Protein–RNA interactions for Protein: Q03956

RAV2, Regulator of V-ATPase in vacuolar membrane protein 2, yeastyeast

Predictions only

Length 351 aa.

Protein RNA Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene UniProt Accession Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Length Transcript Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
RAV2Q03956 CLN3YAL040C 1743 nt1.78□□□□□ -2.12
RAV2Q03956 YNR066CYNR066C 1311 nt1.78□□□□□ -2.12
RAV2Q03956 PRE1YER012W 597 nt1.78□□□□□ -2.12
RAV2Q03956 COBQ0105 1158 nt1.78□□□□□ -2.12
RAV2Q03956 YLL044WYLL044W 447 nt1.78□□□□□ -2.12
RAV2Q03956 USB1YLR132C 873 nt1.78□□□□□ -2.12
RAV2Q03956 PRE8YML092C 753 nt1.78□□□□□ -2.12
RAV2Q03956 MGM1YOR211C 2646 nt1.78□□□□□ -2.12
RAV2Q03956 GIP3YPL137C 3831 nt1.78□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 CET1YPL228W 1650 nt1.77□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 NEO1YIL048W 3456 nt1.77□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 JIP5YPR169W 1479 nt1.77□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 POM152YMR129W 4014 nt1.77□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 APC11YDL008W 498 nt1.77□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 UPF3YGR072W 1164 nt1.77□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 AYR1YIL124W 894 nt1.77□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 MBB1YJL199C 327 nt1.77□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 YKR051WYKR051W 1257 nt1.77□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 GAB1YLR459W 1185 nt1.77□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 HAT1YPL001W 1125 nt1.77□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 COA2YPL189C-A 207 nt1.77□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 SEC66YBR171W 621 nt1.77□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 SSD1YDR293C 3753 nt1.77□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 SPP41YDR464W 4308 nt1.77□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 SKP2YNL311C 2292 nt1.77□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 MSL5YLR116W 1431 nt1.76□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 NOP14YDL148C 2433 nt1.76□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 RPS17BYDR447C 411 nt1.76□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 ERG28YER044C 447 nt1.76□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 SEC4YFL005W 648 nt1.76□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 MPS2YGL075C 1164 nt1.76□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 YHR071C-AYHR071C-A 321 nt1.76□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 RPA12YJR063W 378 nt1.76□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 YKL069WYKL069W 543 nt1.76□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 YSA1YBR111C 696 nt1.76□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 CTP1YBR291C 900 nt1.76□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 ERT1YBR239C 1590 nt1.76□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 BRE5YNR051C 1548 nt1.76□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 SCP160YJL080C 3669 nt1.76□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 REV1YOR346W 2958 nt1.75□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 YJR061WYJR061W 2808 nt1.75□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 NHP10YDL002C 612 nt1.75□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 FMN1YDR236C 657 nt1.75□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 YJL052C-AYJL052C-A 120 nt1.75□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 DGR1YNL130C-A 147 nt1.75□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 DGK1YOR311C 873 nt1.75□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 YDR061WYDR061W 1620 nt1.75□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 WHI3YNL197C 1986 nt1.75□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 UTP5YDR398W 1932 nt1.75□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 KAP123YER110C 3342 nt1.75□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 YBL005W-AYBL005W-A 1323 nt1.74□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 YLR446WYLR446W 1302 nt1.74□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 YMR046CYMR046C 1323 nt1.74□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 IPT1YDR072C 1584 nt1.74□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 snR70snR70 164 nt1.74□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 ATG9YDL149W 2994 nt1.74□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 YPS5YGL259W 498 nt1.74□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 SPO16YHR153C 597 nt1.74□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 RGI2YIL057C 495 nt1.74□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 RNP1YLL046C 750 nt1.74□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 PAU23YLR037C 375 nt1.74□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 RAD10YML095C 633 nt1.74□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 FIG1YBR040W 897 nt1.74□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 YBR201C-AYBR201C-A 204 nt1.74□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 DPB3YBR278W 606 nt1.74□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 MDM10YAL010C 1482 nt1.74□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 SCH9YHR205W 2475 nt1.74□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 snR76snR76 109 nt1.73□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 SDC1YDR469W 528 nt1.73□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 MPC3YGR243W 441 nt1.73□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 RGM1YMR182C 636 nt1.73□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 TSR4YOL022C 1227 nt1.73□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 REG2YBR050C 1017 nt1.73□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 PDR8YLR266C 2106 nt1.73□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 BUD2YKL092C 3315 nt1.73□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 GIS1YDR096W 2685 nt1.73□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 DFG16YOR030W 1860 nt1.72□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 YDL241WYDL241W 372 nt1.72□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 ACB1YGR037C 264 nt1.72□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 DSE2YHR143W 978 nt1.72□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 SRN2YLR119W 642 nt1.72□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 RMP1YLR145W 606 nt1.72□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 YNL035CYNL035C 1170 nt1.72□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 SIP3YNL257C 3690 nt1.72□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 PUF4YGL014W 2667 nt1.72□□□□□ -2.13
RAV2Q03956 INP53YOR109W 3324 nt1.71□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 MUB1YMR100W 1863 nt1.71□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 PUT3YKL015W 2940 nt1.71□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 ELG1YOR144C 2376 nt1.71□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 MED2YDL005C 1296 nt1.71□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 TIF35YDR429C 825 nt1.71□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 EMI1YDR512C 564 nt1.71□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 YGL218WYGL218W 651 nt1.71□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 CIR1YGR207C 786 nt1.71□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 CSM2YIL132C 642 nt1.71□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 YMR181CYMR181C 465 nt1.71□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 ATG19YOL082W 1248 nt1.71□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 YEL043WYEL043W 2871 nt1.71□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 UFD4YKL010C 4452 nt1.71□□□□□ -2.14
RAV2Q03956 PDR3YBL005W 2931 nt1.7□□□□□ -2.14
Retrieved 100 of 7,029 protein–RNA pairs in 66.9 ms