Protein–RNA interactions for Protein: P41318

LST8, Target of rapamycin complex subunit LST8, yeastyeast

Predictions only

Length 303 aa.

Protein RNA Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene UniProt Accession Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Length Transcript Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
LST8P41318 HKR1YDR420W 5409 nt1.06□□□□□ -2.24
LST8P41318 KCS1YDR017C 3153 nt1.06□□□□□ -2.24
LST8P41318 YOR343W-BYOR343W-B 5313 nt1.06□□□□□ -2.24
LST8P41318 RPL31AYDL075W 342 nt1.06□□□□□ -2.24
LST8P41318 CRD1YDL142C 852 nt1.06□□□□□ -2.24
LST8P41318 YGL014C-AYGL014C-A 162 nt1.06□□□□□ -2.24
LST8P41318 POP6YGR030C 477 nt1.06□□□□□ -2.24
LST8P41318 TAZ1YPR140W 1146 nt1.06□□□□□ -2.24
LST8P41318 NAM7YMR080C 2916 nt1.06□□□□□ -2.24
LST8P41318 GUP1YGL084C 1683 nt1.06□□□□□ -2.24
LST8P41318 HSE1YHL002W 1359 nt1.06□□□□□ -2.24
LST8P41318 MON2YNL297C 4911 nt1.06□□□□□ -2.24
LST8P41318 PBY1YBR094W 2262 nt1.05□□□□□ -2.24
LST8P41318 YJR098CYJR098C 1971 nt1.05□□□□□ -2.24
LST8P41318 AIM6YDL237W 1173 nt1.05□□□□□ -2.24
LST8P41318 FMP16YDR070C 282 nt1.05□□□□□ -2.24
LST8P41318 tH(GUG)E1tH(GUG)E1 72 nt1.05□□□□□ -2.24
LST8P41318 tH(GUG)E2tH(GUG)E2 72 nt1.05□□□□□ -2.24
LST8P41318 tH(GUG)G1tH(GUG)G1 72 nt1.05□□□□□ -2.24
LST8P41318 tH(GUG)G2tH(GUG)G2 72 nt1.05□□□□□ -2.24
LST8P41318 tH(GUG)HtH(GUG)H 72 nt1.05□□□□□ -2.24
LST8P41318 tH(GUG)KtH(GUG)K 72 nt1.05□□□□□ -2.24
LST8P41318 tH(GUG)MtH(GUG)M 72 nt1.05□□□□□ -2.24
LST8P41318 YER091C-AYER091C-A 222 nt1.05□□□□□ -2.24
LST8P41318 KEG1YFR042W 603 nt1.05□□□□□ -2.24
LST8P41318 HOP2YGL033W 657 nt1.05□□□□□ -2.24
LST8P41318 YPT52YKR014C 705 nt1.05□□□□□ -2.24
LST8P41318 MSA2YKR077W 1092 nt1.05□□□□□ -2.24
LST8P41318 RRT16YNL105W 429 nt1.05□□□□□ -2.24
LST8P41318 YPL135C-AYPL135C-A 174 nt1.05□□□□□ -2.24
LST8P41318 MAD1YGL086W 2250 nt1.05□□□□□ -2.24
LST8P41318 LEU3YLR451W 2661 nt1.04□□□□□ -2.24
LST8P41318 SEC21YNL287W 2808 nt1.04□□□□□ -2.24
LST8P41318 ALB1YJL122W 528 nt1.04□□□□□ -2.24
LST8P41318 SNC1YAL030W 354 nt1.04□□□□□ -2.24
LST8P41318 RUF20RUF20 443 nt1.04□□□□□ -2.24
LST8P41318 HHT2YNL031C 411 nt1.04□□□□□ -2.24
LST8P41318 ATX2YOR079C 942 nt1.04□□□□□ -2.24
LST8P41318 SPC29YPL124W 762 nt1.04□□□□□ -2.24
LST8P41318 SPO24YPR036W-A 204 nt1.04□□□□□ -2.24
LST8P41318 PET309YLR067C 2898 nt1.03□□□□□ -2.24
LST8P41318 MSH3YCR092C 3057 nt1.03□□□□□ -2.24
LST8P41318 CDC53YDL132W 2448 nt1.03□□□□□ -2.24
LST8P41318 YFR056CYFR056C 369 nt1.03□□□□□ -2.24
LST8P41318 PFS1YHR185C 714 nt1.03□□□□□ -2.24
LST8P41318 YIL020C-AYIL020C-A 339 nt1.03□□□□□ -2.24
LST8P41318 SEC28YIL076W 891 nt1.03□□□□□ -2.24
