Protein–RNA interactions for Protein: Q08179

MDM38, Mitochondrial distribution and morphology protein 38, yeastyeast

Predictions only

Length 573 aa.

Protein RNA Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene UniProt Accession Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Length Transcript Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
MDM38Q08179 NUP159YIL115C 4383 nt4.21□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 YGL140CYGL140C 3660 nt4.21□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 ELO2YCR034W 1044 nt4.21□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 RTS3YGR161C 792 nt4.21□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 SIW14YNL032W 846 nt4.21□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 SIL1YOL031C 1266 nt4.21□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 MSS18YPR134W 807 nt4.21□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 ULP1YPL020C 1866 nt4.21□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 NDC80YIL144W 2076 nt4.21□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 PTA1YAL043C 2358 nt4.21□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 SWH1YAR042W 3567 nt4.21□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 UBP12YJL197W 3765 nt4.21□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 ZDS1YMR273C 2748 nt4.21□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 YNL284C-AYNL284C-A 1323 nt4.21□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 YNR065CYNR065C 3351 nt4.2□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 MCD4YKL165C 2760 nt4.2□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 YDR320W-BYDR320W-B 138 nt4.2□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 YDR526CYDR526C 471 nt4.2□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 YER006C-AYER006C-A 318 nt4.2□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 ENT3YJR125C 1227 nt4.2□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 YLR101CYLR101C 396 nt4.2□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 NNT1YLR285W 786 nt4.2□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 YOR053WYOR053W 342 nt4.2□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 YPL185WYPL185W 396 nt4.2□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 YPR197CYPR197C 564 nt4.2□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 MBA1YBR185C 837 nt4.2□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 SWC4YGR002C 1431 nt4.2□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 AVT7YIL088C 1473 nt4.19□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 snR59snR59 78 nt4.19□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 YCR045W-AYCR045W-A 351 nt4.19□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 SWF1YDR126W 1011 nt4.19□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 YDR262WYDR262W 819 nt4.19□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 YER068C-AYER068C-A 432 nt4.19□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 YER135CYER135C 393 nt4.19□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 SEC53YFL045C 765 nt4.19□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 RPL14AYKL006W 417 nt4.19□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 YML108WYML108W 318 nt4.19□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 DAL5YJR152W 1632 nt4.19□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 SLK19YOR195W 2466 nt4.18□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 SYO1YDL063C 1863 nt4.18□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 RTT102YGR275W 474 nt4.18□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 YHR032C-AYHR032C-A 120 nt4.18□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 EMC2YJR088C 879 nt4.18□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 TDA8YAL064C-A 381 nt4.18□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 YMR193C-AYMR193C-A 387 nt4.18□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 YOR331CYOR331C 558 nt4.18□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 ERB1YMR049C 2424 nt4.18□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 YRM1YOR172W 2361 nt4.18□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 PSP1YDR505C 2526 nt4.18□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 NCS2YNL119W 1482 nt4.18□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 HDA2YDR295C 2025 nt4.17□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 SHE4YOR035C 2370 nt4.17□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 SWI1YPL016W 3945 nt4.17□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 CPR5YDR304C 678 nt4.17□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 SPT2YER161C 1002 nt4.17□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 OTU1YFL044C 906 nt4.17□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 RIO2YNL207W 1278 nt4.17□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 YBR285WYBR285W 435 nt4.17□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 RAD26YJR035W 3258 nt4.17□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 CIT1YNR001C 1440 nt4.17□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 CWH43YCR017C 2862 nt4.17□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 SPT6YGR116W 4356 nt4.17□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 GWT1YJL091C 1473 nt4.17□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 TGL3YMR313C 1929 nt4.17□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 PAM1YDR251W 2493 nt4.16□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 YGR117CYGR117C 1431 nt4.16□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 BMH2YDR099W 822 nt4.16□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 AHA1YDR214W 1053 nt4.16□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 PHM6YDR281C 315 nt4.16□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 RPS20YHL015W 366 nt4.16□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 RIM9YMR063W 720 nt4.16□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 YPR096CYPR096C 303 nt4.16□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 DPB3YBR278W 606 nt4.16□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 HAA1YPR008W 2085 nt4.16□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 ISW2YOR304W 3363 nt4.16□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 MDM36YPR083W 1740 nt4.15□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 KRI1YNL308C 1776 nt4.15□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 YHR214C-CYHR214C-C 1437 nt4.15□□□□□ -1.74
MDM38Q08179 YDR537CYDR537C 606 nt4.15□□□□□ -1.75
MDM38Q08179 PCL5YHR071W 690 nt4.15□□□□□ -1.75
MDM38Q08179 BIG1YHR101C 1008 nt4.15□□□□□ -1.75
MDM38Q08179 AGE2YIL044C 897 nt4.15□□□□□ -1.75
MDM38Q08179 MYO3YKL129C 3819 nt4.15□□□□□ -1.75
MDM38Q08179 PDP3YLR455W 915 nt4.15□□□□□ -1.75
MDM38Q08179 YBL039W-BYBL039W-B 180 nt4.15□□□□□ -1.75
MDM38Q08179 RIM11YMR139W 1113 nt4.15□□□□□ -1.75
MDM38Q08179 RPS16AYMR143W 432 nt4.15□□□□□ -1.75
MDM38Q08179 RPC40YPR110C 1008 nt4.15□□□□□ -1.75
MDM38Q08179 GDT1YBR187W 843 nt4.15□□□□□ -1.75
MDM38Q08179 YKL050CYKL050C 2769 nt4.14□□□□□ -1.75
MDM38Q08179 KIN4YOR233W 2403 nt4.14□□□□□ -1.75
MDM38Q08179 DAP2YHR028C 2457 nt4.14□□□□□ -1.75
MDM38Q08179 EMC1YCL045C 2283 nt4.14□□□□□ -1.75
MDM38Q08179 EXO70YJL085W 1872 nt4.14□□□□□ -1.75
MDM38Q08179 SIN4YNL236W 2925 nt4.14□□□□□ -1.75
MDM38Q08179 YOL019WYOL019W 1656 nt4.14□□□□□ -1.75
MDM38Q08179 YGR017WYGR017W 894 nt4.14□□□□□ -1.75
MDM38Q08179 PEP8YJL053W 1140 nt4.14□□□□□ -1.75
MDM38Q08179 RPL40BYKR094C 387 nt4.14□□□□□ -1.75
MDM38Q08179 FLD1YLR404W 858 nt4.14□□□□□ -1.75
Retrieved 100 of 7,029 protein–RNA pairs in 47.5 ms