Protein–RNA interactions for Protein: O60200

MDM35, Mitochondrial distribution and morphology protein 35, yeastyeast

Predictions only

Length 86 aa.

Protein RNA Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene UniProt Accession Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Length Transcript Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
MDM35O60200 MCP1YOR228C 909 nt6.94□□□□□ -1.3
MDM35O60200 YAH1YPL252C 519 nt6.94□□□□□ -1.3
MDM35O60200 CIT2YCR005C 1383 nt6.94□□□□□ -1.3
MDM35O60200 LEO1YOR123C 1395 nt6.94□□□□□ -1.3
MDM35O60200 LGE1YPL055C 999 nt6.93□□□□□ -1.3
MDM35O60200 BDS1YOL164W 1941 nt6.92□□□□□ -1.3
MDM35O60200 YDR327WYDR327W 327 nt6.92□□□□□ -1.3
MDM35O60200 CYS3YAL012W 1185 nt6.92□□□□□ -1.3
MDM35O60200 YJL144WYJL144W 315 nt6.91□□□□□ -1.3
MDM35O60200 SPE3YPR069C 882 nt6.91□□□□□ -1.3
MDM35O60200 MPE1YKL059C 1326 nt6.91□□□□□ -1.3
MDM35O60200 TPO1YLL028W 1761 nt6.9□□□□□ -1.3
MDM35O60200 PET117YER058W 324 nt6.9□□□□□ -1.3
MDM35O60200 MBF1YOR298C-A 456 nt6.9□□□□□ -1.3
MDM35O60200 ILV2YMR108W 2064 nt6.89□□□□□ -1.31
MDM35O60200 HMG2YLR450W 3138 nt6.89□□□□□ -1.31
MDM35O60200 MDH2YOL126C 1134 nt6.88□□□□□ -1.31
MDM35O60200 YEL034C-AYEL034C-A 603 nt6.87□□□□□ -1.31
MDM35O60200 GET4YOR164C 939 nt6.87□□□□□ -1.31
MDM35O60200 YRF1-1YDR545W 5391 nt6.86□□□□□ -1.31
MDM35O60200 YRF1-5YLR467W 5391 nt6.86□□□□□ -1.31
MDM35O60200 YRF1-8YOR396W 5391 nt6.86□□□□□ -1.31
MDM35O60200 PLB3YOL011W 2061 nt6.86□□□□□ -1.31
MDM35O60200 YLR162WYLR162W 357 nt6.86□□□□□ -1.31
MDM35O60200 RFC1YOR217W 2586 nt6.85□□□□□ -1.31
MDM35O60200 MET13YGL125W 1803 nt6.85□□□□□ -1.31
MDM35O60200 TPI1YDR050C 747 nt6.84□□□□□ -1.31
MDM35O60200 VPS65YLR322W 315 nt6.84□□□□□ -1.31
MDM35O60200 ZIM17YNL310C 525 nt6.84□□□□□ -1.31
MDM35O60200 snR30snR30 606 nt6.84□□□□□ -1.31
MDM35O60200 SML1YML058W 315 nt6.83□□□□□ -1.32
MDM35O60200 YOR111WYOR111W 699 nt6.83□□□□□ -1.32
MDM35O60200 DPM1YPR183W 804 nt6.83□□□□□ -1.32
MDM35O60200 DTR1YBR180W 1719 nt6.83□□□□□ -1.32
MDM35O60200 PMT1YDL095W 2454 nt6.82□□□□□ -1.32
MDM35O60200 SUF3tG(CCC)D 72 nt6.82□□□□□ -1.32
MDM35O60200 ERR3YMR323W 1314 nt6.81□□□□□ -1.32
MDM35O60200 RTC4YNL254C 1206 nt6.81□□□□□ -1.32
MDM35O60200 PUS4YNL292W 1212 nt6.81□□□□□ -1.32
MDM35O60200 RPL43AYPR043W 279 nt6.81□□□□□ -1.32
MDM35O60200 YPR130CYPR130C 408 nt6.81□□□□□ -1.32
MDM35O60200 DCR2YLR361C 1737 nt6.81□□□□□ -1.32
MDM35O60200 GTB1YDR221W 2109 nt6.8□□□□□ -1.32
MDM35O60200 NAF1YNL124W 1479 nt6.8□□□□□ -1.32
MDM35O60200 CIA1YDR267C 993 nt6.8□□□□□ -1.32
MDM35O60200 YPR076WYPR076W 375 nt6.8□□□□□ -1.32
MDM35O60200 CYS4YGR155W 1524 nt6.8□□□□□ -1.32
