Protein–RNA interactions for Protein: Q08179

MDM38, Mitochondrial distribution and morphology protein 38, yeastyeast

Predictions only

Length 573 aa.

Protein RNA Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene UniProt Accession Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Length Transcript Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
MDM38Q08179 YBL028CYBL028C 321 nt4.05□□□□□ -1.76
MDM38Q08179 HRD1YOL013C 1656 nt4.05□□□□□ -1.76
MDM38Q08179 PIN4YBL051C 2007 nt4.05□□□□□ -1.76
MDM38Q08179 BI4Q0120 1917 nt4.05□□□□□ -1.76
MDM38Q08179 YJL132WYJL132W 2253 nt4.05□□□□□ -1.76
MDM38Q08179 APE2YKL157W 2859 nt4.04□□□□□ -1.76
MDM38Q08179 CDC40YDR364C 1368 nt4.04□□□□□ -1.76
MDM38Q08179 ACE2YLR131C 2313 nt4.04□□□□□ -1.76
MDM38Q08179 CDC50YCR094W 1176 nt4.04□□□□□ -1.76
MDM38Q08179 RTR2YDR066C 591 nt4.04□□□□□ -1.76
MDM38Q08179 RPB3YIL021W 957 nt4.04□□□□□ -1.76
MDM38Q08179 YIR014WYIR014W 729 nt4.04□□□□□ -1.76
MDM38Q08179 SOD1YJR104C 465 nt4.04□□□□□ -1.76
MDM38Q08179 YKL068W-AYKL068W-A 237 nt4.04□□□□□ -1.76
MDM38Q08179 YKL136WYKL136W 399 nt4.04□□□□□ -1.76
MDM38Q08179 PGS1YCL004W 1566 nt4.04□□□□□ -1.76
MDM38Q08179 YLR352WYLR352W 2424 nt4.03□□□□□ -1.76
MDM38Q08179 IRC3YDR332W 2070 nt4.03□□□□□ -1.76
MDM38Q08179 PEX6YNL329C 3093 nt4.03□□□□□ -1.76
MDM38Q08179 OPI6YDL096C 327 nt4.03□□□□□ -1.76
MDM38Q08179 YPL197CYPL197C 414 nt4.03□□□□□ -1.76
MDM38Q08179 DSF2YBR007C 2211 nt4.03□□□□□ -1.76
MDM38Q08179 SYT1YPR095C 3681 nt4.03□□□□□ -1.76
MDM38Q08179 EBS1YDR206W 2655 nt4.03□□□□□ -1.76
MDM38Q08179 AIP1YMR092C 1848 nt4.02□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 PDR12YPL058C 4536 nt4.02□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 NSP1YJL041W 2472 nt4.02□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 YJR030CYJR030C 2238 nt4.02□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 YBR012W-AYBR012W-A 1323 nt4.02□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 YOR142W-AYOR142W-A 1323 nt4.02□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 YPR158W-AYPR158W-A 1323 nt4.02□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 RIM13YMR154C 2184 nt4.02□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 RPS14AYCR031C 414 nt4.02□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 YHR212CYHR212C 336 nt4.02□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 YAR060CYAR060C 336 nt4.02□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 BSC3YLR465C 309 nt4.02□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 YOL134CYOL134C 390 nt4.02□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 PRM15YMR278W 1869 nt4.02□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 HEF3YNL014W 3135 nt4.02□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 ECM16YMR128W 3804 nt4.02□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 RPO21YDL140C 5202 nt4.02□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 ROD1YOR018W 2514 nt4.01□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 YEL075CYEL075C 369 nt4.01□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 YGL152CYGL152C 678 nt4.01□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 MVB12YGR206W 306 nt4.01□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 CRG1YHR209W 876 nt4.01□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 YLR154W-BYLR154W-B 165 nt4.01□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 AAR2YBL074C 1068 nt4.01□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 NAT1YDL040C 2565 nt4.01□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 SMI1YGR229C 1518 nt4□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 ECO1YFR027W 846 nt4□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 LIF1YGL090W 1266 nt4□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 TWF1YGR080W 999 nt4□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 UTP15YMR093W 1542 nt4□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 YRR1YOR162C 2433 nt4□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 YLR177WYLR177W 1887 nt3.99□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 SPE1YKL184W 1401 nt3.99□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 YDL009CYDL009C 324 nt3.99□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 PKR1YMR123W 369 nt3.99□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 RPL16BYNL069C 597 nt3.99□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 RRT16YNL105W 429 nt3.99□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 YBR032WYBR032W 303 nt3.99□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 IRC16YPR038W 360 nt3.99□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 VID24YBR105C 1089 nt3.99□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 IMH1YLR309C 2736 nt3.99□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 REB1YBR049C 2433 nt3.99□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 POL4YCR014C 1749 nt3.98□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 BEM4YPL161C 1902 nt3.98□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 NBL1YHR199C-A 222 nt3.98□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 YAL004WYAL004W 648 nt3.98□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 MRPL38YKL170W 417 nt3.98□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 YLR269CYLR269C 351 nt3.98□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 MTC4YBR255W 2085 nt3.98□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 VAC14YLR386W 2643 nt3.97□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 OSH3YHR073W 2991 nt3.97□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 MSL5YLR116W 1431 nt3.97□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 EAP1YKL204W 1899 nt3.97□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 YCR090CYCR090C 549 nt3.97□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 YAL037WYAL037W 804 nt3.97□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 ARV1YLR242C 966 nt3.97□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 RAD14YMR201C 1116 nt3.97□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 DYN3YMR299C 939 nt3.97□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 PEP12YOR036W 867 nt3.97□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 TCB3YML072C 4638 nt3.97□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 NRP1YDL167C 2160 nt3.97□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 DBF20YPR111W 1695 nt3.97□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 NUP85YJR042W 2235 nt3.97□□□□□ -1.77
MDM38Q08179 YCR022CYCR022C 345 nt3.96□□□□□ -1.78
MDM38Q08179 TRX3YCR083W 384 nt3.96□□□□□ -1.78
MDM38Q08179 SNA4YDL123W 423 nt3.96□□□□□ -1.78
MDM38Q08179 IES6YEL044W 501 nt3.96□□□□□ -1.78
MDM38Q08179 YHR214C-EYHR214C-E 300 nt3.96□□□□□ -1.78
MDM38Q08179 YAR070CYAR070C 300 nt3.96□□□□□ -1.78
MDM38Q08179 YMR141CYMR141C 309 nt3.96□□□□□ -1.78
MDM38Q08179 YNL146C-AYNL146C-A 195 nt3.96□□□□□ -1.78
MDM38Q08179 INN1YNL152W 1230 nt3.96□□□□□ -1.78
MDM38Q08179 PDR17YNL264C 1053 nt3.96□□□□□ -1.78
MDM38Q08179 ALA1YOR335C 2877 nt3.96□□□□□ -1.78
MDM38Q08179 TDA1YMR291W 1761 nt3.95□□□□□ -1.78
MDM38Q08179 YNL193WYNL193W 1677 nt3.95□□□□□ -1.78
Retrieved 100 of 7,029 protein–RNA pairs in 48.2 ms