Protein–RNA interactions for Protein: P32634

PMD1, Negative regulator of sporulation PMD1, yeastyeast

Predictions only

Length 1,753 aa.

Protein RNA Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene UniProt Accession Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Length Transcript Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
PMD1P32634 TPA1YER049W 1935 nt4.43□□□□□ -1.7
PMD1P32634 YPL025CYPL025C 558 nt4.43□□□□□ -1.7
PMD1P32634 OCA5YHL029C 2040 nt4.43□□□□□ -1.7
PMD1P32634 FHL1YPR104C 2811 nt4.43□□□□□ -1.7
PMD1P32634 NBP2YDR162C 711 nt4.42□□□□□ -1.7
PMD1P32634 AAD10YJR155W 867 nt4.42□□□□□ -1.7
PMD1P32634 SOL4YGR248W 768 nt4.42□□□□□ -1.7
PMD1P32634 MRT4YKL009W 711 nt4.42□□□□□ -1.7
PMD1P32634 OAR1YKL055C 837 nt4.42□□□□□ -1.7
PMD1P32634 SRP72YPL210C 1923 nt4.42□□□□□ -1.7
PMD1P32634 PBS2YJL128C 2007 nt4.41□□□□□ -1.7
PMD1P32634 DNF2YDR093W 4839 nt4.41□□□□□ -1.7
PMD1P32634 AIR1YIL079C 1083 nt4.41□□□□□ -1.7
PMD1P32634 COQ5YML110C 924 nt4.41□□□□□ -1.7
PMD1P32634 PTA1YAL043C 2358 nt4.41□□□□□ -1.7
PMD1P32634 TDA7YNL176C 1911 nt4.41□□□□□ -1.7
PMD1P32634 FLC3YGL139W 2409 nt4.4□□□□□ -1.71
PMD1P32634 NSI1YDR026C 1713 nt4.4□□□□□ -1.71
PMD1P32634 CHL1YPL008W 2586 nt4.4□□□□□ -1.71
PMD1P32634 MCM7YBR202W 2538 nt4.39□□□□□ -1.71
PMD1P32634 OLE1YGL055W 1533 nt4.39□□□□□ -1.71
PMD1P32634 GLE2YER107C 1098 nt4.39□□□□□ -1.71
PMD1P32634 YGR139WYGR139W 339 nt4.39□□□□□ -1.71
PMD1P32634 PHO86YJL117W 936 nt4.39□□□□□ -1.71
PMD1P32634 MTC4YBR255W 2085 nt4.39□□□□□ -1.71
PMD1P32634 ACC1YNR016C 6702 nt4.39□□□□□ -1.71
PMD1P32634 GAS3YMR215W 1575 nt4.38□□□□□ -1.71
PMD1P32634 PEX29YDR479C 1665 nt4.38□□□□□ -1.71
PMD1P32634 CHK1YBR274W 1584 nt4.38□□□□□ -1.71
PMD1P32634 JIP5YPR169W 1479 nt4.37□□□□□ -1.71
PMD1P32634 LCB5YLR260W 2064 nt4.37□□□□□ -1.71
PMD1P32634 FAT1YBR041W 2010 nt4.37□□□□□ -1.71
PMD1P32634 SKG6YHR149C 2205 nt4.37□□□□□ -1.71
PMD1P32634 RPS1BYML063W 768 nt4.36□□□□□ -1.71
PMD1P32634 NCR1YPL006W 3513 nt4.36□□□□□ -1.71
PMD1P32634 GUP2YPL189W 1830 nt4.36□□□□□ -1.71
PMD1P32634 IMP2YMR035W 534 nt4.35□□□□□ -1.71
PMD1P32634 IDS2YJL146W 1410 nt4.35□□□□□ -1.71
PMD1P32634 VAS1YGR094W 3315 nt4.35□□□□□ -1.71
PMD1P32634 VTH1YIL173W 4650 nt4.35□□□□□ -1.71
PMD1P32634 VTH2YJL222W 4650 nt4.35□□□□□ -1.71
PMD1P32634 YCR006CYCR006C 474 nt4.35□□□□□ -1.71
PMD1P32634 CAT5YOR125C 702 nt4.35□□□□□ -1.71
PMD1P32634 HOS2YGL194C 1359 nt4.34□□□□□ -1.71
PMD1P32634 LCB2YDR062W 1686 nt4.34□□□□□ -1.71
PMD1P32634 VBA1YMR088C 1689 nt4.34□□□□□ -1.71
PMD1P32634 CDC45YLR103C 1953 nt4.34□□□□□ -1.71
