Protein–RNA interactions for Protein: P53330

RTT102, Regulator of Ty1 transposition protein 102, yeastyeast

Predictions only

Length 157 aa.

Protein RNA Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene UniProt Accession Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Length Transcript Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
RTT102P53330 MYO4YAL029C 4416 nt1.78□□□□□ -2.12
RTT102P53330 PLC1YPL268W 2610 nt1.78□□□□□ -2.12
RTT102P53330 RPH1YER169W 2391 nt1.78□□□□□ -2.12
RTT102P53330 YCR001WYCR001W 315 nt1.77□□□□□ -2.13
RTT102P53330 YGR025WYGR025W 303 nt1.77□□□□□ -2.13
RTT102P53330 AIM29YKR074W 468 nt1.77□□□□□ -2.13
RTT102P53330 YBL083CYBL083C 426 nt1.77□□□□□ -2.13
RTT102P53330 TSC3YBR058C-A 243 nt1.77□□□□□ -2.13
RTT102P53330 COX1Q0045 1605 nt1.77□□□□□ -2.13
RTT102P53330 ATP17YDR377W 306 nt1.76□□□□□ -2.13
RTT102P53330 YHL037CYHL037C 402 nt1.76□□□□□ -2.13
RTT102P53330 YLR171WYLR171W 390 nt1.76□□□□□ -2.13
RTT102P53330 RPS18BYML026C 441 nt1.76□□□□□ -2.13
RTT102P53330 EGD1YPL037C 474 nt1.76□□□□□ -2.13
RTT102P53330 YPR146CYPR146C 330 nt1.76□□□□□ -2.13
RTT102P53330 PEP3YLR148W 2757 nt1.76□□□□□ -2.13
RTT102P53330 BTT1YDR252W 450 nt1.75□□□□□ -2.13
RTT102P53330 HUR1YGL168W 333 nt1.75□□□□□ -2.13
RTT102P53330 PGA1YNL158W 597 nt1.75□□□□□ -2.13
RTT102P53330 ASM4YDL088C 1587 nt1.75□□□□□ -2.13
RTT102P53330 MYO2YOR326W 4725 nt1.75□□□□□ -2.13
RTT102P53330 SLM1YIL105C 2061 nt1.75□□□□□ -2.13
RTT102P53330 DFG16YOR030W 1860 nt1.74□□□□□ -2.13
RTT102P53330 PAU3YCR104W 375 nt1.74□□□□□ -2.13
RTT102P53330 YHR125WYHR125W 306 nt1.74□□□□□ -2.13
RTT102P53330 YHR139C-AYHR139C-A 312 nt1.74□□□□□ -2.13
RTT102P53330 FCF2YLR051C 654 nt1.74□□□□□ -2.13
RTT102P53330 SMY1YKL079W 1971 nt1.74□□□□□ -2.13
RTT102P53330 GCN2YDR283C 4980 nt1.74□□□□□ -2.13
RTT102P53330 SNF5YBR289W 2718 nt1.73□□□□□ -2.13
RTT102P53330 YNL144CYNL144C 2223 nt1.73□□□□□ -2.13
RTT102P53330 NBL1YHR199C-A 222 nt1.73□□□□□ -2.13
RTT102P53330 TOM22YNL131W 459 nt1.73□□□□□ -2.13
RTT102P53330 YOR146WYOR146W 306 nt1.73□□□□□ -2.13
RTT102P53330 YPL238CYPL238C 390 nt1.73□□□□□ -2.13
RTT102P53330 YOR192C-AYOR192C-A 1317 nt1.72□□□□□ -2.13
RTT102P53330 YCR043CYCR043C 384 nt1.72□□□□□ -2.13
RTT102P53330 QCR7YDR529C 384 nt1.72□□□□□ -2.13
RTT102P53330 ECL1YGR146C 636 nt1.72□□□□□ -2.13
RTT102P53330 YHR073W-AYHR073W-A 177 nt1.72□□□□□ -2.13
RTT102P53330 SYM1YLR251W 594 nt1.72□□□□□ -2.13
RTT102P53330 YBR121C-AYBR121C-A 159 nt1.72□□□□□ -2.13
RTT102P53330 YSW1YBR148W 1830 nt1.72□□□□□ -2.13
RTT102P53330 DNF3YMR162C 4971 nt1.71□□□□□ -2.13
RTT102P53330 BRR2YER172C 6492 nt1.71□□□□□ -2.14
RTT102P53330 DAS1YJL149W 1992 nt1.71□□□□□ -2.14
RTT102P53330 YCR102W-AYCR102W-A 198 nt1.71□□□□□ -2.14
