Protein–RNA interactions for Protein: Q08179

MDM38, Mitochondrial distribution and morphology protein 38, yeastyeast

Predictions only

Length 573 aa.

Protein RNA Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene UniProt Accession Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Length Transcript Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
MDM38Q08179 SOL4YGR248W 768 nt4.38□□□□□ -1.71
MDM38Q08179 YLR297WYLR297W 390 nt4.38□□□□□ -1.71
MDM38Q08179 PBI2YNL015W 228 nt4.38□□□□□ -1.71
MDM38Q08179 YOL159C-AYOL159C-A 273 nt4.38□□□□□ -1.71
MDM38Q08179 YOR293C-AYOR293C-A 150 nt4.38□□□□□ -1.71
MDM38Q08179 YPL034WYPL034W 498 nt4.38□□□□□ -1.71
MDM38Q08179 YBR242WYBR242W 717 nt4.38□□□□□ -1.71
MDM38Q08179 VPS27YNR006W 1869 nt4.38□□□□□ -1.71
MDM38Q08179 GYP6YJL044C 1377 nt4.38□□□□□ -1.71
MDM38Q08179 AVT5YBL089W 1380 nt4.38□□□□□ -1.71
MDM38Q08179 BRE4YDL231C 3378 nt4.37□□□□□ -1.71
MDM38Q08179 RSC58YLR033W 1509 nt4.37□□□□□ -1.71
MDM38Q08179 CHZ1YER030W 462 nt4.37□□□□□ -1.71
MDM38Q08179 EFB1YAL003W 621 nt4.37□□□□□ -1.71
MDM38Q08179 BET5YML077W 480 nt4.37□□□□□ -1.71
MDM38Q08179 PAI3YMR174C 207 nt4.37□□□□□ -1.71
MDM38Q08179 GPI15YNL038W 690 nt4.37□□□□□ -1.71
MDM38Q08179 YNL146WYNL146W 303 nt4.37□□□□□ -1.71
MDM38Q08179 RPL18BYNL301C 561 nt4.37□□□□□ -1.71
MDM38Q08179 YOL150CYOL150C 312 nt4.37□□□□□ -1.71
MDM38Q08179 ABP140YOR239W 1887 nt4.37□□□□□ -1.71
MDM38Q08179 VHR1YIL056W 1923 nt4.36□□□□□ -1.71
MDM38Q08179 FAD1YDL045C 921 nt4.36□□□□□ -1.71
MDM38Q08179 TMA17YDL110C 453 nt4.36□□□□□ -1.71
MDM38Q08179 YDR269CYDR269C 324 nt4.36□□□□□ -1.71
MDM38Q08179 TDA2YER071C 381 nt4.36□□□□□ -1.71
MDM38Q08179 YGR039WYGR039W 312 nt4.36□□□□□ -1.71
MDM38Q08179 EPT1YHR123W 1176 nt4.36□□□□□ -1.71
MDM38Q08179 RDN5-1RDN5-1 121 nt4.36□□□□□ -1.71
MDM38Q08179 RDN5-6RDN5-6 121 nt4.36□□□□□ -1.71
MDM38Q08179 YOR131CYOR131C 657 nt4.36□□□□□ -1.71
MDM38Q08179 YPR148CYPR148C 1308 nt4.36□□□□□ -1.71
MDM38Q08179 AIM21YIR003W 2040 nt4.36□□□□□ -1.71
MDM38Q08179 PKP2YGL059W 1476 nt4.36□□□□□ -1.71
MDM38Q08179 RIM4YHL024W 2142 nt4.36□□□□□ -1.71
MDM38Q08179 STP1YDR463W 1560 nt4.36□□□□□ -1.71
MDM38Q08179 SAE2YGL175C 1038 nt4.35□□□□□ -1.71
MDM38Q08179 YIR036W-AYIR036W-A 402 nt4.35□□□□□ -1.71
MDM38Q08179 YJR112W-AYJR112W-A 330 nt4.35□□□□□ -1.71
MDM38Q08179 YKT6YKL196C 603 nt4.35□□□□□ -1.71
MDM38Q08179 SDO1YLR022C 753 nt4.35□□□□□ -1.71
MDM38Q08179 IDP2YLR174W 1239 nt4.35□□□□□ -1.71
MDM38Q08179 YML084WYML084W 309 nt4.35□□□□□ -1.71
MDM38Q08179 YNL276CYNL276C 396 nt4.35□□□□□ -1.71
MDM38Q08179 YPL035CYPL035C 348 nt4.35□□□□□ -1.71
MDM38Q08179 DIB1YPR082C 432 nt4.35□□□□□ -1.71
MDM38Q08179 MSK1YNL073W 1731 nt4.35□□□□□ -1.71
MDM38Q08179 SKO1YNL167C 1944 nt4.34□□□□□ -1.71
MDM38Q08179 HLR1YDR528W 1272 nt4.34□□□□□ -1.71
MDM38Q08179 RNP1YLL046C 750 nt4.34□□□□□ -1.71
MDM38Q08179 YMR153C-AYMR153C-A 336 nt4.34□□□□□ -1.71
MDM38Q08179 YNL150WYNL150W 408 nt4.34□□□□□ -1.71
MDM38Q08179 ASI2YNL159C 870 nt4.34□□□□□ -1.71
MDM38Q08179 YOR248WYOR248W 303 nt4.34□□□□□ -1.71
MDM38Q08179 DIT2YDR402C 1470 nt4.34□□□□□ -1.71
MDM38Q08179 AEP1YMR064W 1557 nt4.34□□□□□ -1.71
