Protein–RNA interactions for Protein: Q03956

RAV2, Regulator of V-ATPase in vacuolar membrane protein 2, yeastyeast

Predictions only

Length 351 aa.

Protein RNA Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene UniProt Accession Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Length Transcript Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
RAV2Q03956 LTP1YPR073C 486 nt1.94□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 MBA1YBR185C 837 nt1.94□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 STH1YIL126W 4080 nt1.94□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 HBT1YDL223C 3141 nt1.94□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 AVT5YBL089W 1380 nt1.94□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 DSF2YBR007C 2211 nt1.94□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 IZH1YDR492W 951 nt1.93□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 YGR190CYGR190C 366 nt1.93□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 COX14YML129C 213 nt1.93□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 YOR050CYOR050C 348 nt1.93□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 UBX3YDL091C 1368 nt1.93□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 VPS64YDR200C 1815 nt1.93□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 PLM2YDR501W 1566 nt1.93□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 SNX41YDR425W 1878 nt1.92□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 MIG2YGL209W 1149 nt1.92□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 PEX4YGR133W 552 nt1.92□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 YGR219WYGR219W 342 nt1.92□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 YHR032W-AYHR032W-A 180 nt1.92□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 PEX18YHR160C 852 nt1.92□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 YIL156W-BYIL156W-B 222 nt1.92□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 SFT1YKL006C-A 294 nt1.92□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 PAU8YAL068C 363 nt1.92□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 PAU20YOL161C 363 nt1.92□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 RPB8YOR224C 441 nt1.92□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 YNL193WYNL193W 1677 nt1.92□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 DNF1YER166W 4716 nt1.92□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 MAK5YBR142W 2322 nt1.91□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 DBP10YDL031W 2988 nt1.91□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 PTP3YER075C 2787 nt1.91□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 ERG25YGR060W 930 nt1.91□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 YHR069C-AYHR069C-A 363 nt1.91□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 YIL024CYIL024C 570 nt1.91□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 AIM36YMR157C 768 nt1.91□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 RPS10AYOR293W 318 nt1.91□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 SPS4YOR313C 1017 nt1.91□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 AIM4YBR194W 372 nt1.91□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 IRC3YDR332W 2070 nt1.9□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 FRE8YLR047C 2061 nt1.9□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 URB2YJR041C 3525 nt1.9□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 RPN4YDL020C 1596 nt1.9□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 RAV1YJR033C 4074 nt1.9□□□□□ -2.1
RAV2Q03956 YCR064CYCR064C 411 nt1.9□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 ARF3YOR094W 552 nt1.9□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 SSP2YOR242C 1116 nt1.9□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 BTS1YPL069C 1008 nt1.9□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 RRP14YKL082C 1305 nt1.9□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 INP51YIL002C 2841 nt1.89□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 YGL138CYGL138C 1038 nt1.89□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 TWF1YGR080W 999 nt1.89□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 YGR114CYGR114C 390 nt1.89□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 YAL026C-AYAL026C-A 438 nt1.89□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 RPL36AYMR194W 303 nt1.89□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 IGO1YNL157W 507 nt1.89□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 YNL276CYNL276C 396 nt1.89□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 AIM41YOR215C 558 nt1.89□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 SLM4YBR077C 489 nt1.89□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 OSW7YFR039C 1533 nt1.89□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 DBF20YPR111W 1695 nt1.89□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 APC5YOR249C 2058 nt1.89□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 HOS4YIL112W 3252 nt1.88□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 PCL2YDL127W 927 nt1.88□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 YDR193WYDR193W 399 nt1.88□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 PRM6YML047C 1059 nt1.88□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 ADI1YMR009W 540 nt1.88□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 PEX17YNL214W 600 nt1.88□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 YOR283WYOR283W 693 nt1.88□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 YPL276WYPL276W 438 nt1.88□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 YJL181WYJL181W 1836 nt1.88□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 FKS3YMR306W 5358 nt1.88□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 PHO91YNR013C 2685 nt1.88□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 VPS13YLL040C 9435 nt1.88□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 MCD1YDL003W 1701 nt1.88□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 NUP100YKL068W 2880 nt1.88□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 TPS2YDR074W 2691 nt1.87□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 SGS1YMR190C 4344 nt1.87□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 RPL13AYDL082W 600 nt1.87□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 RRG1YDR065W 1098 nt1.87□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 UBC13YDR092W 462 nt1.87□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 tW(CCA)G1tW(CCA)G1 72 nt1.87□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 tW(CCA)G2tW(CCA)G2 72 nt1.87□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 tW(CCA)JtW(CCA)J 72 nt1.87□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 tW(CCA)KtW(CCA)K 72 nt1.87□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 tW(CCA)MtW(CCA)M 72 nt1.87□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 tW(CCA)PtW(CCA)P 72 nt1.87□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 YIR036W-AYIR036W-A 402 nt1.87□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 YJL169WYJL169W 369 nt1.87□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 ARC19YKL013C 516 nt1.87□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 SRL3YKR091W 741 nt1.87□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 RPS17AYML024W 411 nt1.87□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 MSB1YOR188W 3414 nt1.87□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 HRD3YLR207W 2502 nt1.87□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 PDR11YIL013C 4236 nt1.87□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 YOL098CYOL098C 3114 nt1.86□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 SCL1YGL011C 759 nt1.86□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 MMS2YGL087C 414 nt1.86□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 YJL202CYJL202C 348 nt1.86□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 YAL059C-AYAL059C-A 423 nt1.86□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 YKR075CYKR075C 924 nt1.86□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 YLR154W-AYLR154W-A 186 nt1.86□□□□□ -2.11
RAV2Q03956 LIP2YLR239C 987 nt1.86□□□□□ -2.11
Retrieved 100 of 7,029 protein–RNA pairs in 49.7 ms