PMD1P32634 NPY1YGL067W 1155 nt4.34□□□□□ -1.71
PMD1P32634 YGR018CYGR018C 330 nt4.34□□□□□ -1.71
PMD1P32634 AGE2YIL044C 897 nt4.34□□□□□ -1.71
PMD1P32634 RDS1YCR106W 2499 nt4.34□□□□□ -1.72
PMD1P32634 BNA5YLR231C 1362 nt4.34□□□□□ -1.72
PMD1P32634 PMT2YAL023C 2280 nt4.33□□□□□ -1.72
PMD1P32634 YFR052C-AYFR052C-A 306 nt4.33□□□□□ -1.72
PMD1P32634 ELF1YKL160W 438 nt4.33□□□□□ -1.72
PMD1P32634 RFC3YNL290W 1023 nt4.33□□□□□ -1.72
PMD1P32634 YPL077CYPL077C 723 nt4.33□□□□□ -1.72
PMD1P32634 HUT1YPL244C 1020 nt4.33□□□□□ -1.72
PMD1P32634 CDC15YAR019C 2925 nt4.33□□□□□ -1.72
PMD1P32634 SEG2YKL105C 3399 nt4.33□□□□□ -1.72
PMD1P32634 TGL4YKR089C 2733 nt4.33□□□□□ -1.72
PMD1P32634 IMP4YNL075W 873 nt4.32□□□□□ -1.72
PMD1P32634 YCL021W-AYCL021W-A 378 nt4.32□□□□□ -1.72
PMD1P32634 SOD1YJR104C 465 nt4.32□□□□□ -1.72
PMD1P32634 CPR6YLR216C 1116 nt4.32□□□□□ -1.72
PMD1P32634 MOH1YBL049W 417 nt4.32□□□□□ -1.72
PMD1P32634 DRS1YLL008W 2259 nt4.32□□□□□ -1.72
PMD1P32634 SPT10YJL127C 1923 nt4.31□□□□□ -1.72
PMD1P32634 RIB4YOL143C 510 nt4.31□□□□□ -1.72
PMD1P32634 TIM12YBR091C 330 nt4.31□□□□□ -1.72
PMD1P32634 APC1YNL172W 5247 nt4.31□□□□□ -1.72
PMD1P32634 RKM2YDR198C 1440 nt4.31□□□□□ -1.72
PMD1P32634 EXO1YOR033C 2109 nt4.31□□□□□ -1.72
PMD1P32634 YHR212W-AYHR212W-A 204 nt4.3□□□□□ -1.72
PMD1P32634 YAR061WYAR061W 204 nt4.3□□□□□ -1.72
PMD1P32634 SWH1YAR042W 3567 nt4.3□□□□□ -1.72
PMD1P32634 VPS73YGL104C 1461 nt4.3□□□□□ -1.72
PMD1P32634 SIW14YNL032W 846 nt4.3□□□□□ -1.72
PMD1P32634 NGL2YMR285C 1548 nt4.29□□□□□ -1.72
PMD1P32634 HST1YOL068C 1512 nt4.29□□□□□ -1.72
PMD1P32634 HMG1YML075C 3165 nt4.29□□□□□ -1.72
PMD1P32634 BUD14YAR014C 2130 nt4.29□□□□□ -1.72
PMD1P32634 ECM8YBR076W 1065 nt4.29□□□□□ -1.72
PMD1P32634 SVF1YDR346C 1446 nt4.29□□□□□ -1.72
PMD1P32634 XKS1YGR194C 1803 nt4.29□□□□□ -1.72
PMD1P32634 MCX1YBR227C 1563 nt4.29□□□□□ -1.72
PMD1P32634 PMT6YGR199W 2280 nt4.28□□□□□ -1.72
PMD1P32634 RAD2YGR258C 3096 nt4.28□□□□□ -1.72
PMD1P32634 TEF4YKL081W 1239 nt4.28□□□□□ -1.72
PMD1P32634 YMR114CYMR114C 1107 nt4.28□□□□□ -1.72
PMD1P32634 OSW1YOR255W 837 nt4.28□□□□□ -1.72
PMD1P32634 FDH1YOR388C 1131 nt4.28□□□□□ -1.72
PMD1P32634 JIP4YDR475C 2631 nt4.28□□□□□ -1.72
PMD1P32634 RRN6YBL014C 2685 nt4.28□□□□□ -1.72
PMD1P32634 SSM4YIL030C 3960 nt4.28□□□□□ -1.72
PMD1P32634 ARN2YHL047C 1863 nt4.27□□□□□ -1.73
PMD1P32634 TDA8YAL064C-A 381 nt4.27□□□□□ -1.73
PMD1P32634 SEA4YBL104C 3117 nt4.27□□□□□ -1.73
PMD1P32634 YOR296WYOR296W 3870 nt4.27□□□□□ -1.73
PMD1P32634 YDR250CYDR250C 276 nt4.27□□□□□ -1.73
Retrieved 100 of 7,029 protein–RNA pairs in 12.4 ms