Protein–RNA interactions for Protein: P32634

PMD1, Negative regulator of sporulation PMD1, yeastyeast

Predictions only

Length 1,753 aa.

Protein RNA Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene UniProt Accession Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Length Transcript Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
PMD1P32634 21S_rRNA21S_rRNA 3296 nt1.21□□□□□ -2.22
PMD1P32634 BAT1YHR208W 1182 nt1.21□□□□□ -2.22
PMD1P32634 EGD1YPL037C 474 nt1.21□□□□□ -2.22
PMD1P32634 HTD2YHR067W 843 nt1.2□□□□□ -2.22
PMD1P32634 UIP3YAR027W 708 nt1.2□□□□□ -2.22
PMD1P32634 YLR366WYLR366W 306 nt1.2□□□□□ -2.22
PMD1P32634 HRT1YOL133W 366 nt1.2□□□□□ -2.22
PMD1P32634 POM152YMR129W 4014 nt1.2□□□□□ -2.22
PMD1P32634 PET309YLR067C 2898 nt1.19□□□□□ -2.22
PMD1P32634 YOR072W-AYOR072W-A 249 nt1.19□□□□□ -2.22
PMD1P32634 MET18YIL128W 3099 nt1.19□□□□□ -2.22
PMD1P32634 MSL5YLR116W 1431 nt1.19□□□□□ -2.22
PMD1P32634 RUD3YOR216C 1455 nt1.19□□□□□ -2.22
PMD1P32634 MSL1YIR009W 336 nt1.19□□□□□ -2.22
PMD1P32634 ARG3YJL088W 1017 nt1.19□□□□□ -2.22
PMD1P32634 YOR093CYOR093C 4947 nt1.18□□□□□ -2.22
PMD1P32634 YJL070CYJL070C 2667 nt1.18□□□□□ -2.22
PMD1P32634 RKM4YDR257C 1485 nt1.18□□□□□ -2.22
PMD1P32634 PKP2YGL059W 1476 nt1.18□□□□□ -2.22
PMD1P32634 RTT101YJL047C 2529 nt1.18□□□□□ -2.22
PMD1P32634 PMI40YER003C 1290 nt1.18□□□□□ -2.22
PMD1P32634 YGR050CYGR050C 357 nt1.18□□□□□ -2.22
PMD1P32634 AAH1YNL141W 1044 nt1.18□□□□□ -2.22
PMD1P32634 AI2Q0055 2565 nt1.18□□□□□ -2.22
PMD1P32634 GAS2YLR343W 1668 nt1.18□□□□□ -2.22
PMD1P32634 YIL020C-AYIL020C-A 339 nt1.17□□□□□ -2.22
PMD1P32634 BUD19YJL188C 309 nt1.17□□□□□ -2.22
PMD1P32634 RDN58-1RDN58-1 158 nt1.17□□□□□ -2.22
PMD1P32634 RDN58-2RDN58-2 158 nt1.17□□□□□ -2.22
PMD1P32634 RPL16BYNL069C 597 nt1.17□□□□□ -2.22
PMD1P32634 YPR078CYPR078C 1119 nt1.17□□□□□ -2.22
PMD1P32634 YMR045CYMR045C 5268 nt1.17□□□□□ -2.22
PMD1P32634 SPT7YBR081C 3999 nt1.17□□□□□ -2.22
PMD1P32634 PTC5YOR090C 1719 nt1.17□□□□□ -2.22
PMD1P32634 URA5YML106W 681 nt1.16□□□□□ -2.22
PMD1P32634 SSP2YOR242C 1116 nt1.16□□□□□ -2.22
PMD1P32634 TPK3YKL166C 1197 nt1.16□□□□□ -2.22
PMD1P32634 YNL184CYNL184C 327 nt1.16□□□□□ -2.22
PMD1P32634 COS1YNL336W 1146 nt1.16□□□□□ -2.22
PMD1P32634 MCT1YOR221C 1083 nt1.16□□□□□ -2.22
PMD1P32634 SVS1YPL163C 783 nt1.16□□□□□ -2.22
PMD1P32634 CMR3YPR013C 954 nt1.16□□□□□ -2.22
PMD1P32634 IRA2YOL081W 9240 nt1.16□□□□□ -2.22
PMD1P32634 YCL076WYCL076W 744 nt1.15□□□□□ -2.23
PMD1P32634 RLF2YPR018W 1821 nt1.15□□□□□ -2.23
PMD1P32634 ITT1YML068W 1395 nt1.15□□□□□ -2.23
PMD1P32634 SKI8YGL213C 1194 nt1.14□□□□□ -2.23