LST8P41318 ECI1YLR284C 843 nt1.03□□□□□ -2.24
LST8P41318 YMR052C-AYMR052C-A 366 nt1.03□□□□□ -2.24
LST8P41318 CUP9YPL177C 921 nt1.03□□□□□ -2.24
LST8P41318 RAD18YCR066W 1464 nt1.03□□□□□ -2.24
LST8P41318 TBS1YBR150C 3285 nt1.03□□□□□ -2.24
LST8P41318 DOT6YER088C 2013 nt1.03□□□□□ -2.25
LST8P41318 BPH1YCR032W 6504 nt1.03□□□□□ -2.25
LST8P41318 PLP1YDR183W 693 nt1.02□□□□□ -2.25
LST8P41318 ESC2YDR363W 1371 nt1.02□□□□□ -2.25
LST8P41318 RGI1YER067W 486 nt1.02□□□□□ -2.25
LST8P41318 SAY1YGR263C 1275 nt1.02□□□□□ -2.25
LST8P41318 ERG29YMR134W 714 nt1.02□□□□□ -2.25
LST8P41318 RPS10BYMR230W 318 nt1.02□□□□□ -2.25
LST8P41318 CSI2YOL007C 1026 nt1.02□□□□□ -2.25
LST8P41318 MDM20YOL076W 2391 nt1.02□□□□□ -2.25
LST8P41318 YOL159CYOL159C 516 nt1.02□□□□□ -2.25
LST8P41318 TUS1YLR425W 3924 nt1.02□□□□□ -2.25
LST8P41318 LAA1YJL207C 6045 nt1.01□□□□□ -2.25
LST8P41318 ASG1YIL130W 2895 nt1.01□□□□□ -2.25
LST8P41318 RVS161YCR009C 798 nt1.01□□□□□ -2.25
LST8P41318 CDC50YCR094W 1176 nt1.01□□□□□ -2.25
LST8P41318 CDC36YDL165W 576 nt1.01□□□□□ -2.25
LST8P41318 YGL242CYGL242C 546 nt1.01□□□□□ -2.25
LST8P41318 YHR022CYHR022C 771 nt1.01□□□□□ -2.25
LST8P41318 YLR042CYLR042C 486 nt1.01□□□□□ -2.25
LST8P41318 TRX1YLR043C 312 nt1.01□□□□□ -2.25
LST8P41318 RPB11YOL005C 363 nt1.01□□□□□ -2.25
LST8P41318 RPL33BYOR234C 324 nt1.01□□□□□ -2.25
LST8P41318 YBR287WYBR287W 1284 nt1.01□□□□□ -2.25
LST8P41318 UBP11YKR098C 2154 nt1□□□□□ -2.25
LST8P41318 BTT1YDR252W 450 nt1□□□□□ -2.25
LST8P41318 COG7YGL005C 840 nt1□□□□□ -2.25
LST8P41318 FAR3YMR052W 615 nt1□□□□□ -2.25
LST8P41318 MIX23YBL107C 591 nt1□□□□□ -2.25
LST8P41318 RXT2YBR095C 1293 nt1□□□□□ -2.25
LST8P41318 ADF1YCL058W-A 342 nt1□□□□□ -2.25
LST8P41318 YLR422WYLR422W 5799 nt0.99□□□□□ -2.25
LST8P41318 YDL062WYDL062W 426 nt0.99□□□□□ -2.25
LST8P41318 YGL258W-AYGL258W-A 234 nt0.99□□□□□ -2.25
LST8P41318 YGR283CYGR283C 1026 nt0.99□□□□□ -2.25
LST8P41318 YJL032WYJL032W 315 nt0.99□□□□□ -2.25
LST8P41318 YKE2YLR200W 345 nt0.99□□□□□ -2.25
LST8P41318 YLR302CYLR302C 363 nt0.99□□□□□ -2.25
LST8P41318 SFM1YOR021C 642 nt0.99□□□□□ -2.25
LST8P41318 RAD9YDR217C 3930 nt0.99□□□□□ -2.25
LST8P41318 GRR1YJR090C 3456 nt0.98□□□□□ -2.25
LST8P41318 YBR012W-AYBR012W-A 1323 nt0.98□□□□□ -2.25
LST8P41318 YOR142W-AYOR142W-A 1323 nt0.98□□□□□ -2.25
LST8P41318 YPR158W-AYPR158W-A 1323 nt0.98□□□□□ -2.25
LST8P41318 YCR090CYCR090C 549 nt0.98□□□□□ -2.25
LST8P41318 SNA4YDL123W 423 nt0.98□□□□□ -2.25
LST8P41318 YDR286CYDR286C 345 nt0.98□□□□□ -2.25
LST8P41318 YGL165CYGL165C 579 nt0.98□□□□□ -2.25
Retrieved 100 of 7,029 protein–RNA pairs in 31.1 ms