Protein–RNA interactions for Protein: Q08179

MDM38, Mitochondrial distribution and morphology protein 38, yeastyeast

Predictions only

Length 573 aa.

Protein RNA Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene UniProt Accession Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Length Transcript Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
MDM38Q08179 KHA1YJL094C 2622 nt3.57□□□□□ -1.84
MDM38Q08179 RPL39YJL189W 156 nt3.57□□□□□ -1.84
MDM38Q08179 YKL111CYKL111C 336 nt3.57□□□□□ -1.84
MDM38Q08179 RPS21AYKR057W 264 nt3.57□□□□□ -1.84
MDM38Q08179 YMR320WYMR320W 306 nt3.57□□□□□ -1.84
MDM38Q08179 MDM32YOR147W 1869 nt3.57□□□□□ -1.84
MDM38Q08179 YPR010C-AYPR010C-A 219 nt3.57□□□□□ -1.84
MDM38Q08179 snR36snR36 182 nt3.57□□□□□ -1.84
MDM38Q08179 CIN1YOR349W 3045 nt3.57□□□□□ -1.84
MDM38Q08179 YGR237CYGR237C 2358 nt3.56□□□□□ -1.84
MDM38Q08179 FAA2YER015W 2235 nt3.56□□□□□ -1.84
MDM38Q08179 SPO71YDR104C 3738 nt3.56□□□□□ -1.84
MDM38Q08179 YGL063C-AYGL063C-A 150 nt3.56□□□□□ -1.84
MDM38Q08179 YHR063W-AYHR063W-A 336 nt3.56□□□□□ -1.84
MDM38Q08179 YJR140W-AYJR140W-A 150 nt3.56□□□□□ -1.84
MDM38Q08179 RPS8AYBL072C 603 nt3.56□□□□□ -1.84
MDM38Q08179 HEM4YOR278W 828 nt3.56□□□□□ -1.84
MDM38Q08179 URB2YJR041C 3525 nt3.56□□□□□ -1.84
MDM38Q08179 XRN1YGL173C 4587 nt3.56□□□□□ -1.84
MDM38Q08179 ROM1YGR070W 3468 nt3.56□□□□□ -1.84
MDM38Q08179 21S_rRNA21S_rRNA 3296 nt3.55□□□□□ -1.84
MDM38Q08179 ARK1YNL020C 1917 nt3.55□□□□□ -1.84
MDM38Q08179 TIF35YDR429C 825 nt3.55□□□□□ -1.84
MDM38Q08179 YMR290W-AYMR290W-A 348 nt3.55□□□□□ -1.84
MDM38Q08179 NDT80YHR124W 1884 nt3.55□□□□□ -1.84
MDM38Q08179 STE5YDR103W 2754 nt3.55□□□□□ -1.84
MDM38Q08179 YSP2YDR326C 4317 nt3.55□□□□□ -1.84
MDM38Q08179 SIZ1YDR409W 2715 nt3.54□□□□□ -1.84
MDM38Q08179 YLR154C-HYLR154C-H 132 nt3.54□□□□□ -1.84
MDM38Q08179 YLR156C-AYLR156C-A 132 nt3.54□□□□□ -1.84
MDM38Q08179 YLR157C-CYLR157C-C 132 nt3.54□□□□□ -1.84
MDM38Q08179 YLR159C-AYLR159C-A 132 nt3.54□□□□□ -1.84
MDM38Q08179 NUP60YAR002W 1620 nt3.54□□□□□ -1.84
MDM38Q08179 RCY1YJL204C 2523 nt3.53□□□□□ -1.84
MDM38Q08179 CWC22YGR278W 1734 nt3.53□□□□□ -1.84
MDM38Q08179 AKR1YDR264C 2295 nt3.53□□□□□ -1.84
MDM38Q08179 YER188C-AYER188C-A 300 nt3.53□□□□□ -1.84
MDM38Q08179 SHQ1YIL104C 1524 nt3.53□□□□□ -1.84
MDM38Q08179 VBA4YDR119W 2307 nt3.53□□□□□ -1.84
MDM38Q08179 MAK21YDR060W 3078 nt3.52□□□□□ -1.85
MDM38Q08179 SNX41YDR425W 1878 nt3.52□□□□□ -1.85
MDM38Q08179 SPG3YDR504C 384 nt3.52□□□□□ -1.85
MDM38Q08179 RPB9YGL070C 369 nt3.52□□□□□ -1.85
MDM38Q08179 MSL1YIR009W 336 nt3.52□□□□□ -1.85
MDM38Q08179 YJL202CYJL202C 348 nt3.52□□□□□ -1.85
MDM38Q08179 RSM19YNR037C 276 nt3.52□□□□□ -1.85