MDM35O60200 RUP1YOR138C 2016 nt6.79□□□□□ -1.32
MDM35O60200 ERG10YPL028W 1197 nt6.79□□□□□ -1.32
MDM35O60200 PDC5YLR134W 1692 nt6.79□□□□□ -1.32
MDM35O60200 HTZ1YOL012C 405 nt6.78□□□□□ -1.32
MDM35O60200 PFS2YNL317W 1398 nt6.78□□□□□ -1.32
MDM35O60200 FIT1YDR534C 1587 nt6.78□□□□□ -1.32
MDM35O60200 AFG3YER017C 2286 nt6.77□□□□□ -1.33
MDM35O60200 SGF73YGL066W 1974 nt6.77□□□□□ -1.33
MDM35O60200 TOP3YLR234W 1971 nt6.77□□□□□ -1.33
MDM35O60200 PLB2YMR006C 2121 nt6.76□□□□□ -1.33
MDM35O60200 PDA1YER178W 1263 nt6.76□□□□□ -1.33
MDM35O60200 URA8YJR103W 1737 nt6.76□□□□□ -1.33
MDM35O60200 HSV2YGR223C 1347 nt6.76□□□□□ -1.33
MDM35O60200 YJL163CYJL163C 1668 nt6.75□□□□□ -1.33
MDM35O60200 GPD1YDL022W 1176 nt6.75□□□□□ -1.33
MDM35O60200 LIA1YJR070C 978 nt6.75□□□□□ -1.33
MDM35O60200 LDB7YBL006C 543 nt6.75□□□□□ -1.33
MDM35O60200 BIO3YNR058W 1443 nt6.75□□□□□ -1.33
MDM35O60200 DUS3YLR401C 2007 nt6.74□□□□□ -1.33
MDM35O60200 GNA1YFL017C 480 nt6.74□□□□□ -1.33
MDM35O60200 HOC1YJR075W 1191 nt6.74□□□□□ -1.33
MDM35O60200 YCL049CYCL049C 939 nt6.74□□□□□ -1.33
MDM35O60200 HNM1YGL077C 1692 nt6.74□□□□□ -1.33
MDM35O60200 YMR074CYMR074C 438 nt6.73□□□□□ -1.33
MDM35O60200 YOL046CYOL046C 675 nt6.73□□□□□ -1.33
MDM35O60200 MPH3YJR160C 1809 nt6.73□□□□□ -1.33
MDM35O60200 COX15YER141W 1461 nt6.73□□□□□ -1.33
MDM35O60200 PMT7YDR307W 1989 nt6.72□□□□□ -1.33
MDM35O60200 SRY1YKL218C 981 nt6.72□□□□□ -1.33
MDM35O60200 YNR005CYNR005C 405 nt6.72□□□□□ -1.33
MDM35O60200 FIT2YOR382W 462 nt6.72□□□□□ -1.33
MDM35O60200 FCY22YER060W-A 1593 nt6.72□□□□□ -1.33
MDM35O60200 PPH21YDL134C 1110 nt6.71□□□□□ -1.34
MDM35O60200 GTS1YGL181W 1191 nt6.71□□□□□ -1.34
MDM35O60200 SNA3YJL151C 402 nt6.71□□□□□ -1.34
MDM35O60200 YPL264CYPL264C 1062 nt6.71□□□□□ -1.34
MDM35O60200 TCB1YOR086C 3561 nt6.7□□□□□ -1.34
MDM35O60200 GAL2YLR081W 1725 nt6.7□□□□□ -1.34
MDM35O60200 BRN1YBL097W 2265 nt6.7□□□□□ -1.34
MDM35O60200 CDC7YDL017W 1524 nt6.7□□□□□ -1.34
MDM35O60200 YBL113CYBL113C 2379 nt6.69□□□□□ -1.34
MDM35O60200 APE4YHR113W 1473 nt6.69□□□□□ -1.34
MDM35O60200 MRPL35YDR322W 1104 nt6.69□□□□□ -1.34
MDM35O60200 AGX1YFL030W 1158 nt6.69□□□□□ -1.34
MDM35O60200 YKL147CYKL147C 618 nt6.69□□□□□ -1.34
MDM35O60200 YNR001W-AYNR001W-A 219 nt6.69□□□□□ -1.34
MDM35O60200 YOL099CYOL099C 492 nt6.69□□□□□ -1.34
MDM35O60200 MSS51YLR203C 1311 nt6.69□□□□□ -1.34
MDM35O60200 MRPL19YNL185C 477 nt6.68□□□□□ -1.34
MDM35O60200 LIP5YOR196C 1245 nt6.68□□□□□ -1.34
MDM35O60200 TOK1YJL093C 2076 nt6.67□□□□□ -1.34
MDM35O60200 MAL31YBR298C 1845 nt6.67□□□□□ -1.34
MDM35O60200 YGL260WYGL260W 231 nt6.67□□□□□ -1.34
Retrieved 100 of 7,029 protein–RNA pairs in 87.5 ms