Protein–RNA interactions for Protein: P32634

PMD1, Negative regulator of sporulation PMD1, yeastyeast

Predictions only

Length 1,753 aa.

Protein RNA Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene UniProt Accession Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Length Transcript Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
PMD1P32634 YMR230W-AYMR230W-A 189 nt1.08□□□□□ -2.24
PMD1P32634 SWI4YER111C 3282 nt1.07□□□□□ -2.24
PMD1P32634 RPL11BYGR085C 525 nt1.07□□□□□ -2.24
PMD1P32634 NOP19YGR251W 591 nt1.07□□□□□ -2.24
PMD1P32634 MRPL6YHR147C 645 nt1.07□□□□□ -2.24
PMD1P32634 PML1YLR016C 615 nt1.07□□□□□ -2.24
PMD1P32634 RPL11AYPR102C 525 nt1.07□□□□□ -2.24
PMD1P32634 YSY6YBR162W-A 198 nt1.07□□□□□ -2.24
PMD1P32634 YMR160WYMR160W 2451 nt1.07□□□□□ -2.24
PMD1P32634 SLY41YOR307C 1362 nt1.07□□□□□ -2.24
PMD1P32634 SPB4YFL002C 1821 nt1.06□□□□□ -2.24
PMD1P32634 PAU3YCR104W 375 nt1.06□□□□□ -2.24
PMD1P32634 YMR242W-AYMR242W-A 90 nt1.06□□□□□ -2.24
PMD1P32634 PEP12YOR036W 867 nt1.06□□□□□ -2.24
PMD1P32634 YBR292CYBR292C 372 nt1.06□□□□□ -2.24
PMD1P32634 FRK1YPL141C 2598 nt1.05□□□□□ -2.24
PMD1P32634 TDA10YGR205W 873 nt1.05□□□□□ -2.24
PMD1P32634 YJL202CYJL202C 348 nt1.05□□□□□ -2.24
PMD1P32634 YKL069WYKL069W 543 nt1.05□□□□□ -2.24
PMD1P32634 PIG2YIL045W 1617 nt1.05□□□□□ -2.24
PMD1P32634 CBF2YGR140W 2871 nt1.04□□□□□ -2.24
PMD1P32634 YOR019WYOR019W 2193 nt1.04□□□□□ -2.24
PMD1P32634 YDR341CYDR341C 1824 nt1.04□□□□□ -2.24
PMD1P32634 RVS161YCR009C 798 nt1.04□□□□□ -2.24
PMD1P32634 RPL34BYIL052C 366 nt1.04□□□□□ -2.24
PMD1P32634 YJL119CYJL119C 324 nt1.04□□□□□ -2.24
PMD1P32634 IQG1YPL242C 4488 nt1.04□□□□□ -2.24
PMD1P32634 YCT1YLL055W 1596 nt1.03□□□□□ -2.24
PMD1P32634 DBF20YPR111W 1695 nt1.03□□□□□ -2.24
PMD1P32634 SEC21YNL287W 2808 nt1.03□□□□□ -2.24
PMD1P32634 NHP2YDL208W 471 nt1.03□□□□□ -2.24
PMD1P32634 TFC8YPL007C 1767 nt1.03□□□□□ -2.25
PMD1P32634 VAM6YDL077C 3150 nt1.02□□□□□ -2.25
PMD1P32634 TBS1YBR150C 3285 nt1.02□□□□□ -2.25
PMD1P32634 YGR149WYGR149W 1299 nt1.02□□□□□ -2.25
PMD1P32634 TFA2YKR062W 987 nt1.02□□□□□ -2.25
PMD1P32634 KDX1YKL161C 1302 nt1.02□□□□□ -2.25
PMD1P32634 MAD3YJL013C 1548 nt1.01□□□□□ -2.25
PMD1P32634 TIM11YDR322C-A 291 nt1.01□□□□□ -2.25
PMD1P32634 ARC18YLR370C 537 nt1.01□□□□□ -2.25
PMD1P32634 YML009C-AYML009C-A 327 nt1.01□□□□□ -2.25
PMD1P32634 BAS1YKR099W 2436 nt1.01□□□□□ -2.25
PMD1P32634 SSP1YHR184W 1716 nt1.01□□□□□ -2.25
PMD1P32634 YLR124WYLR124W 345 nt1.01□□□□□ -2.25
PMD1P32634 CAT2YML042W 2013 nt1□□□□□ -2.25
PMD1P32634 YDR340WYDR340W 303 nt1□□□□□ -2.25
PMD1P32634 YHL044WYHL044W 708 nt1□□□□□ -2.25