MDM38Q08179 FLC1YPL221W 2382 nt4.34□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 YPR003CYPR003C 2265 nt4.33□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 GPI10YGL142C 1851 nt4.33□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 YDR246W-AYDR246W-A 201 nt4.33□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 NTF2YER009W 378 nt4.33□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 YER034WYER034W 558 nt4.33□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 GET1YGL020C 708 nt4.33□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 ECL1YGR146C 636 nt4.33□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 TPM2YIL138C 486 nt4.33□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 IST1YNL265C 897 nt4.33□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 YOR105WYOR105W 327 nt4.33□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 CAT5YOR125C 702 nt4.33□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 MRPS9YBR146W 837 nt4.33□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 SPC105YGL093W 2754 nt4.33□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 YDL094CYDL094C 510 nt4.32□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 NOP6YDL213C 678 nt4.32□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 YOR203WYOR203W 354 nt4.32□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 SHG1YBR258C 429 nt4.32□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 TPA1YER049W 1935 nt4.32□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 IOC2YLR095C 2439 nt4.32□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 ROK1YGL171W 1695 nt4.32□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 CHD1YER164W 4407 nt4.31□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 PRP3YDR473C 1410 nt4.31□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 LST4YKL176C 2487 nt4.31□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 GAL80YML051W 1308 nt4.31□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 YDL228CYDL228C 642 nt4.31□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 MFA1YDR461W 111 nt4.31□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 SLD5YDR489W 885 nt4.31□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 YER079WYER079W 633 nt4.31□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 CSE4YKL049C 690 nt4.31□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 YML099W-AYML099W-A 330 nt4.31□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 SVS1YPL163C 783 nt4.31□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 YPR059CYPR059C 387 nt4.31□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 TAF6YGL112C 1551 nt4.31□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 APL4YPR029C 2499 nt4.3□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 THI13YDL244W 1023 nt4.3□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 RSM24YDR175C 960 nt4.3□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 YER087C-AYER087C-A 552 nt4.3□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 FMP10YER182W 735 nt4.3□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 YKL069WYKL069W 543 nt4.3□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 SUI1YNL244C 327 nt4.3□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 RPL18AYOL120C 561 nt4.3□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 PHO88YBR106W 567 nt4.3□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 CMD1YBR109C 444 nt4.3□□□□□ -1.72
Retrieved 100 of 7,029 protein–RNA pairs in 24.5 ms