Protein–RNA interactions for Protein: Q03956

RAV2, Regulator of V-ATPase in vacuolar membrane protein 2, yeastyeast

Predictions only

Length 351 aa.

Protein RNA Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene UniProt Accession Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Length Transcript Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
RAV2Q03956 YPL135C-AYPL135C-A 174 nt1.23□□□□□ -2.21
RAV2Q03956 YCL023CYCL023C 348 nt1.23□□□□□ -2.21
RAV2Q03956 PTC5YOR090C 1719 nt1.23□□□□□ -2.21
RAV2Q03956 FYV8YGR196C 2454 nt1.23□□□□□ -2.21
RAV2Q03956 ARP7YPR034W 1434 nt1.23□□□□□ -2.21
RAV2Q03956 SKI3YPR189W 4299 nt1.22□□□□□ -2.21
RAV2Q03956 CRM1YGR218W 3255 nt1.22□□□□□ -2.21
RAV2Q03956 YGL165CYGL165C 579 nt1.22□□□□□ -2.21
RAV2Q03956 ICY1YMR195W 384 nt1.22□□□□□ -2.21
RAV2Q03956 CSI2YOL007C 1026 nt1.22□□□□□ -2.21
RAV2Q03956 CCH1YGR217W 6120 nt1.22□□□□□ -2.21
RAV2Q03956 MSH6YDR097C 3729 nt1.21□□□□□ -2.22
RAV2Q03956 tQ(UUG)E2tQ(UUG)E2 72 nt1.21□□□□□ -2.22
RAV2Q03956 YMR178WYMR178W 825 nt1.21□□□□□ -2.22
RAV2Q03956 COA6YMR244C-A 315 nt1.21□□□□□ -2.22
RAV2Q03956 PET127YOR017W 2403 nt1.21□□□□□ -2.22
RAV2Q03956 HIR3YJR140C 4947 nt1.21□□□□□ -2.22
RAV2Q03956 HMI1YOL095C 2121 nt1.21□□□□□ -2.22
RAV2Q03956 SEC21YNL287W 2808 nt1.21□□□□□ -2.22
RAV2Q03956 NAN1YPL126W 2691 nt1.2□□□□□ -2.22
RAV2Q03956 AHC2YCR082W 387 nt1.2□□□□□ -2.22
RAV2Q03956 YCR090CYCR090C 549 nt1.2□□□□□ -2.22
RAV2Q03956 YHR214W-AYHR214W-A 486 nt1.2□□□□□ -2.22
RAV2Q03956 YIL082WYIL082W 873 nt1.2□□□□□ -2.22
RAV2Q03956 MET14YKL001C 609 nt1.2□□□□□ -2.22
RAV2Q03956 YAR068WYAR068W 486 nt1.2□□□□□ -2.22
RAV2Q03956 RPH1YER169W 2391 nt1.2□□□□□ -2.22
RAV2Q03956 MDM20YOL076W 2391 nt1.2□□□□□ -2.22
RAV2Q03956 PLC1YPL268W 2610 nt1.19□□□□□ -2.22
RAV2Q03956 BST1YFL025C 3090 nt1.19□□□□□ -2.22
RAV2Q03956 RBK1YCR036W 1002 nt1.19□□□□□ -2.22
RAV2Q03956 POP6YGR030C 477 nt1.19□□□□□ -2.22
RAV2Q03956 CIN2YPL241C 807 nt1.19□□□□□ -2.22
RAV2Q03956 SPO22YIL073C 2928 nt1.19□□□□□ -2.22
RAV2Q03956 STB4YMR019W 2850 nt1.18□□□□□ -2.22
RAV2Q03956 SPC72YAL047C 1869 nt1.18□□□□□ -2.22
RAV2Q03956 MEC1YBR136W 7107 nt1.18□□□□□ -2.22
RAV2Q03956 SNA4YDL123W 423 nt1.18□□□□□ -2.22
RAV2Q03956 GPI8YDR331W 1236 nt1.18□□□□□ -2.22
RAV2Q03956 RGI1YER067W 486 nt1.18□□□□□ -2.22
RAV2Q03956 KEG1YFR042W 603 nt1.18□□□□□ -2.22
RAV2Q03956 NOP10YHR072W-A 177 nt1.18□□□□□ -2.22
RAV2Q03956 YKE2YLR200W 345 nt1.18□□□□□ -2.22
RAV2Q03956 SPO20YMR017W 1194 nt1.18□□□□□ -2.22
RAV2Q03956 SEN15YMR059W 387 nt1.18□□□□□ -2.22
RAV2Q03956 RPS10BYMR230W 318 nt1.18□□□□□ -2.22
RAV2Q03956 ARL3YPL051W 597 nt1.18□□□□□ -2.22
