Protein–RNA interactions for Protein: P53832

WSC2, Cell wall integrity and stress response component 2, yeastyeast

Predictions only

Length 503 aa.

Protein RNA Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene UniProt Accession Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Length Transcript Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
WSC2P53832 PMR1YGL167C 2853 nt2.48□□□□□ -2.01
WSC2P53832 SMC2YFR031C 3513 nt2.48□□□□□ -2.01
WSC2P53832 YER038W-AYER038W-A 381 nt2.48□□□□□ -2.01
WSC2P53832 CMS1YLR003C 876 nt2.48□□□□□ -2.01
WSC2P53832 HSP10YOR020C 321 nt2.48□□□□□ -2.01
WSC2P53832 FLO5YHR211W 3228 nt2.48□□□□□ -2.01
WSC2P53832 SPE1YKL184W 1401 nt2.48□□□□□ -2.01
WSC2P53832 NMA111YNL123W 2994 nt2.47□□□□□ -2.01
WSC2P53832 RIF1YBR275C 5751 nt2.47□□□□□ -2.01
WSC2P53832 BIT61YJL058C 1632 nt2.47□□□□□ -2.01
WSC2P53832 TFB1YDR311W 1929 nt2.47□□□□□ -2.01
WSC2P53832 YAP6YDR259C 1152 nt2.47□□□□□ -2.01
WSC2P53832 VPH2YKL119C 648 nt2.47□□□□□ -2.01
WSC2P53832 MRPL38YKL170W 417 nt2.47□□□□□ -2.01
WSC2P53832 RPL6AYML073C 531 nt2.47□□□□□ -2.01
WSC2P53832 TIF11YMR260C 462 nt2.47□□□□□ -2.01
WSC2P53832 YOL150CYOL150C 312 nt2.47□□□□□ -2.01
WSC2P53832 YOR248WYOR248W 303 nt2.47□□□□□ -2.01
WSC2P53832 YPL034WYPL034W 498 nt2.47□□□□□ -2.01
WSC2P53832 YPL080CYPL080C 327 nt2.47□□□□□ -2.01
WSC2P53832 YDR034C-DYDR034C-D 5313 nt2.47□□□□□ -2.01
WSC2P53832 UTP13YLR222C 2454 nt2.46□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 CWC22YGR278W 1734 nt2.46□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 SMB1YER029C 591 nt2.46□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 YER135CYER135C 393 nt2.46□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 RPL29YFR032C-A 180 nt2.46□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 YHL005CYHL005C 393 nt2.46□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 BPT1YLL015W 4680 nt2.46□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 RMP1YLR145W 606 nt2.46□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 ROG1YGL144C 2058 nt2.46□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 DUF1YOL087C 3351 nt2.46□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 ECM29YHL030W 5607 nt2.45□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 YDR269CYDR269C 324 nt2.45□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 YER079WYER079W 633 nt2.45□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 TCD1YHR003C 1290 nt2.45□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 MRP49YKL167C 414 nt2.45□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 CMC2YBL059C-A 330 nt2.45□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 YOL159CYOL159C 516 nt2.45□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 MSS18YPR134W 807 nt2.45□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 SPP382YLR424W 2127 nt2.45□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 YME2YMR302C 2553 nt2.44□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 POL3YDL102W 3294 nt2.44□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 PUF6YDR496C 1971 nt2.44□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 APC11YDL008W 498 nt2.44□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 YPS5YGL259W 498 nt2.44□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 YHR138CYHR138C 345 nt2.44□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 BET3YKR068C 582 nt2.44□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 CDC123YLR215C 1083 nt2.44□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 LSM2YBL026W 288 nt2.44□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 TRZ1YKR079C 2517 nt2.44□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 JIP5YPR169W 1479 nt2.44□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 YHR214C-CYHR214C-C 1437 nt2.43□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 BFR1YOR198C 1413 nt2.43□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 YER087C-AYER087C-A 552 nt2.43□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 AST2YER101C 1293 nt2.43□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 RAD6YGL058W 519 nt2.43□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 PAU23YLR037C 375 nt2.43□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 COA4YLR218C 453 nt2.43□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 SSN8YNL025C 972 nt2.43□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 snR191snR191 274 nt2.43□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 ATG13YPR185W 2217 nt2.43□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 DIA2YOR080W 2199 nt2.43□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 VHR2YER064C 1518 nt2.42□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 TAF2YCR042C 4224 nt2.42□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 TIF35YDR429C 825 nt2.42□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 ERG28YER044C 447 nt2.42□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 RPL23BYER117W 414 nt2.42□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 LAG1YHL003C 1236 nt2.42□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 YHL009W-AYHL009W-A 1242 nt2.42□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 NBL1YHR199C-A 222 nt2.42□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 YKL033W-AYKL033W-A 711 nt2.42□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 RPL8BYLL045C 771 nt2.42□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 YLR269CYLR269C 351 nt2.42□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 YOR029WYOR029W 336 nt2.42□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 YOR293C-AYOR293C-A 150 nt2.42□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 YPL039WYPL039W 951 nt2.42□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 GPI17YDR434W 1605 nt2.42□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 TLC1TLC1 1301 nt2.42□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 YBR012W-AYBR012W-A 1323 nt2.42□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 YOR142W-AYOR142W-A 1323 nt2.42□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 YPR158W-AYPR158W-A 1323 nt2.42□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 ESL1YIL151C 3357 nt2.41□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 TOM70YNL121C 1854 nt2.41□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 TFC4YGR047C 3078 nt2.41□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 YLR001CYLR001C 2589 nt2.41□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 MRH1YDR033W 963 nt2.41□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 HMF1YER057C 390 nt2.41□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 MBB1YJL199C 327 nt2.41□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 YAR047CYAR047C 321 nt2.41□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 YOR385WYOR385W 873 nt2.41□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 ISU1YPL135W 498 nt2.41□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 SNF12YNR023W 1701 nt2.41□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 DRS2YAL026C 4068 nt2.41□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 RAX2YLR084C 3663 nt2.41□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 YDR210W-BYDR210W-B 5313 nt2.41□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 YDR261W-BYDR261W-B 5313 nt2.41□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 YFL002W-AYFL002W-A 5313 nt2.41□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 YGR161W-BYGR161W-B 5313 nt2.41□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 YKL100CYKL100C 1764 nt2.41□□□□□ -2.02
WSC2P53832 YLR410W-BYLR410W-B 5313 nt2.41□□□□□ -2.02
Retrieved 100 of 7,029 protein–RNA pairs in 56.5 ms