Protein–RNA interactions for Protein: P40893

REE1, Regulation of enolase protein 1, yeastyeast

Predictions only

Length 198 aa.

Protein RNA Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene UniProt Accession Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Length Transcript Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
REE1P40893 VPS63YLR261C 327 nt2.63□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 ARC18YLR370C 537 nt2.63□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 YOR277CYOR277C 309 nt2.63□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 MBA1YBR185C 837 nt2.63□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 VHR1YIL056W 1923 nt2.63□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 ADY4YLR227C 1482 nt2.63□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 HEH2YDR458C 1992 nt2.63□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 NSP1YJL041W 2472 nt2.63□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 RED1YLR263W 2484 nt2.63□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 TLC1TLC1 1301 nt2.63□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 TIF4631YGR162W 2859 nt2.63□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 RNT1YMR239C 1416 nt2.62□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 RGL1YPL066W 1440 nt2.62□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 YDL180WYDL180W 1644 nt2.62□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 YDR464C-AYDR464C-A 189 nt2.62□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 YFR054CYFR054C 579 nt2.62□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 YGL159WYGL159W 1113 nt2.62□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 YGR045CYGR045C 363 nt2.62□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 ACF4YJR083C 930 nt2.62□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 YKL033W-AYKL033W-A 711 nt2.62□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 CSE4YKL049C 690 nt2.62□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 YLR224WYLR224W 1110 nt2.62□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 CWC24YLR323C 780 nt2.62□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 RIM9YMR063W 720 nt2.62□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 YNR034W-AYNR034W-A 297 nt2.62□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 HHF1YBR009C 312 nt2.62□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 YPL205CYPL205C 345 nt2.62□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 PEX5YDR244W 1839 nt2.62□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 SHS1YDL225W 1656 nt2.62□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 MPS1YDL028C 2295 nt2.62□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 SIN3YOL004W 4611 nt2.62□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 AVT5YBL089W 1380 nt2.61□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 YRM1YOR172W 2361 nt2.61□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 YLR177WYLR177W 1887 nt2.61□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 HEF3YNL014W 3135 nt2.61□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 snR59snR59 78 nt2.61□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 HMF1YER057C 390 nt2.61□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 RTT105YER104W 627 nt2.61□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 SPT2YER161C 1002 nt2.61□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 YGL082WYGL082W 1146 nt2.61□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 PDX1YGR193C 1233 nt2.61□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 PET54YGR222W 882 nt2.61□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 COX14YML129C 213 nt2.61□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 YOL114CYOL114C 609 nt2.61□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 YOR331CYOR331C 558 nt2.61□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 YBR062CYBR062C 543 nt2.61□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 NTC20YBR188C 423 nt2.61□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 SSE2YBR169C 2082 nt2.61□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 CCM1YGR150C 2595 nt2.6□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 YGR237CYGR237C 2358 nt2.6□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 ERB1YMR049C 2424 nt2.6□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 YJR030CYJR030C 2238 nt2.6□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 YJL132WYJL132W 2253 nt2.6□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 STI1YOR027W 1770 nt2.6□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 UTP15YMR093W 1542 nt2.6□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 PHM6YDR281C 315 nt2.6□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 VMA8YEL051W 771 nt2.6□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 Q0142Q0142 177 nt2.6□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 SDH3YKL141W 597 nt2.6□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 SMA2YML066C 1110 nt2.6□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 RPL13BYMR142C 600 nt2.6□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 ATX2YOR079C 942 nt2.6□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 RPS12YOR369C 432 nt2.6□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 TOP1YOL006C 2310 nt2.6□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 YOR192C-AYOR192C-A 1317 nt2.6□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 BPT1YLL015W 4680 nt2.6□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 TMA64YDR117C 1698 nt2.6□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 snR56snR56 88 nt2.59□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 YDR431WYDR431W 312 nt2.59□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 YFL065CYFL065C 309 nt2.59□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 LIF1YGL090W 1266 nt2.59□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 YGR042WYGR042W 816 nt2.59□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 POG1YIL122W 1056 nt2.59□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 BER1YLR412W 825 nt2.59□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 PHO80YOL001W 882 nt2.59□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 MRPL40YPL173W 894 nt2.59□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 YPR053CYPR053C 456 nt2.59□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 MSH4YFL003C 2637 nt2.59□□□□□ -1.99
REE1P40893 HRD1YOL013C 1656 nt2.59□□□□□ -2
REE1P40893 PEX6YNL329C 3093 nt2.59□□□□□ -2
REE1P40893 RRI2YOL117W 1938 nt2.58□□□□□ -2
REE1P40893 KAR9YPL269W 1935 nt2.58□□□□□ -2
REE1P40893 YDR061WYDR061W 1620 nt2.58□□□□□ -2
REE1P40893 MET32YDR253C 576 nt2.58□□□□□ -2
REE1P40893 EMI1YDR512C 564 nt2.58□□□□□ -2
REE1P40893 YDR537CYDR537C 606 nt2.58□□□□□ -2
REE1P40893 NSA2YER126C 786 nt2.58□□□□□ -2
REE1P40893 YIL175WYIL175W 318 nt2.58□□□□□ -2
REE1P40893 YIR020CYIR020C 303 nt2.58□□□□□ -2
REE1P40893 YJL222W-BYJL222W-B 138 nt2.58□□□□□ -2
REE1P40893 YPL088WYPL088W 1029 nt2.58□□□□□ -2
REE1P40893 YPR050CYPR050C 414 nt2.58□□□□□ -2
REE1P40893 YPR145C-AYPR145C-A 237 nt2.58□□□□□ -2
REE1P40893 AIM4YBR194W 372 nt2.58□□□□□ -2
REE1P40893 ARG2YJL071W 1725 nt2.58□□□□□ -2
REE1P40893 ICR1ICR1 3199 nt2.58□□□□□ -2
REE1P40893 MUS81YDR386W 1899 nt2.58□□□□□ -2
REE1P40893 DBP10YDL031W 2988 nt2.58□□□□□ -2
REE1P40893 DAL5YJR152W 1632 nt2.57□□□□□ -2
REE1P40893 NMD2YHR077C 3270 nt2.57□□□□□ -2
Retrieved 100 of 7,029 protein–RNA pairs in 38.6 ms