RAV2Q03956 RPB5YBR154C 648 nt1.18□□□□□ -2.22
RAV2Q03956 SHG1YBR258C 429 nt1.18□□□□□ -2.22
RAV2Q03956 PIK1YNL267W 3201 nt1.17□□□□□ -2.22
RAV2Q03956 YDR042CYDR042C 603 nt1.17□□□□□ -2.22
RAV2Q03956 VAB2YEL005C 849 nt1.17□□□□□ -2.22
RAV2Q03956 FAR3YMR052W 615 nt1.17□□□□□ -2.22
RAV2Q03956 MTG1YMR097C 1104 nt1.17□□□□□ -2.22
RAV2Q03956 CTF4YPR135W 2784 nt1.17□□□□□ -2.22
RAV2Q03956 PBY1YBR094W 2262 nt1.17□□□□□ -2.22
RAV2Q03956 NSE4YDL105W 1209 nt1.16□□□□□ -2.22
RAV2Q03956 CDC36YDL165W 576 nt1.16□□□□□ -2.22
RAV2Q03956 COG7YGL005C 840 nt1.16□□□□□ -2.22
RAV2Q03956 PFS1YHR185C 714 nt1.16□□□□□ -2.22
RAV2Q03956 AIM23YJL131C 1071 nt1.16□□□□□ -2.22
RAV2Q03956 YLR255CYLR255C 354 nt1.16□□□□□ -2.22
RAV2Q03956 RUF20RUF20 443 nt1.16□□□□□ -2.22
RAV2Q03956 ECM25YJL201W 1800 nt1.16□□□□□ -2.22
RAV2Q03956 ASM4YDL088C 1587 nt1.16□□□□□ -2.22
RAV2Q03956 SEY1YOR165W 2331 nt1.15□□□□□ -2.23
RAV2Q03956 YER046W-AYER046W-A 330 nt1.15□□□□□ -2.23
RAV2Q03956 YGL024WYGL024W 336 nt1.15□□□□□ -2.23
RAV2Q03956 YIL102CYIL102C 306 nt1.15□□□□□ -2.23
RAV2Q03956 TPM2YIL138C 486 nt1.15□□□□□ -2.23
RAV2Q03956 YJL032WYJL032W 315 nt1.15□□□□□ -2.23
RAV2Q03956 MCM22YJR135C 720 nt1.15□□□□□ -2.23
RAV2Q03956 PDP3YLR455W 915 nt1.15□□□□□ -2.23
RAV2Q03956 CYB5YNL111C 363 nt1.15□□□□□ -2.23
RAV2Q03956 ATX1YNL259C 222 nt1.15□□□□□ -2.23
RAV2Q03956 YOL159C-AYOL159C-A 273 nt1.15□□□□□ -2.23
RAV2Q03956 IRE1YHR079C 3348 nt1.14□□□□□ -2.23
RAV2Q03956 KAP122YGL016W 3246 nt1.14□□□□□ -2.23
RAV2Q03956 NOP53YPL146C 1368 nt1.14□□□□□ -2.23
RAV2Q03956 RVS161YCR009C 798 nt1.14□□□□□ -2.23
RAV2Q03956 FAR7YFR008W 666 nt1.14□□□□□ -2.23
RAV2Q03956 GOS1YHL031C 672 nt1.14□□□□□ -2.23
RAV2Q03956 AME1YBR211C 975 nt1.14□□□□□ -2.23
RAV2Q03956 CST9YLR394W 1449 nt1.14□□□□□ -2.23
RAV2Q03956 RSM22YKL155C 1887 nt1.14□□□□□ -2.23
RAV2Q03956 YBR012W-AYBR012W-A 1323 nt1.14□□□□□ -2.23
RAV2Q03956 YOR142W-AYOR142W-A 1323 nt1.14□□□□□ -2.23
RAV2Q03956 YPR158W-AYPR158W-A 1323 nt1.14□□□□□ -2.23
RAV2Q03956 YDR199WYDR199W 366 nt1.13□□□□□ -2.23
RAV2Q03956 PFD1YJL179W 330 nt1.13□□□□□ -2.23
RAV2Q03956 CMC2YBL059C-A 330 nt1.13□□□□□ -2.23
RAV2Q03956 COX1Q0045 1605 nt1.13□□□□□ -2.23
RAV2Q03956 YBP2YGL060W 1926 nt1.13□□□□□ -2.23
RAV2Q03956 NUR1YDL089W 1455 nt1.12□□□□□ -2.23
RAV2Q03956 PIG2YIL045W 1617 nt1.12□□□□□ -2.23
RAV2Q03956 YDL157CYDL157C 357 nt1.12□□□□□ -2.23
RAV2Q03956 TVP15YDR100W 432 nt1.12□□□□□ -2.23
RAV2Q03956 GIC2YDR309C 1152 nt1.12□□□□□ -2.23
RAV2Q03956 GUK1YDR454C 564 nt1.12□□□□□ -2.23
RAV2Q03956 CCE1YKL011C 1062 nt1.12□□□□□ -2.23
Retrieved 100 of 7,029 protein–RNA pairs in 13.2 ms