Protein–RNA interactions for Protein: P40061

TSC11, Target of rapamycin complex 2 subunit TSC11, yeastyeast

Predictions only

Length 1,430 aa.

Protein RNA Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene UniProt Accession Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Length Transcript Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
TSC11P40061 ATP15YPL271W 189 nt-0.11□□□□□ -2.43
TSC11P40061 BI3Q0115 1554 nt-0.11□□□□□ -2.43
TSC11P40061 RPL42BYHR141C 321 nt-0.12□□□□□ -2.43
TSC11P40061 RPL42AYNL162W 321 nt-0.12□□□□□ -2.43
TSC11P40061 YPL080CYPL080C 327 nt-0.12□□□□□ -2.43
TSC11P40061 VIK1YPL253C 1944 nt-0.12□□□□□ -2.43
TSC11P40061 SCW11YGL028C 1629 nt-0.12□□□□□ -2.43
TSC11P40061 RPS10BYMR230W 318 nt-0.13□□□□□ -2.43
TSC11P40061 YOR169CYOR169C 465 nt-0.13□□□□□ -2.43
TSC11P40061 NPR2YEL062W 1848 nt-0.13□□□□□ -2.43
TSC11P40061 REF2YDR195W 1602 nt-0.13□□□□□ -2.43
TSC11P40061 PMP1YCR024C-A 123 nt-0.13□□□□□ -2.43
TSC11P40061 RPL26BYGR034W 384 nt-0.13□□□□□ -2.43
TSC11P40061 YGR164WYGR164W 336 nt-0.13□□□□□ -2.43
TSC11P40061 RPL26AYLR344W 384 nt-0.13□□□□□ -2.43
TSC11P40061 ZIP1YDR285W 2628 nt-0.13□□□□□ -2.43
TSC11P40061 RUF20RUF20 443 nt-0.14□□□□□ -2.43
TSC11P40061 YOP1YPR028W 543 nt-0.14□□□□□ -2.43
TSC11P40061 RPL35AYDL191W 363 nt-0.15□□□□□ -2.43
TSC11P40061 YJL007CYJL007C 315 nt-0.15□□□□□ -2.43
TSC11P40061 YBR076C-AYBR076C-A 267 nt-0.15□□□□□ -2.43
TSC11P40061 NOP9YJL010C 2001 nt-0.16□□□□□ -2.43
TSC11P40061 KAR3YPR141C 2190 nt-0.16□□□□□ -2.44
TSC11P40061 IPI3YNL182C 1668 nt-0.16□□□□□ -2.44
TSC11P40061 RPL29YFR032C-A 180 nt-0.17□□□□□ -2.44
TSC11P40061 YHR139C-AYHR139C-A 312 nt-0.17□□□□□ -2.44
TSC11P40061 YLR232WYLR232W 348 nt-0.17□□□□□ -2.44
TSC11P40061 snR190snR190 190 nt-0.17□□□□□ -2.44
TSC11P40061 PRP5YBR237W 2550 nt-0.17□□□□□ -2.44
TSC11P40061 PET20YPL159C 762 nt-0.18□□□□□ -2.44
TSC11P40061 KAR1YNL188W 1302 nt-0.18□□□□□ -2.44
TSC11P40061 snR57snR57 88 nt-0.19□□□□□ -2.44
TSC11P40061 SRP14YDL092W 441 nt-0.19□□□□□ -2.44
TSC11P40061 POP6YGR030C 477 nt-0.19□□□□□ -2.44
TSC11P40061 YHR028W-AYHR028W-A 321 nt-0.19□□□□□ -2.44
TSC11P40061 NIP100YPL174C 2607 nt-0.19□□□□□ -2.44
TSC11P40061 LSO2YGR169C-A 279 nt-0.2□□□□□ -2.44
TSC11P40061 PET111YMR257C 2403 nt-0.2□□□□□ -2.44
TSC11P40061 NUP82YJL061W 2142 nt-0.2□□□□□ -2.44
TSC11P40061 LCD1YDR499W 2244 nt-0.21□□□□□ -2.44
TSC11P40061 MET32YDR253C 576 nt-0.21□□□□□ -2.44
TSC11P40061 RCN2YOR220W 798 nt-0.21□□□□□ -2.44
TSC11P40061 snR24snR24 89 nt-0.21□□□□□ -2.44
TSC11P40061 RAD34YDR314C 2079 nt-0.21□□□□□ -2.44
TSC11P40061 YDL068WYDL068W 330 nt-0.21□□□□□ -2.44
TSC11P40061 LSM4YER112W 564 nt-0.21□□□□□ -2.44
TSC11P40061 RPC10YHR143W-A 213 nt-0.21□□□□□ -2.44
