4YBR255W 2085 nt3.97□□□□□ -1.77
SMC5Q08204 RNA14YMR061W 2034 nt3.97□□□□□ -1.77
Retrieved 100 of 7,029 protein–RNA pairs in 25.8 ms