Protein–RNA interactions for Protein: P25638

TAH1, TPR repeat-containing protein associated with Hsp90, yeastyeast

Predicted RBP Predictions only

Length 111 aa.

Protein RNA Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene UniProt Accession Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Length Transcript Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
TAH1P25638 MDM36YPR083W 1740 nt1.93□□□□□ -2.1
TAH1P25638 FKS1YLR342W 5631 nt1.93□□□□□ -2.1
TAH1P25638 RGA1YOR127W 3024 nt1.92□□□□□ -2.1
TAH1P25638 YHR182C-AYHR182C-A 474 nt1.92□□□□□ -2.1
TAH1P25638 NNF1YJR112W 606 nt1.92□□□□□ -2.1
TAH1P25638 YLL047WYLL047W 384 nt1.92□□□□□ -2.1
TAH1P25638 HMT1YBR034C 1047 nt1.92□□□□□ -2.1
TAH1P25638 MF(ALPHA)1YPL187W 498 nt1.92□□□□□ -2.1
TAH1P25638 snR191snR191 274 nt1.92□□□□□ -2.1
TAH1P25638 snR35snR35 204 nt1.92□□□□□ -2.1
TAH1P25638 YDR179W-AYDR179W-A 1392 nt1.92□□□□□ -2.1
TAH1P25638 JJJ2YJL162C 1752 nt1.91□□□□□ -2.1
TAH1P25638 AI4Q0065 1671 nt1.91□□□□□ -2.1
TAH1P25638 DAD4YDR320C-A 219 nt1.91□□□□□ -2.1
TAH1P25638 YIL046W-AYIL046W-A 165 nt1.91□□□□□ -2.1
TAH1P25638 RNP1YLL046C 750 nt1.91□□□□□ -2.1
TAH1P25638 ARC18YLR370C 537 nt1.91□□□□□ -2.1
TAH1P25638 SPC24YMR117C 642 nt1.91□□□□□ -2.1
TAH1P25638 SIP18YMR175W 240 nt1.91□□□□□ -2.1
TAH1P25638 YMR178WYMR178W 825 nt1.91□□□□□ -2.1
TAH1P25638 PEX15YOL044W 1152 nt1.91□□□□□ -2.1
TAH1P25638 LDH1YBR204C 1128 nt1.91□□□□□ -2.1
TAH1P25638 ALY1YKR021W 2748 nt1.91□□□□□ -2.1
TAH1P25638 PUF4YGL014W 2667 nt1.91□□□□□ -2.1
TAH1P25638 FUS1YCL027W 1539 nt1.91□□□□□ -2.1
TAH1P25638 KAP123YER110C 3342 nt1.91□□□□□ -2.1
TAH1P25638 GDI1YER136W 1356 nt1.9□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 UBC13YDR092W 462 nt1.9□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 YDR124WYDR124W 975 nt1.9□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 CAJ1YER048C 1176 nt1.9□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 YER119C-AYER119C-A 372 nt1.9□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 YIL012WYIL012W 342 nt1.9□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 AIM19YIL087C 474 nt1.9□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 YLR154W-AYLR154W-A 186 nt1.9□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 YMR099CYMR099C 894 nt1.9□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 EAF7YNL136W 1278 nt1.9□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 YOR277CYOR277C 309 nt1.9□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 RRP7YCL031C 894 nt1.9□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 YDR203WYDR203W 318 nt1.89□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 NYV1YLR093C 762 nt1.89□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 YLR169WYLR169W 354 nt1.89□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 RGM1YMR182C 636 nt1.89□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 IGO1YNL157W 507 nt1.89□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 CCL1YPR025C 1182 nt1.89□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 YRR1YOR162C 2433 nt1.89□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 CBF2YGR140W 2871 nt1.88□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 SNU114YKL173W 3027 nt1.88□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 RAV1YJR033C 4074 nt1.88□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 UBX3YDL091C 1368 nt1.88□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 YER172C-AYER172C-A 381 nt1.88□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 KEG1YFR042W 603 nt1.88□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 VMA10YHR039C-A 345 nt1.88□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 YKL069WYKL069W 543 nt1.88□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 MSA2YKR077W 1092 nt1.88□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 RPS17AYML024W 411 nt1.88□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 GRX7YBR014C 612 nt1.88□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 SPP381YBR152W 876 nt1.88□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 SEC66YBR171W 621 nt1.88□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 RMD5YDR255C 1266 nt1.87□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 SDC1YDR469W 528 nt1.87□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 YGL117WYGL117W 798 nt1.87□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 ARP9YMR033W 1404 nt1.87□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 YAP7YOL028C 738 nt1.87□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 YEL043WYEL043W 2871 nt1.87□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 CDC5YMR001C 2118 nt1.87□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 SYO1YDL063C 1863 nt1.86□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 ACB1YGR037C 264 nt1.86□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 IKI1YHR187W 930 nt1.86□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 YLR224WYLR224W 1110 nt1.86□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 YPR014CYPR014C 330 nt1.86□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 ERV15YBR210W 429 nt1.86□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 YHR214C-BYHR214C-B 5382 nt1.86□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 SIR4YDR227W 4077 nt1.86□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 YDR170W-AYDR170W-A 1323 nt1.86□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 YNL284C-AYNL284C-A 1323 nt1.86□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 DSE1YER124C 1722 nt1.86□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 RLF2YPR018W 1821 nt1.85□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 YDL241WYDL241W 372 nt1.85□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 YER107W-AYER107W-A 321 nt1.85□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 STE2YFL026W 1296 nt1.85□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 YFR054CYFR054C 579 nt1.85□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 EDC1YGL222C 528 nt1.85□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 MRP49YKL167C 414 nt1.85□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 RIF2YLR453C 1188 nt1.85□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 ESF2YNR054C 951 nt1.85□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 SUT2YPR009W 807 nt1.85□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 YCL007CYCL007C 393 nt1.85□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 YDR131CYDR131C 1671 nt1.85□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 YEL1YBL060W 2064 nt1.85□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 BRE5YNR051C 1548 nt1.85□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 UBR1YGR184C 5853 nt1.85□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 IST2YBR086C 2841 nt1.85□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 ART10YLR392C 1557 nt1.85□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 COS111YBR203W 2775 nt1.84□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 YPD1YDL235C 504 nt1.84□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 GPI19YDR437W 423 nt1.84□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 YGL039WYGL039W 1047 nt1.84□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 YAL034C-BYAL034C-B 354 nt1.84□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 YBL012CYBL012C 402 nt1.84□□□□□ -2.11
TAH1P25638 SPO20YMR017W 1194 nt1.84□□□□□ -2.11
Retrieved 100 of 7,029 protein–RNA pairs in 53.2 ms