TSC11P40061 RPS16AYMR143W 432 nt-0.21□□□□□ -2.44
TSC11P40061 YGR042WYGR042W 816 nt-0.23□□□□□ -2.45
TSC11P40061 YNL171CYNL171C 369 nt-0.23□□□□□ -2.45
TSC11P40061 HAL9YOL089C 3093 nt-0.24□□□□□ -2.45
TSC11P40061 YDR114CYDR114C 303 nt-0.24□□□□□ -2.45
TSC11P40061 snR46snR46 197 nt-0.24□□□□□ -2.45
TSC11P40061 RSM18YER050C 417 nt-0.25□□□□□ -2.45
TSC11P40061 BIG1YHR101C 1008 nt-0.25□□□□□ -2.45
TSC11P40061 AI5_ALPHAQ0070 1893 nt-0.26□□□□□ -2.45
TSC11P40061 YEL010WYEL010W 351 nt-0.26□□□□□ -2.45
TSC11P40061 YHL042WYHL042W 453 nt-0.26□□□□□ -2.45
TSC11P40061 YJL127W-AYJL127W-A 117 nt-0.26□□□□□ -2.45
TSC11P40061 YLR252WYLR252W 306 nt-0.26□□□□□ -2.45
TSC11P40061 YJL086CYJL086C 369 nt-0.27□□□□□ -2.45
TSC11P40061 ARV1YLR242C 966 nt-0.27□□□□□ -2.45
TSC11P40061 RRT1YBL048W 312 nt-0.27□□□□□ -2.45
TSC11P40061 RPB10YOR210W 213 nt-0.27□□□□□ -2.45
TSC11P40061 VMA21YGR105W 234 nt-0.28□□□□□ -2.45
TSC11P40061 UPS1YLR193C 528 nt-0.28□□□□□ -2.45
TSC11P40061 snR84snR84 550 nt-0.29□□□□□ -2.46
TSC11P40061 RPS27AYKL156W 249 nt-0.29□□□□□ -2.46
TSC11P40061 THG1YGR024C 714 nt-0.3□□□□□ -2.46
TSC11P40061 YGL042CYGL042C 306 nt-0.3□□□□□ -2.46
TSC11P40061 FYV10YIL097W 1551 nt-0.31□□□□□ -2.46
TSC11P40061 YDL152WYDL152W 366 nt-0.31□□□□□ -2.46
TSC11P40061 SSS1YDR086C 243 nt-0.31□□□□□ -2.46
TSC11P40061 YOL118CYOL118C 309 nt-0.31□□□□□ -2.46
TSC11P40061 PRP42YDR235W 1635 nt-0.32□□□□□ -2.46
TSC11P40061 YGL258W-AYGL258W-A 234 nt-0.32□□□□□ -2.46
TSC11P40061 SPO11YHL022C 1197 nt-0.32□□□□□ -2.46
TSC11P40061 YKL136WYKL136W 399 nt-0.32□□□□□ -2.46
TSC11P40061 SPO23YBR250W 1572 nt-0.33□□□□□ -2.46
TSC11P40061 CMS1YLR003C 876 nt-0.33□□□□□ -2.46
TSC11P40061 RPS7BYNL096C 573 nt-0.33□□□□□ -2.46
TSC11P40061 YDR182W-AYDR182W-A 204 nt-0.34□□□□□ -2.46
TSC11P40061 YCR024C-BYCR024C-B 267 nt-0.35□□□□□ -2.47
TSC11P40061 NTF2YER009W 378 nt-0.35□□□□□ -2.47
TSC11P40061 YPL060C-AYPL060C-A 3315 nt-0.36□□□□□ -2.47
TSC11P40061 HNT1YDL125C 477 nt-0.36□□□□□ -2.47
TSC11P40061 MMS21YEL019C 804 nt-0.36□□□□□ -2.47
TSC11P40061 RCO1YMR075W 2055 nt-0.36□□□□□ -2.47
TSC11P40061 VPS63YLR261C 327 nt-0.37□□□□□ -2.47
TSC11P40061 YNL050CYNL050C 813 nt-0.37□□□□□ -2.47
TSC11P40061 YDR210WYDR210W 228 nt-0.38□□□□□ -2.47
TSC11P40061 YPR170W-AYPR170W-A 186 nt-0.38□□□□□ -2.47
TSC11P40061 CSM4YPL200W 471 nt-0.38□□□□□ -2.47
TSC11P40061 INP2YMR163C 2118 nt-0.39□□□□□ -2.47
TSC11P40061 BSC3YLR465C 309 nt-0.4□□□□□ -2.47
TSC11P40061 YIR018C-AYIR018C-A 138 nt-0.41□□□□□ -2.48
TSC11P40061 BLS1YLR408C 369 nt-0.42□□□□□ -2.48
TSC11P40061 ATP20YPR020W 348 nt-0.42□□□□□ -2.48
TSC11P40061 YDR008CYDR008C 351 nt-0.44□□□□□ -2.48
TSC11P40061 HOT13YKL084W 351 nt-0.44□□□□□ -2.48
Retrieved 100 of 7,029 protein–RNA pairs in 88.7 ms