Protein–RNA interactions for Protein: P32634

PMD1, Negative regulator of sporulation PMD1, yeastyeast

Predictions only

Length 1,753 aa.

Protein RNA Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene UniProt Accession Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Length Transcript Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
PMD1P32634 RPB7YDR404C 516 nt5.04□□□□□ -1.6
PMD1P32634 YLR407WYLR407W 687 nt5.04□□□□□ -1.6
PMD1P32634 STE7YDL159W 1548 nt5.04□□□□□ -1.6
PMD1P32634 DBP9YLR276C 1785 nt5.04□□□□□ -1.6
PMD1P32634 LOH1YJL038C 660 nt5.04□□□□□ -1.6
PMD1P32634 ASF2YDL197C 1578 nt5.03□□□□□ -1.6
PMD1P32634 SSL1YLR005W 1386 nt5.03□□□□□ -1.6
PMD1P32634 HSP150YJL159W 1242 nt5.03□□□□□ -1.6
PMD1P32634 YKL023WYKL023W 834 nt5.03□□□□□ -1.6
PMD1P32634 VPS68YOL129W 555 nt5.03□□□□□ -1.6
PMD1P32634 YIL001WYIL001W 1542 nt5.03□□□□□ -1.6
PMD1P32634 EFB1YAL003W 621 nt5.02□□□□□ -1.61
PMD1P32634 DAL4YIR028W 1908 nt5.02□□□□□ -1.61
PMD1P32634 AUA1YFL010W-A 285 nt5.01□□□□□ -1.61
PMD1P32634 YNL194CYNL194C 906 nt5.01□□□□□ -1.61
PMD1P32634 YEN1YER041W 2280 nt5.01□□□□□ -1.61
PMD1P32634 GLC3YEL011W 2115 nt5.01□□□□□ -1.61
PMD1P32634 CWH43YCR017C 2862 nt5□□□□□ -1.61
PMD1P32634 MRS2YOR334W 1413 nt5□□□□□ -1.61
PMD1P32634 tQ(UUG)CtQ(UUG)C 72 nt5□□□□□ -1.61
PMD1P32634 tQ(UUG)D1tQ(UUG)D1 72 nt5□□□□□ -1.61
PMD1P32634 tQ(UUG)D2tQ(UUG)D2 72 nt5□□□□□ -1.61
PMD1P32634 tQ(UUG)D3tQ(UUG)D3 72 nt5□□□□□ -1.61
PMD1P32634 tQ(UUG)E1tQ(UUG)E1 72 nt5□□□□□ -1.61
PMD1P32634 tQ(UUG)HtQ(UUG)H 72 nt5□□□□□ -1.61
PMD1P32634 tQ(UUG)LtQ(UUG)L 72 nt5□□□□□ -1.61
PMD1P32634 FBP1YLR377C 1047 nt5□□□□□ -1.61
PMD1P32634 YJL206CYJL206C 2277 nt5□□□□□ -1.61
PMD1P32634 LTV1YKL143W 1392 nt5□□□□□ -1.61
PMD1P32634 HAP1YLR256W 4509 nt5□□□□□ -1.61
PMD1P32634 LOS1YKL205W 3303 nt4.99□□□□□ -1.61
PMD1P32634 YHR173CYHR173C 339 nt4.99□□□□□ -1.61
PMD1P32634 YJL193WYJL193W 1209 nt4.99□□□□□ -1.61
PMD1P32634 UBX2YML013W 1755 nt4.99□□□□□ -1.61
PMD1P32634 YDR545C-AYDR545C-A 480 nt4.99□□□□□ -1.61
PMD1P32634 YEL077W-AYEL077W-A 483 nt4.99□□□□□ -1.61
PMD1P32634 YER190C-BYER190C-B 483 nt4.99□□□□□ -1.61
PMD1P32634 YFL068WYFL068W 483 nt4.99□□□□□ -1.61
PMD1P32634 YGR296C-BYGR296C-B 483 nt4.99□□□□□ -1.61
PMD1P32634 YHL050W-AYHL050W-A 483 nt4.99□□□□□ -1.61
PMD1P32634 YHR219C-AYHR219C-A 483 nt4.99□□□□□ -1.61
PMD1P32634 YIL177W-AYIL177W-A 483 nt4.99□□□□□ -1.61
PMD1P32634 YJL225W-AYJL225W-A 483 nt4.99□□□□□ -1.61
PMD1P32634 YLL066W-AYLL066W-A 483 nt4.99□□□□□ -1.61
PMD1P32634 YLL067W-AYLL067W-A 483 nt4.99□□□□□ -1.61
PMD1P32634 YLR466C-AYLR466C-A 483 nt4.99□□□□□ -1.61
PMD1P32634 YLR467C-AYLR467C-A 483 nt4.99□□□□□ -1.61