PMD1P32634 URA10YMR271C 684 nt1□□□□□ -2.25
PMD1P32634 HUB1YNR032C-A 222 nt1□□□□□ -2.25
PMD1P32634 YOR263CYOR263C 408 nt1□□□□□ -2.25
PMD1P32634 YER087C-AYER087C-A 552 nt0.99□□□□□ -2.25
PMD1P32634 ARI1YGL157W 1044 nt0.99□□□□□ -2.25
PMD1P32634 YGR109W-AYGR109W-A 873 nt0.99□□□□□ -2.25
PMD1P32634 YIL058WYIL058W 285 nt0.99□□□□□ -2.25
PMD1P32634 YKL070WYKL070W 510 nt0.99□□□□□ -2.25
PMD1P32634 YKL156C-AYKL156C-A 117 nt0.99□□□□□ -2.25
PMD1P32634 DIA1YMR316W 1011 nt0.99□□□□□ -2.25
PMD1P32634 SDC1YDR469W 528 nt0.98□□□□□ -2.25
PMD1P32634 YIL068W-AYIL068W-A 384 nt0.98□□□□□ -2.25
PMD1P32634 MCR1YKL150W 909 nt0.98□□□□□ -2.25
PMD1P32634 AIM4YBR194W 372 nt0.98□□□□□ -2.25
PMD1P32634 SRP1YNL189W 1629 nt0.98□□□□□ -2.25
PMD1P32634 CDC39YCR093W 6327 nt0.98□□□□□ -2.25
PMD1P32634 WIP1YDR374W-A 270 nt0.98□□□□□ -2.25
PMD1P32634 RSR1YGR152C 819 nt0.98□□□□□ -2.25
PMD1P32634 PET130YJL023C 1044 nt0.98□□□□□ -2.25
PMD1P32634 RRT7YLL030C 342 nt0.98□□□□□ -2.25
PMD1P32634 RED1YLR263W 2484 nt0.98□□□□□ -2.25
PMD1P32634 YOR082CYOR082C 342 nt0.98□□□□□ -2.25
PMD1P32634 MAL33YBR297W 1407 nt0.98□□□□□ -2.25
PMD1P32634 YCL068CYCL068C 783 nt0.97□□□□□ -2.25
PMD1P32634 YGL165CYGL165C 579 nt0.97□□□□□ -2.25
PMD1P32634 CSM2YIL132C 642 nt0.97□□□□□ -2.25
PMD1P32634 MCM22YJR135C 720 nt0.97□□□□□ -2.25
PMD1P32634 IAH1YOR126C 717 nt0.97□□□□□ -2.25
PMD1P32634 SPO24YPR036W-A 204 nt0.97□□□□□ -2.25
PMD1P32634 PLM2YDR501W 1566 nt0.97□□□□□ -2.25
PMD1P32634 YOL014WYOL014W 375 nt0.96□□□□□ -2.26
PMD1P32634 YOR062CYOR062C 807 nt0.96□□□□□ -2.26
PMD1P32634 TIM18YOR297C 579 nt0.96□□□□□ -2.26
PMD1P32634 PBI1YPL272C 1554 nt0.96□□□□□ -2.26
PMD1P32634 DSS1YMR287C 2910 nt0.96□□□□□ -2.26
PMD1P32634 MUS81YDR386W 1899 nt0.96□□□□□ -2.26
PMD1P32634 YOL035CYOL035C 303 nt0.96□□□□□ -2.26
PMD1P32634 GAL7YBR018C 1101 nt0.96□□□□□ -2.26
PMD1P32634 YPL073CYPL073C 486 nt0.96□□□□□ -2.26
PMD1P32634 RIT1YMR283C 1542 nt0.95□□□□□ -2.26
PMD1P32634 YDR170W-AYDR170W-A 1323 nt0.95□□□□□ -2.26
PMD1P32634 PIN4YBL051C 2007 nt0.95□□□□□ -2.26
PMD1P32634 YJL133C-AYJL133C-A 225 nt0.95□□□□□ -2.26
PMD1P32634 YNL114CYNL114C 372 nt0.95□□□□□ -2.26
PMD1P32634 YNL276CYNL276C 396 nt0.95□□□□□ -2.26
PMD1P32634 MPS1YDL028C 2295 nt0.95□□□□□ -2.26
PMD1P32634 EAF1YDR359C 2949 nt0.95□□□□□ -2.26
PMD1P32634 YLR140WYLR140W 327 nt0.94□□□□□ -2.26
PMD1P32634 MTG1YMR097C 1104 nt0.94□□□□□ -2.26
PMD1P32634 YHR145CYHR145C 357 nt0.93□□□□□ -2.26
PMD1P32634 HRT3YLR097C 1035 nt0.93□□□□□ -2.26
PMD1P32634 VID24YBR105C 1089 nt0.93□□□□□ -2.26
PMD1P32634 YCL046WYCL046W 324 nt0.93□□□□□ -2.26
Retrieved 100 of 7,029 protein–RNA pairs in 29.7 ms