RTT102P53330 snR54snR54 86 nt1.71□□□□□ -2.14
RTT102P53330 YBR184WYBR184W 1572 nt1.71□□□□□ -2.14
RTT102P53330 YJR039WYJR039W 3366 nt1.7□□□□□ -2.14
RTT102P53330 TFC8YPL007C 1767 nt1.7□□□□□ -2.14
RTT102P53330 CAT8YMR280C 4302 nt1.7□□□□□ -2.14
RTT102P53330 TIF11YMR260C 462 nt1.7□□□□□ -2.14
RTT102P53330 snR41snR41 95 nt1.7□□□□□ -2.14
RTT102P53330 ZRG8YER033C 3231 nt1.7□□□□□ -2.14
RTT102P53330 PKH3YDR466W 2697 nt1.69□□□□□ -2.14
RTT102P53330 SEC63YOR254C 1992 nt1.69□□□□□ -2.14
RTT102P53330 YER135CYER135C 393 nt1.69□□□□□ -2.14
RTT102P53330 CRG1YHR209W 876 nt1.69□□□□□ -2.14
RTT102P53330 TMA22YJR014W 597 nt1.69□□□□□ -2.14
RTT102P53330 CMC2YBL059C-A 330 nt1.69□□□□□ -2.14
RTT102P53330 CDC33YOL139C 642 nt1.69□□□□□ -2.14
RTT102P53330 BPH1YCR032W 6504 nt1.69□□□□□ -2.14
RTT102P53330 DOT6YER088C 2013 nt1.69□□□□□ -2.14
RTT102P53330 SBE22YHR103W 2559 nt1.68□□□□□ -2.14
RTT102P53330 CDC31YOR257W 486 nt1.68□□□□□ -2.14
RTT102P53330 SEF1YBL066C 3447 nt1.68□□□□□ -2.14
RTT102P53330 HIR3YJR140C 4947 nt1.68□□□□□ -2.14
RTT102P53330 CTF4YPR135W 2784 nt1.68□□□□□ -2.14
RTT102P53330 YKL183C-AYKL183C-A 213 nt1.67□□□□□ -2.14
RTT102P53330 CGI121YML036W 546 nt1.67□□□□□ -2.14
RTT102P53330 YPR177CYPR177C 372 nt1.67□□□□□ -2.14
RTT102P53330 MSH6YDR097C 3729 nt1.66□□□□□ -2.14
RTT102P53330 LHS1YKL073W 2646 nt1.66□□□□□ -2.14
RTT102P53330 YDL152WYDL152W 366 nt1.66□□□□□ -2.14
RTT102P53330 YER023C-AYER023C-A 213 nt1.66□□□□□ -2.14
RTT102P53330 tT(UGU)HtT(UGU)H 72 nt1.66□□□□□ -2.14
RTT102P53330 YHR210CYHR210C 1026 nt1.66□□□□□ -2.14
RTT102P53330 SAR1YPL218W 573 nt1.66□□□□□ -2.14
RTT102P53330 YPR099CYPR099C 357 nt1.66□□□□□ -2.14
RTT102P53330 RVS161YCR009C 798 nt1.65□□□□□ -2.15
RTT102P53330 RPL42BYHR141C 321 nt1.65□□□□□ -2.15
RTT102P53330 URM1YIL008W 300 nt1.65□□□□□ -2.15
RTT102P53330 PFD1YJL179W 330 nt1.65□□□□□ -2.15
RTT102P53330 YLR101CYLR101C 396 nt1.65□□□□□ -2.15
RTT102P53330 RPL42AYNL162W 321 nt1.65□□□□□ -2.15
RTT102P53330 YBR032WYBR032W 303 nt1.65□□□□□ -2.15
RTT102P53330 SEY1YOR165W 2331 nt1.65□□□□□ -2.15
RTT102P53330 TDA9YML081W 3756 nt1.64□□□□□ -2.15
RTT102P53330 YER088C-AYER088C-A 324 nt1.64□□□□□ -2.15
RTT102P53330 YIL102CYIL102C 306 nt1.64□□□□□ -2.15
RTT102P53330 YJL007CYJL007C 315 nt1.64□□□□□ -2.15
RTT102P53330 NFU1YKL040C 771 nt1.64□□□□□ -2.15
RTT102P53330 YMR247W-AYMR247W-A 144 nt1.64□□□□□ -2.15
RTT102P53330 VPS15YBR097W 4365 nt1.64□□□□□ -2.15
RTT102P53330 CHS1YNL192W 3396 nt1.64□□□□□ -2.15
RTT102P53330 MEC1YBR136W 7107 nt1.63□□□□□ -2.15
RTT102P53330 PAN3YKL025C 2040 nt1.63□□□□□ -2.15
RTT102P53330 LRE1YCL051W 1752 nt1.63□□□□□ -2.15
RTT102P53330 YER006C-AYER006C-A 318 nt1.63□□□□□ -2.15
Retrieved 100 of 7,029 protein–RNA pairs in 44.7 ms