PMD1P32634 YML133W-BYML133W-B 483 nt4.99□□□□□ -1.61
PMD1P32634 YNL339W-BYNL339W-B 483 nt4.99□□□□□ -1.61
PMD1P32634 YBL113W-AYBL113W-A 483 nt4.99□□□□□ -1.61
PMD1P32634 YOR396C-AYOR396C-A 483 nt4.99□□□□□ -1.61
PMD1P32634 YPL283W-BYPL283W-B 483 nt4.99□□□□□ -1.61
PMD1P32634 YPR204C-AYPR204C-A 483 nt4.99□□□□□ -1.61
PMD1P32634 YNR065CYNR065C 3351 nt4.98□□□□□ -1.61
PMD1P32634 LSG1YGL099W 1923 nt4.98□□□□□ -1.61
PMD1P32634 YHR032C-AYHR032C-A 120 nt4.98□□□□□ -1.61
PMD1P32634 YDR445CYDR445C 408 nt4.97□□□□□ -1.61
PMD1P32634 YAL047W-AYAL047W-A 330 nt4.97□□□□□ -1.61
PMD1P32634 PER33YLR064W 822 nt4.97□□□□□ -1.61
PMD1P32634 YML031C-AYML031C-A 336 nt4.97□□□□□ -1.61
PMD1P32634 YGL072CYGL072C 360 nt4.96□□□□□ -1.61
PMD1P32634 ERG20YJL167W 1059 nt4.96□□□□□ -1.61
PMD1P32634 RFA2YNL312W 822 nt4.96□□□□□ -1.61
PMD1P32634 SPC105YGL093W 2754 nt4.96□□□□□ -1.62
PMD1P32634 YIR007WYIR007W 2295 nt4.96□□□□□ -1.62
PMD1P32634 OTU1YFL044C 906 nt4.96□□□□□ -1.62
PMD1P32634 RSF1YMR030W 1131 nt4.96□□□□□ -1.62
PMD1P32634 RNR3YIL066C 2610 nt4.95□□□□□ -1.62
PMD1P32634 KIN4YOR233W 2403 nt4.95□□□□□ -1.62
PMD1P32634 SLX1YBR228W 915 nt4.95□□□□□ -1.62
PMD1P32634 MSK1YNL073W 1731 nt4.95□□□□□ -1.62
PMD1P32634 KCC4YCL024W 3114 nt4.95□□□□□ -1.62
PMD1P32634 SEC39YLR440C 2130 nt4.94□□□□□ -1.62
PMD1P32634 MNT2YGL257C 1677 nt4.94□□□□□ -1.62
PMD1P32634 GDA1YEL042W 1557 nt4.94□□□□□ -1.62
PMD1P32634 HMX1YLR205C 954 nt4.94□□□□□ -1.62
PMD1P32634 ENP1YBR247C 1452 nt4.94□□□□□ -1.62
PMD1P32634 YER187WYER187W 426 nt4.93□□□□□ -1.62
PMD1P32634 YGL063C-AYGL063C-A 150 nt4.93□□□□□ -1.62
PMD1P32634 CWC25YNL245C 540 nt4.93□□□□□ -1.62
PMD1P32634 RET3YPL010W 570 nt4.93□□□□□ -1.62
PMD1P32634 YER158CYER158C 1722 nt4.93□□□□□ -1.62
PMD1P32634 DAL7YIR031C 1665 nt4.93□□□□□ -1.62
PMD1P32634 HSP30YCR021C 999 nt4.93□□□□□ -1.62
PMD1P32634 RPL12AYEL054C 498 nt4.93□□□□□ -1.62
PMD1P32634 BAT2YJR148W 1131 nt4.93□□□□□ -1.62
PMD1P32634 AIM26YKL037W 357 nt4.93□□□□□ -1.62
PMD1P32634 HIS4YCL030C 2400 nt4.92□□□□□ -1.62
PMD1P32634 NMT1YLR195C 1368 nt4.92□□□□□ -1.62
PMD1P32634 SGN1YIR001C 753 nt4.92□□□□□ -1.62
PMD1P32634 TDA1YMR291W 1761 nt4.92□□□□□ -1.62
PMD1P32634 MBR1YKL093W 1020 nt4.91□□□□□ -1.62
PMD1P32634 AIP1YMR092C 1848 nt4.91□□□□□ -1.62
PMD1P32634 KRE6YPR159W 2163 nt4.91□□□□□ -1.62
PMD1P32634 MET17YLR303W 1335 nt4.91□□□□□ -1.62
PMD1P32634 MSW1YDR268W 1140 nt4.91□□□□□ -1.62
PMD1P32634 NAT2YGR147C 867 nt4.91□□□□□ -1.62
PMD1P32634 RDN5-1RDN5-1 121 nt4.91□□□□□ -1.62
PMD1P32634 RDN5-6RDN5-6 121 nt4.91□□□□□ -1.62
PMD1P32634 FLD1YLR404W 858 nt4.91□□□□□ -1.62
Retrieved 100 of 7,029 protein–RNA pairs in 21.9 ms