PMD1P32634 YAL034C-BYAL034C-B 354 nt1.14□□□□□ -2.23
PMD1P32634 YPT52YKR014C 705 nt1.14□□□□□ -2.23
PMD1P32634 UPS2YLR168C 693 nt1.14□□□□□ -2.23
PMD1P32634 YML084WYML084W 309 nt1.14□□□□□ -2.23
PMD1P32634 AHC1YOR023C 1701 nt1.14□□□□□ -2.23
PMD1P32634 GYL1YMR192W 2163 nt1.14□□□□□ -2.23
PMD1P32634 PMD1YER132C 5262 nt1.14□□□□□ -2.23
PMD1P32634 RPH1YER169W 2391 nt1.14□□□□□ -2.23
PMD1P32634 PBY1YBR094W 2262 nt1.14□□□□□ -2.23
PMD1P32634 YDR461C-AYDR461C-A 243 nt1.13□□□□□ -2.23
PMD1P32634 AIM11YER093C-A 414 nt1.13□□□□□ -2.23
PMD1P32634 MPO1YGL010W 525 nt1.13□□□□□ -2.23
PMD1P32634 YET1YKL065C 621 nt1.13□□□□□ -2.23
PMD1P32634 ERP4YOR016C 624 nt1.13□□□□□ -2.23
PMD1P32634 HNT3YOR258W 654 nt1.13□□□□□ -2.23
PMD1P32634 YSP1YHR155W 3687 nt1.13□□□□□ -2.23
PMD1P32634 SMC4YLR086W 4257 nt1.13□□□□□ -2.23
PMD1P32634 NST1YNL091W 3723 nt1.13□□□□□ -2.23
PMD1P32634 YDL183CYDL183C 963 nt1.13□□□□□ -2.23
PMD1P32634 YDR336WYDR336W 945 nt1.13□□□□□ -2.23
PMD1P32634 YGR242WYGR242W 309 nt1.13□□□□□ -2.23
PMD1P32634 EBP2YKL172W 1284 nt1.13□□□□□ -2.23
PMD1P32634 BRE5YNR051C 1548 nt1.12□□□□□ -2.23
PMD1P32634 YER066C-AYER066C-A 501 nt1.12□□□□□ -2.23
PMD1P32634 YBR013CYBR013C 390 nt1.12□□□□□ -2.23
PMD1P32634 ULP2YIL031W 3105 nt1.12□□□□□ -2.23
PMD1P32634 SKO1YNL167C 1944 nt1.12□□□□□ -2.23
PMD1P32634 GPM2YDL021W 936 nt1.11□□□□□ -2.23
PMD1P32634 LSM2YBL026W 288 nt1.11□□□□□ -2.23
PMD1P32634 YDL211CYDL211C 1119 nt1.11□□□□□ -2.23
PMD1P32634 AIM18YHR198C 966 nt1.11□□□□□ -2.23
PMD1P32634 YLR050CYLR050C 486 nt1.11□□□□□ -2.23
PMD1P32634 PRM9YAR031W 897 nt1.11□□□□□ -2.23
PMD1P32634 YMR321CYMR321C 318 nt1.11□□□□□ -2.23
PMD1P32634 YOL159CYOL159C 516 nt1.11□□□□□ -2.23
PMD1P32634 RPC11YDR045C 333 nt1.1□□□□□ -2.23
PMD1P32634 LSM6YDR378C 261 nt1.1□□□□□ -2.23
PMD1P32634 NCE101YJL205C 162 nt1.1□□□□□ -2.23
PMD1P32634 COS5YJR161C 1152 nt1.1□□□□□ -2.23
PMD1P32634 HCS1YKL017C 2052 nt1.09□□□□□ -2.23
PMD1P32634 YLR108CYLR108C 1458 nt1.09□□□□□ -2.23
PMD1P32634 BIR1YJR089W 2865 nt1.09□□□□□ -2.23
PMD1P32634 ARF1YDL192W 546 nt1.09□□□□□ -2.23
PMD1P32634 YGR283CYGR283C 1026 nt1.09□□□□□ -2.23
PMD1P32634 MON2YNL297C 4911 nt1.09□□□□□ -2.23
PMD1P32634 YBR138CYBR138C 1575 nt1.09□□□□□ -2.24
PMD1P32634 RPN8YOR261C 1017 nt1.08□□□□□ -2.24
PMD1P32634 PNT1YOR266W 1272 nt1.08□□□□□ -2.24
PMD1P32634 SPT14YPL175W 1359 nt1.08□□□□□ -2.24
PMD1P32634 RPS17BYDR447C 411 nt1.08□□□□□ -2.24
PMD1P32634 SEC4YFL005W 648 nt1.08□□□□□ -2.24
PMD1P32634 RPF2YKR081C 1035 nt1.08□□□□□ -2.24
PMD1P32634 SNO1YMR095C 675 nt1.08□□□□□ -2.24
Retrieved 100 of 7,029 protein–RNA pairs in 16.4 ms