Protein–RNA interactions for Protein: Q03956

RAV2, Regulator of V-ATPase in vacuolar membrane protein 2, yeastyeast

Predictions only

Length 351 aa.

Protein RNA Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene UniProt Accession Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Length Transcript Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
RAV2Q03956 BRE1YDL074C 2103 nt1.7□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 PDS5YMR076C 3834 nt1.7□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 TRM82YDR165W 1335 nt1.7□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 YCR081C-AYCR081C-A 237 nt1.7□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 YDL032WYDL032W 312 nt1.7□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 VPS51YKR020W 495 nt1.7□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 PBP2YBR233W 1242 nt1.7□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 TAE2YPL009C 3117 nt1.7□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 MPC54YOR177C 1395 nt1.7□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 DNA2YHR164C 4569 nt1.69□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 YHR214C-BYHR214C-B 5382 nt1.69□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 SYO1YDL063C 1863 nt1.69□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 RPS24AYER074W 408 nt1.69□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 YMR31YFR049W 372 nt1.69□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 VEL1YGL258W 621 nt1.69□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 YIL058WYIL058W 285 nt1.69□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 VPS8YAL002W 3825 nt1.69□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 PRM4YPL156C 855 nt1.69□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 SAP190YKR028W 3102 nt1.69□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 NUF2YOL069W 1356 nt1.69□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 RUD3YOR216C 1455 nt1.69□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 ARK1YNL020C 1917 nt1.68□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 YFR016CYFR016C 3702 nt1.68□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 YGR204C-AYGR204C-A 114 nt1.68□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 PCL5YHR071W 690 nt1.68□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 RLP24YLR009W 600 nt1.68□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 END3YNL084C 1050 nt1.68□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 YBL096CYBL096C 309 nt1.68□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 ESF2YNR054C 951 nt1.68□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 RNH70YGR276C 1662 nt1.67□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 SSE1YPL106C 2082 nt1.67□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 UTP22YGR090W 3714 nt1.67□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 YDL026WYDL026W 312 nt1.67□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 CPR5YDR304C 678 nt1.67□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 LSM6YDR378C 261 nt1.67□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 GCN4YEL009C 846 nt1.67□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 YHL044WYHL044W 708 nt1.67□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 PSY1YKL076C 384 nt1.67□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 URA5YML106W 681 nt1.67□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 VTI1YMR197C 654 nt1.67□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 MF(ALPHA)1YPL187W 498 nt1.67□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 GDI1YER136W 1356 nt1.67□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 CFT2YLR115W 2580 nt1.67□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 NUP170YBL079W 4509 nt1.67□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 YNL144CYNL144C 2223 nt1.67□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 UBP2YOR124C 3819 nt1.67□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 NAB6YML117W 3405 nt1.66□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 MPH1YIR002C 2982 nt1.66□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 HOP1YIL072W 1818 nt1.66□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 PEP1YBL017C 4740 nt1.66□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 RAV2YDR202C 1056 nt1.66□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 PIB1YDR313C 861 nt1.66□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 YJR020WYJR020W 333 nt1.66□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 SAW1YAL027W 786 nt1.66□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 SED5YLR026C 1023 nt1.66□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 NYV1YLR093C 762 nt1.66□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 TMA7YLR262C-A 195 nt1.66□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 BET5YML077W 480 nt1.66□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 YMR147WYMR147W 672 nt1.66□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 NGL1YOL042W 1092 nt1.66□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 HUA2YOR284W 732 nt1.66□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 YPR014CYPR014C 330 nt1.66□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 snR191snR191 274 nt1.66□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 SLN1YIL147C 3663 nt1.65□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 IRC4YDR540C 540 nt1.65□□□□□ -2.15
RAV2Q03956 COX13YGL191W 390 nt1.65□□□□□ -2.15
RAV2Q03956 RPS25AYGR027C 327 nt1.65□□□□□ -2.15
RAV2Q03956 YIL046W-AYIL046W-A 165 nt1.65□□□□□ -2.15
RAV2Q03956 GCY1YOR120W 939 nt1.65□□□□□ -2.15
RAV2Q03956 ALK2YBL009W 2031 nt1.65□□□□□ -2.15
RAV2Q03956 MGA2YIR033W 3342 nt1.65□□□□□ -2.15
RAV2Q03956 PSK2YOL045W 3306 nt1.65□□□□□ -2.15
RAV2Q03956 APL5YPL195W 2799 nt1.64□□□□□ -2.15
RAV2Q03956 KOG1YHR186C 4674 nt1.64□□□□□ -2.15
RAV2Q03956 RTT107YHR154W 3213 nt1.64□□□□□ -2.15
RAV2Q03956 GPI19YDR437W 423 nt1.64□□□□□ -2.15
RAV2Q03956 DIG2YDR480W 972 nt1.64□□□□□ -2.15
RAV2Q03956 YGR226CYGR226C 210 nt1.64□□□□□ -2.15
RAV2Q03956 YHR210CYHR210C 1026 nt1.64□□□□□ -2.15
RAV2Q03956 RPL6BYLR448W 531 nt1.64□□□□□ -2.15
RAV2Q03956 YML047W-AYML047W-A 366 nt1.64□□□□□ -2.15
RAV2Q03956 DUG3YNL191W 1074 nt1.64□□□□□ -2.15
RAV2Q03956 snR43snR43 209 nt1.64□□□□□ -2.15
RAV2Q03956 YOR093CYOR093C 4947 nt1.64□□□□□ -2.15
RAV2Q03956 RTT101YJL047C 2529 nt1.64□□□□□ -2.15
RAV2Q03956 ART10YLR392C 1557 nt1.64□□□□□ -2.15
RAV2Q03956 PET100YDR079W 336 nt1.63□□□□□ -2.15
RAV2Q03956 RSM24YDR175C 960 nt1.63□□□□□ -2.15
RAV2Q03956 RTN1YDR233C 888 nt1.63□□□□□ -2.15
RAV2Q03956 YLR169WYLR169W 354 nt1.63□□□□□ -2.15
RAV2Q03956 YBL012CYBL012C 402 nt1.63□□□□□ -2.15
RAV2Q03956 YOR277CYOR277C 309 nt1.63□□□□□ -2.15
RAV2Q03956 FUS1YCL027W 1539 nt1.62□□□□□ -2.15
RAV2Q03956 YDL118WYDL118W 381 nt1.62□□□□□ -2.15
RAV2Q03956 AAD16YFL057C 459 nt1.62□□□□□ -2.15
RAV2Q03956 IRC6YFR043C 714 nt1.62□□□□□ -2.15
RAV2Q03956 YIL012WYIL012W 342 nt1.62□□□□□ -2.15
RAV2Q03956 YLL047WYLL047W 384 nt1.62□□□□□ -2.15
RAV2Q03956 CTL1YMR180C 963 nt1.62□□□□□ -2.15
RAV2Q03956 YNL234WYNL234W 1281 nt1.62□□□□□ -2.15
Retrieved 100 of 7,029 protein–RNA pairs in 31.6 ms