Protein–RNA interactions for Protein: Q03956

RAV2, Regulator of V-ATPase in vacuolar membrane protein 2, yeastyeast

Predictions only

Length 351 aa.

Protein RNA Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene UniProt Accession Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Length Transcript Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
RAV2Q03956 RPN9YDR427W 1182 nt1.01□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 YFR032C-BYFR032C-B 264 nt1.01□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 YOL159CYOL159C 516 nt1.01□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 CDC31YOR257W 486 nt1.01□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 EGD1YPL037C 474 nt1.01□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 ICS2YBR157C 768 nt1.01□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 SPC98YNL126W 2541 nt1.01□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 ARP5YNL059C 2268 nt1.01□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 NCS2YNL119W 1482 nt1□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 APM3YBR288C 1452 nt1□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 YCR024C-BYCR024C-B 267 nt1□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 YDR461C-AYDR461C-A 243 nt1□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 SLD5YDR489W 885 nt1□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 FSH1YHR049W 732 nt1□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 COX6YHR051W 447 nt1□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 RPL40AYIL148W 387 nt1□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 TAP42YMR028W 1101 nt1□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 YNL226WYNL226W 411 nt1□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 GAL7YBR018C 1101 nt1□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 VID24YBR105C 1089 nt1□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 CSH1YBR161W 1131 nt1□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 GUP1YGL084C 1683 nt1□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 YGR250CYGR250C 2346 nt0.99□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 YDR262WYDR262W 819 nt0.99□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 APL1YJR005W 2103 nt0.99□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 COF1YLL050C 432 nt0.99□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 YLR458WYLR458W 381 nt0.99□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 MGE1YOR232W 687 nt0.99□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 YSY6YBR162W-A 198 nt0.99□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 VAM6YDL077C 3150 nt0.99□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 BNA7YDR428C 786 nt0.98□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 tH(GUG)E1tH(GUG)E1 72 nt0.98□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 tH(GUG)E2tH(GUG)E2 72 nt0.98□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 tH(GUG)G1tH(GUG)G1 72 nt0.98□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 tH(GUG)G2tH(GUG)G2 72 nt0.98□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 tH(GUG)HtH(GUG)H 72 nt0.98□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 tH(GUG)KtH(GUG)K 72 nt0.98□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 tH(GUG)MtH(GUG)M 72 nt0.98□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 YGR283CYGR283C 1026 nt0.98□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 RFA3YJL173C 369 nt0.98□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 CTK3YML112W 891 nt0.98□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 IZH4YOL101C 939 nt0.98□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 MSC6YOR354C 2079 nt0.98□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 DGR2YKL121W 2559 nt0.98□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 YJR098CYJR098C 1971 nt0.97□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 BI3Q0115 1554 nt0.97□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 YER088C-AYER088C-A 324 nt0.97□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 RPS26BYER131W 360 nt0.97□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 MIC19YFR011C 513 nt0.97□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 EMT1tM(CAU)D 73 nt0.97□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 EMT5tM(CAU)J1 73 nt0.97□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 EMT3tM(CAU)J2 73 nt0.97□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 EMT4tM(CAU)M 73 nt0.97□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 EMT2tM(CAU)O2 73 nt0.97□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 GIC1YHR061C 945 nt0.97□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 ALB1YJL122W 528 nt0.97□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 YJR023CYJR023C 402 nt0.97□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 YMR173W-AYMR173W-A 1185 nt0.97□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 TIF11YMR260C 462 nt0.97□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 NOP15YNL110C 663 nt0.97□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 YJR029WYJR029W 5268 nt0.97□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 YPR137C-BYPR137C-B 5268 nt0.97□□□□□ -2.25
RAV2Q03956 SFB2YNL049C 2631 nt0.96□□□□□ -2.26
RAV2Q03956 MVP1YMR004W 1536 nt0.96□□□□□ -2.26
RAV2Q03956 LSM4YER112W 564 nt0.96□□□□□ -2.26
RAV2Q03956 EDC1YGL222C 528 nt0.96□□□□□ -2.26
RAV2Q03956 GRX8YLR364W 330 nt0.96□□□□□ -2.26
RAV2Q03956 YPR063CYPR063C 423 nt0.96□□□□□ -2.26
RAV2Q03956 YBR090CYBR090C 369 nt0.96□□□□□ -2.26
RAV2Q03956 DOT6YER088C 2013 nt0.96□□□□□ -2.26
RAV2Q03956 YLR149CYLR149C 2193 nt0.96□□□□□ -2.26
RAV2Q03956 AZF1YOR113W 2745 nt0.95□□□□□ -2.26
RAV2Q03956 ESA1YOR244W 1338 nt0.95□□□□□ -2.26
RAV2Q03956 HOT13YKL084W 351 nt0.95□□□□□ -2.26
RAV2Q03956 COX8YLR395C 237 nt0.95□□□□□ -2.26
RAV2Q03956 ATP18YML081C-A 180 nt0.95□□□□□ -2.26
RAV2Q03956 YNR068CYNR068C 819 nt0.95□□□□□ -2.26
RAV2Q03956 SFG1YOR315W 1041 nt0.95□□□□□ -2.26
RAV2Q03956 YBR062CYBR062C 543 nt0.95□□□□□ -2.26
RAV2Q03956 MGR1YCL044C 1254 nt0.95□□□□□ -2.26
RAV2Q03956 UFD2YDL190C 2886 nt0.95□□□□□ -2.26
RAV2Q03956 CDC27YBL084C 2277 nt0.95□□□□□ -2.26
RAV2Q03956 ROM2YLR371W 4071 nt0.94□□□□□ -2.26
RAV2Q03956 SEF1YBL066C 3447 nt0.94□□□□□ -2.26
RAV2Q03956 RPL34BYIL052C 366 nt0.94□□□□□ -2.26
RAV2Q03956 YLR302CYLR302C 363 nt0.94□□□□□ -2.26
RAV2Q03956 PGA1YNL158W 597 nt0.94□□□□□ -2.26
RAV2Q03956 YOR020W-AYOR020W-A 273 nt0.94□□□□□ -2.26
RAV2Q03956 YPR146CYPR146C 330 nt0.94□□□□□ -2.26
RAV2Q03956 YCR102W-AYCR102W-A 198 nt0.93□□□□□ -2.26
RAV2Q03956 YJL127C-BYJL127C-B 159 nt0.93□□□□□ -2.26
RAV2Q03956 SMD2YLR275W 333 nt0.93□□□□□ -2.26
RAV2Q03956 ERG29YMR134W 714 nt0.93□□□□□ -2.26
RAV2Q03956 RPB11YOL005C 363 nt0.93□□□□□ -2.26
RAV2Q03956 CUR1YPR158W 759 nt0.93□□□□□ -2.26
RAV2Q03956 UBC9YDL064W 474 nt0.92□□□□□ -2.26
RAV2Q03956 YHL037CYHL037C 402 nt0.92□□□□□ -2.26
RAV2Q03956 YJL119CYJL119C 324 nt0.92□□□□□ -2.26
RAV2Q03956 RLM1YPL089C 2031 nt0.92□□□□□ -2.26
RAV2Q03956 SMC4YLR086W 4257 nt0.92□□□□□ -2.26
Retrieved 100 of 7,029 protein–RNA pairs in 35.3 ms