RNA–Protein interactions for RNA: YPL193W

RSA1, Transcript of Protein involved in the assembly of 60S ribosomal subunits, yeastyeast

Gene RSA1, Length 1,146 nt, Biotype protein coding.

RNA Protein Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Gene UniProt Accession Length Protein Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
RSA1YPL193W COA1P40452 197 aa2□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W MAM33P40513 266 aa2□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W HAC1P41546 238 aa2□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W TAD2P47058 250 aa2□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W AIM24P47127 394 aa2□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W YPT32P51996 222 aaKnown RBP2□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W PMT5P52867 743 aa2□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W YGL159WP53110 370 aa2□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W GPI15P53961 229 aa2□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W MRPS16Q02608 121 aa2□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W CTF19Q02732 369 aa2□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W YPL077CQ02831 240 aa2□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W BCH1Q05029 724 aa2□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W MCH1Q07376 486 aa2□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W YOR376WQ08900 122 aa2□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W ORT1Q12375 292 aa2□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W GTT2Q12390 233 aa2□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W QCR7P00128 127 aa1.99□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W TPK3P05986 398 aa1.99□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W RAD10P06838 210 aa1.99□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W PET494P07390 489 aaPredicted RBP1.99□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W IMA3P0CW40 589 aa1.99□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W IMA4P0CW41 589 aa1.99□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W YMR31P19955 123 aa1.99□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W YCR099CP25657 155 aa1.99□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W PMT2P31382 759 aa1.99□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W RAD5P32849 1169 aaPredicted RBP1.99□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W SPO23P33757 523 aa1.99□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W NUF2P33895 451 aa1.99□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W DTR1P38125 572 aa1.99□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W FIG1P38224 298 aa1.99□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W AME1P38313 324 aa1.99□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W PRS2P38620 318 aaKnown RBP1.99□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W YHR035WP38769 630 aa1.99□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W YHR127WP38833 243 aaKnown RBP1.99□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W YNL194CP40169 301 aa1.99□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W POG1P40473 351 aa1.99□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W RPL10P41805 221 aaKnown RBP1.99□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W SFH5P47008 294 aa1.99□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W HOC1P47124 396 aa1.99□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W YJR149WP47177 404 aa1.99□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W NAS6P50086 228 aa1.99□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W CWC23P52868 283 aaPredicted RBP1.99□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W CRH1P53301 507 aa1.99□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W RRN9P53437 365 aa1.99□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W KTR5P53966 522 aaPredicted RBP1.99□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W OST6Q03723 332 aa1.99□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W PEX10Q05568 337 aa1.99□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W ASA1Q06822 443 aa1.99□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W PBP4Q07362 185 aaKnown RBP1.99□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W IMA2Q08295 589 aa1.99□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W MMT2Q08970 484 aa1.99□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W YDL211CQ12121 372 aa1.99□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W PST1Q12355 444 aa1.99□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W SNF8Q12483 233 aa1.99□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W YKL183C-AQ3E765 70 aa1.99□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W NSP1P14907 823 aaKnown RBP1.98□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W FMT1P32785 401 aa1.98□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W ZRT1P32804 376 aa1.98□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W TIP20P33891 701 aa1.98□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W YKL063CP35725 167 aa1.98□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W IST2P38250 946 aa1.98□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W SHG1P38337 142 aa1.98□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W CUE1P38428 203 aa1.98□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W ATG7P38862 630 aa1.98□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W IKI1P38874 309 aa1.98□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W SRP14P38985 146 aa1.98□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W OXA1P39952 402 aa1.98□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W JLP2P40206 208 aa1.98□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W SOK1P40317 901 aa1.98□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W PFS2P42841 465 aaKnown RBP1.98□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W KEG1P43614 200 aa1.98□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W YJR141WP47172 347 aaPredicted RBP1.98□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W PHB2P50085 310 aa1.98□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W MIC26P50087 233 aa1.98□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W LST7P53237 242 aa1.98□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W CPD1P53314 239 aa1.98□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W NOP19P53317 196 aaPredicted RBP1.98□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W SKI8Q02793 397 aaPredicted RBP1.98□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W SNT309Q06091 175 aaPredicted RBP1.98□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W RIF2Q06208 395 aa1.98□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W ASR1Q06834 288 aa1.98□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W SLD7Q08457 257 aa1.98□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W APC9Q12107 265 aa1.98□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W TPT1Q12272 230 aaKnown RBP1.98□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W JLP1Q12358 412 aa1.98□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W YOP1Q12402 180 aa1.98□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W RPB5P20434 215 aa1.97□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W FAR1P21268 830 aa1.97□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W STP22P25604 385 aa1.97□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W TAH1P25638 111 aaPredicted RBP1.97□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W RFA3P26755 122 aaKnown RBP1.97□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W TRR1P29509 319 aaKnown RBP1.97□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W TOA2P32774 122 aa1.97□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W GPI18P38211 433 aa1.97□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W ECM8P38246 354 aa1.97□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W RCK2P38623 610 aa1.97□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W VMA22P38784 181 aa1.97□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W YIA6P40556 373 aa1.97□□□□□ -2.09
RSA1YPL193W ECO1P43605 281 aa1.97□□□□□ -2.09
Retrieved 100 of 5,963 RNA–protein pairs in 46 ms