MDM38Q08179 YPL238CYPL238C 390 nt3.52□□□□□ -1.85
MDM38Q08179 MSR1YHR091C 1932 nt3.52□□□□□ -1.85
MDM38Q08179 SMC2YFR031C 3513 nt3.52□□□□□ -1.85
MDM38Q08179 VHR2YER064C 1518 nt3.51□□□□□ -1.85
MDM38Q08179 GYL1YMR192W 2163 nt3.51□□□□□ -1.85
MDM38Q08179 CDH1YGL003C 1701 nt3.51□□□□□ -1.85
MDM38Q08179 SNF12YNR023W 1701 nt3.51□□□□□ -1.85
MDM38Q08179 tW(UCA)QtW(UCA)Q 74 nt3.51□□□□□ -1.85
MDM38Q08179 SHE2YKL130C 741 nt3.51□□□□□ -1.85
MDM38Q08179 YMR122W-AYMR122W-A 255 nt3.51□□□□□ -1.85
MDM38Q08179 ISU1YPL135W 498 nt3.51□□□□□ -1.85
MDM38Q08179 HFM1YGL251C 3564 nt3.51□□□□□ -1.85
MDM38Q08179 NDD1YOR372C 1665 nt3.51□□□□□ -1.85
MDM38Q08179 STT4YLR305C 5703 nt3.51□□□□□ -1.85
MDM38Q08179 CCT7YJL111W 1653 nt3.5□□□□□ -1.85
MDM38Q08179 YLR031WYLR031W 561 nt3.5□□□□□ -1.85
MDM38Q08179 PRE8YML092C 753 nt3.5□□□□□ -1.85
MDM38Q08179 YGR027W-BYGR027W-B 5268 nt3.5□□□□□ -1.85
MDM38Q08179 YLR227W-BYLR227W-B 5268 nt3.5□□□□□ -1.85
MDM38Q08179 YPR158C-DYPR158C-D 5268 nt3.5□□□□□ -1.85
MDM38Q08179 RRM3YHR031C 2172 nt3.49□□□□□ -1.85
MDM38Q08179 STN1YDR082W 1485 nt3.49□□□□□ -1.85
MDM38Q08179 YER107W-AYER107W-A 321 nt3.49□□□□□ -1.85
MDM38Q08179 SSN8YNL025C 972 nt3.49□□□□□ -1.85
MDM38Q08179 YOR225WYOR225W 330 nt3.49□□□□□ -1.85
MDM38Q08179 TRZ1YKR079C 2517 nt3.49□□□□□ -1.85
MDM38Q08179 YCG1YDR325W 3108 nt3.49□□□□□ -1.85
MDM38Q08179 GIS4YML006C 2325 nt3.49□□□□□ -1.85
MDM38Q08179 DNM1YLL001W 2274 nt3.49□□□□□ -1.85
MDM38Q08179 SNQ2YDR011W 4506 nt3.49□□□□□ -1.85
MDM38Q08179 NMA111YNL123W 2994 nt3.48□□□□□ -1.85
MDM38Q08179 RPA135YPR010C 3612 nt3.48□□□□□ -1.85
MDM38Q08179 SEC15YGL233W 2733 nt3.48□□□□□ -1.85
MDM38Q08179 Q0032Q0032 291 nt3.48□□□□□ -1.85
MDM38Q08179 PSF1YDR013W 627 nt3.48□□□□□ -1.85
MDM38Q08179 TSA2YDR453C 591 nt3.48□□□□□ -1.85
MDM38Q08179 RMT2YDR465C 1239 nt3.48□□□□□ -1.85
MDM38Q08179 PHD1YKL043W 1101 nt3.48□□□□□ -1.85
MDM38Q08179 YKL183C-AYKL183C-A 213 nt3.48□□□□□ -1.85
MDM38Q08179 YNL337WYNL337W 255 nt3.48□□□□□ -1.85
MDM38Q08179 BCH1YMR237W 2175 nt3.48□□□□□ -1.85
MDM38Q08179 CHS3YBR023C 3498 nt3.47□□□□□ -1.85
MDM38Q08179 YCR018C-AYCR018C-A 255 nt3.47□□□□□ -1.85
MDM38Q08179 CAJ1YER048C 1176 nt3.47□□□□□ -1.85
MDM38Q08179 BAT1YHR208W 1182 nt3.47□□□□□ -1.85
MDM38Q08179 URM1YIL008W 300 nt3.47□□□□□ -1.85
MDM38Q08179 LSM8YJR022W 330 nt3.47□□□□□ -1.85
MDM38Q08179 VAS1YGR094W 3315 nt3.46□□□□□ -1.86
MDM38Q08179 GCN4YEL009C 846 nt3.46□□□□□ -1.86
MDM38Q08179 HMF1YER057C 390 nt3.46□□□□□ -1.86
MDM38Q08179 tK(UUU)DtK(UUU)D 73 nt3.45□□□□□ -1.86
MDM38Q08179 tK(UUU)G1tK(UUU)G1 73 nt3.45□□□□□ -1.86
MDM38Q08179 tK(UUU)G2tK(UUU)G2 73 nt3.45□□□□□ -1.86
MDM38Q08179 tK(UUU)KtK(UUU)K 73 nt3.45□□□□□ -1.86
Retrieved 100 of 7,029 protein–RNA pairs in 35.2 ms