Protein–RNA interactions for Protein: Q08179

MDM38, Mitochondrial distribution and morphology protein 38, yeastyeast

Predictions only

Length 573 aa.

Protein RNA Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene UniProt Accession Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Length Transcript Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
MDM38Q08179 PEP7YDR323C 1548 nt4.3□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 YFR010W-AYFR010W-A 189 nt4.29□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 YHR138CYHR138C 345 nt4.29□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 YIR020C-BYIR020C-B 735 nt4.29□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 YOL159CYOL159C 516 nt4.29□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 YOR082CYOR082C 342 nt4.29□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 YBR238CYBR238C 2196 nt4.29□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 MCM7YBR202W 2538 nt4.28□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 SEC2YNL272C 2280 nt4.28□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 ATG31YDR022C 591 nt4.28□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 YDR115WYDR115W 318 nt4.28□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 AML1YGR001C 747 nt4.28□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 SDP1YIL113W 630 nt4.28□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 YIL175WYIL175W 318 nt4.28□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 YAL026C-AYAL026C-A 438 nt4.28□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 ACF4YJR083C 930 nt4.28□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 VPS63YLR261C 327 nt4.28□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 RPL19AYBR084C-A 570 nt4.28□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 GPX2YBR244W 489 nt4.28□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 RNT1YMR239C 1416 nt4.28□□□□□ -1.72
MDM38Q08179 RPN3YER021W 1572 nt4.27□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 FAR8YMR029C 1572 nt4.27□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 MLH2YLR035C 2088 nt4.27□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 HNT1YDL125C 477 nt4.27□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 YFL015CYFL015C 495 nt4.27□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 MRM2YGL136C 963 nt4.27□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 YHI9YHR029C 885 nt4.27□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 DPH1YIL103W 1278 nt4.27□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 SEC22YLR268W 645 nt4.27□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 YPL107WYPL107W 747 nt4.27□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 YPR050CYPR050C 414 nt4.27□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 YSY6YBR162W-A 198 nt4.27□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 DER1YBR201W 636 nt4.27□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 RPB2YOR151C 3675 nt4.27□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 YOL075CYOL075C 3885 nt4.26□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 HUL5YGL141W 2733 nt4.26□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 15S_rRNA15S_rRNA 1649 nt4.26□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 YAP3YHL009C 993 nt4.26□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 YIR020CYIR020C 303 nt4.26□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 IRC18YJL037W 675 nt4.26□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 YJL127C-BYJL127C-B 159 nt4.26□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 YLR224WYLR224W 1110 nt4.26□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 CTK3YML112W 891 nt4.26□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 ARG80YMR042W 534 nt4.26□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 DDR48YMR173W 1293 nt4.26□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 NGL1YOL042W 1092 nt4.26□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 YOR199WYOR199W 330 nt4.26□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 TPK2YPL203W 1143 nt4.26□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 FLO10YKR102W 3510 nt4.25□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 YGL039WYGL039W 1047 nt4.25□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 YGL108CYGL108C 423 nt4.25□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 YHR125WYHR125W 306 nt4.25□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 MUD2YKL074C 1584 nt4.25□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 AFB1YLR040C 675 nt4.25□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 DAS1YJL149W 1992 nt4.25□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 PUB1YNL016W 1362 nt4.25□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 YKR078WYKR078W 1758 nt4.25□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 PPN1YDR452W 2025 nt4.24□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 MNT4YNR059W 1743 nt4.24□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 YML096WYML096W 1578 nt4.24□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 HSP30YCR021C 999 nt4.24□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 RRP42YDL111C 798 nt4.24□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 VMA10YHR039C-A 345 nt4.24□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 YIL115W-AYIL115W-A 372 nt4.24□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 MCR1YKL150W 909 nt4.24□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 YAL068W-AYAL068W-A 255 nt4.24□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 YLR287CYLR287C 1068 nt4.24□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 RAD33YML011C 534 nt4.24□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 GRE2YOL151W 1029 nt4.24□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 FSH3YOR280C 801 nt4.24□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 STE24YJR117W 1362 nt4.24□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 PES4YFR023W 1836 nt4.23□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 YDL199CYDL199C 2064 nt4.23□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 KIP3YGL216W 2418 nt4.23□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 EXO5YBR163W 1758 nt4.23□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 snR68snR68 136 nt4.23□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 YDR340WYDR340W 303 nt4.23□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 YER046W-AYER046W-A 330 nt4.23□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 MTM1YGR257C 1101 nt4.23□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 YKL044WYKL044W 321 nt4.23□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 UTP11YKL099C 753 nt4.23□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 MRPL20YKR085C 588 nt4.23□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 YML116W-AYML116W-A 303 nt4.23□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 TIF11YMR260C 462 nt4.23□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 AFT2YPL202C 1251 nt4.23□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 YBR076C-AYBR076C-A 267 nt4.23□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 PPZ1YML016C 2079 nt4.23□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 ADY4YLR227C 1482 nt4.23□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 EPO1YMR124W 2832 nt4.22□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 SPC19YDR201W 498 nt4.22□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 RPS18AYDR450W 441 nt4.22□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 AIM29YKR074W 468 nt4.22□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 DAD2YKR083C 402 nt4.22□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 YKE2YLR200W 345 nt4.22□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 VAM10YOR068C 345 nt4.22□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 AIM4YBR194W 372 nt4.22□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 snR54snR54 86 nt4.22□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 MNR2YKL064W 2910 nt4.22□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 SRP72YPL210C 1923 nt4.22□□□□□ -1.73
MDM38Q08179 XRS2YDR369C 2565 nt4.22□□□□□ -1.73
Retrieved 100 of 7,029 protein–RNA pairs in 62.1 ms