Protein–RNA interactions for Protein: P53080

EDC1, Enhancer of mRNA-decapping protein 1, yeastyeast

Predicted RBP Predictions only

Length 175 aa.

Protein RNA Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene UniProt Accession Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Length Transcript Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
EDC1P53080 YPL142CYPL142C 318 nt1.17□□□□□ -2.22
EDC1P53080 CLN2YPL256C 1638 nt1.17□□□□□ -2.22
EDC1P53080 JIP5YPR169W 1479 nt1.17□□□□□ -2.22
EDC1P53080 VPS34YLR240W 2628 nt1.17□□□□□ -2.22
EDC1P53080 YVC1YOR087W 2028 nt1.16□□□□□ -2.22
EDC1P53080 VPS15YBR097W 4365 nt1.16□□□□□ -2.22
EDC1P53080 RPL13AYDL082W 600 nt1.16□□□□□ -2.22
EDC1P53080 tC(GCA)BtC(GCA)B 72 nt1.16□□□□□ -2.22
EDC1P53080 tC(GCA)GtC(GCA)G 72 nt1.16□□□□□ -2.22
EDC1P53080 tC(GCA)P1tC(GCA)P1 72 nt1.16□□□□□ -2.22
EDC1P53080 tC(GCA)P2tC(GCA)P2 72 nt1.16□□□□□ -2.22
EDC1P53080 MTM1YGR257C 1101 nt1.16□□□□□ -2.22
EDC1P53080 YHR069C-AYHR069C-A 363 nt1.16□□□□□ -2.22
EDC1P53080 PET130YJL023C 1044 nt1.16□□□□□ -2.22
EDC1P53080 CAP1YKL007W 807 nt1.16□□□□□ -2.22
EDC1P53080 YKR075CYKR075C 924 nt1.16□□□□□ -2.22
EDC1P53080 PRM9YAR031W 897 nt1.16□□□□□ -2.22
EDC1P53080 YLR224WYLR224W 1110 nt1.16□□□□□ -2.22
EDC1P53080 MRPL44YMR225C 297 nt1.16□□□□□ -2.22
EDC1P53080 COQ10YOL008W 624 nt1.16□□□□□ -2.22
EDC1P53080 MSS18YPR134W 807 nt1.16□□□□□ -2.22
EDC1P53080 YBR174CYBR174C 315 nt1.16□□□□□ -2.22
EDC1P53080 MNT3YIL014W 1893 nt1.16□□□□□ -2.22
EDC1P53080 YER172C-AYER172C-A 381 nt1.15□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 YGL159WYGL159W 1113 nt1.15□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 YLR076CYLR076C 423 nt1.15□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 CWC24YLR323C 780 nt1.15□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 YSF3YNL138W-A 258 nt1.15□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 YOR082CYOR082C 342 nt1.15□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 YSA1YBR111C 696 nt1.15□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 YBR242WYBR242W 717 nt1.15□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 YNL144CYNL144C 2223 nt1.15□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 YJL016WYJL016W 1686 nt1.14□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 IRC6YFR043C 714 nt1.14□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 YGL069CYGL069C 465 nt1.14□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 AIM18YHR198C 966 nt1.14□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 HRI1YLR301W 735 nt1.14□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 RPL36AYMR194W 303 nt1.14□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 YMR272W-BYMR272W-B 108 nt1.14□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 ANT1YPR128C 987 nt1.14□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 PKH3YDR466W 2697 nt1.14□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 SLN1YIL147C 3663 nt1.14□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 RGL1YPL066W 1440 nt1.14□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 PET127YOR017W 2403 nt1.14□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 STD1YOR047C 1335 nt1.14□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 PDR8YLR266C 2106 nt1.13□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 PGD1YGL025C 1194 nt1.13□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 YIR014WYIR014W 729 nt1.13□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 CDA2YLR308W 939 nt1.13□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 RPS22BYLR367W 393 nt1.13□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 VMA6YLR447C 1038 nt1.13□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 YMR320WYMR320W 306 nt1.13□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 YOR392WYOR392W 444 nt1.13□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 SWD3YBR175W 948 nt1.13□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 RTT107YHR154W 3213 nt1.13□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 SKP2YNL311C 2292 nt1.13□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 IST2YBR086C 2841 nt1.12□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 NUP100YKL068W 2880 nt1.12□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 YBP1YBR216C 2025 nt1.12□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 BNI4YNL233W 2679 nt1.12□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 TSC13YDL015C 933 nt1.12□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 RPC11YDR045C 333 nt1.12□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 GRX2YDR513W 432 nt1.12□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 VTC1YER072W 390 nt1.12□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 EMP24YGL200C 612 nt1.12□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 tQ(UUG)E2tQ(UUG)E2 72 nt1.12□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 YAP5YIR018W 738 nt1.12□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 RPF2YKR081C 1035 nt1.12□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 PAU8YAL068C 363 nt1.12□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 URA5YML106W 681 nt1.12□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 HUB1YNR032C-A 222 nt1.12□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 TPT1YOL102C 693 nt1.12□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 PAU20YOL161C 363 nt1.12□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 SAR1YPL218W 573 nt1.12□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 USV1YPL230W 1176 nt1.12□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 RPC40YPR110C 1008 nt1.12□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 APA1YCL050C 966 nt1.12□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 YEL1YBL060W 2064 nt1.12□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 YBR259WYBR259W 2067 nt1.12□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 SSK2YNR031C 4740 nt1.12□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 INO80YGL150C 4470 nt1.12□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 NPL6YMR091C 1308 nt1.12□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 VAC8YEL013W 1737 nt1.12□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 HSL1YKL101W 4557 nt1.11□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 CWH41YGL027C 2502 nt1.11□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 YCR099CYCR099C 468 nt1.11□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 NHP10YDL002C 612 nt1.11□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 TAM41YGR046W 1158 nt1.11□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 YGR050CYGR050C 357 nt1.11□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 ASG7YJL170C 630 nt1.11□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 EBP2YKL172W 1284 nt1.11□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 YLR124WYLR124W 345 nt1.11□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 YBR013CYBR013C 390 nt1.11□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 RFM1YOR279C 933 nt1.11□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 FYV8YGR196C 2454 nt1.11□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 MSH6YDR097C 3729 nt1.11□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 TDA9YML081W 3756 nt1.1□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 HSH155YMR288W 2916 nt1.1□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 EAP1YKL204W 1899 nt1.1□□□□□ -2.23
EDC1P53080 ANR2YKL047W 1551 nt1.1□□□□□ -2.23
Retrieved 100 of 7,029 protein–RNA pairs in 27.2 ms