RNA–Protein interactions for RNA: ENST00000295930.7

RSRC1-201, Transcript of arginine and serine rich coiled-coil 1, humanhuman


Gene RSRC1, Length 1,727 nt, Biotype protein coding, Subcellular localisation Cytoplasm, Nucleus, Ribosome .

RNA Protein Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (ENCODE eCLIP)
Transcript Symbol Ensembl Transcript ID Gene UniProt Accession Length Protein Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score p-Value Fold Change
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 DCST1Q5T197 706 aa8.81□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 DCST2Q5T1A1 773 aa8.81□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 SAXO2Q658L1 398 aa8.81□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 ZNF621Q6ZSS3 439 aa8.81□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 SEM1Q6ZVN7 128 aa8.81□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 MIER2Q8N344 545 aa8.81□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 CHDHQ8NE62 594 aaPredicted RBP8.81□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 OR4K17Q8NGC6 315 aa8.81□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 OR9I1Q8NGQ6 314 aa8.81□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 NEURL3Q96EH8 262 aa8.81□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 CCDC28BQ9BUN5 200 aa8.81□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 HOXD1Q9GZZ0 328 aa8.81□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 PTGES2Q9H7Z7 377 aa8.81□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 CSMD1Q96PZ7 3565 aa8.81□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 MED12Q93074 2177 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 A0A1W2PQD3 144 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 SCDO00767 359 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 POLR3GO15318 223 aaPredicted RBP8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 TOXO94900 526 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 EPPINO95925 133 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 GSNP06396 782 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 OR12D1P0DN82 309 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 HPGDP15428 266 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 ATP6V1C1P21283 382 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 CHMP24386 653 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 CDKN2CP42773 168 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 STARP49675 285 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 POLR2JP52435 117 aaKnown RBP8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 ATP12AP54707 1039 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 CASP9P55211 416 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 NUP107P57740 925 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 ZNF630Q2M218 657 aaPredicted RBP8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 ARHGAP11BQ3KRB8 267 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 C1orf185Q5T7R7 199 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 SP5Q6BEB4 398 aaPredicted RBP8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 HEPHL1Q6MZM0 1159 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 AAGABQ6PD74 315 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 IFNEQ86WN2 208 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 FUNDC1Q8IVP5 155 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 PM20D2Q8IYS1 436 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 LILRB4Q8NHJ6 448 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 CA5BP1Q8WTZ4 195 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 XAGE5Q8WWM1 108 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 VPS33AQ96AX1 596 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 SDCCAG3Q96C92 435 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 DTNBP1Q96EV8 351 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 SLC35A5Q9BS91 424 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 HHATLQ9HCP6 504 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 SLC6A13Q9NSD5 602 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 COQ3Q9NZJ6 369 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 RNF6Q9Y252 685 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 RPH3AQ9Y2J0 694 aaPredicted RBP8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 NUP214P35658 2090 aaPredicted RBP8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 FAM234BA2RU67 622 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 CYSRT1A8MQ03 144 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 RFXANKO14593 260 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 EDF1O60869 148 aaKnown RBP8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 CLDN14O95500 239 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 AGR2O95994 175 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 GUSBP08236 651 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 MSX1P28360 303 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 HTR1EP28566 365 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 GCKP35557 465 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 CHI3L1P36222 383 aaPredicted RBP8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 ADH7P40394 386 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 LHX2P50458 406 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 GANABQ14697 944 aaKnown RBP8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 CD226Q15762 336 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 BCL2A1Q16548 175 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 TMEM44Q2T9K0 475 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 GLYR1Q49A26 553 aaPredicted RBP8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 ACSF3Q4G176 576 aaPredicted RBP8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 FLYWCH1Q4VC44 716 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 DDX59Q5T1V6 619 aaKnown RBP eCLIP8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 ENPP6Q6UWR7 440 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 ARSKQ6UWY0 536 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 RNF130Q86XS8 419 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 CCDC71Q8IV32 467 aaPredicted RBP8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 MISPQ8IVT2 679 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 TRIML2Q8N7C3 387 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 OR10Q1Q8NGQ4 319 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 ZPLD1Q8TCW7 415 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 STON2Q8WXE9 905 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 RAB8BQ92930 207 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 C1GALT1C1Q96EU7 318 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 SFXN2Q96NB2 322 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 OR51I1Q9H343 314 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 EXD2Q9NVH0 621 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 KCNE5Q9UJ90 142 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 DKKL1Q9UK85 242 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 ZNF337Q9Y3M9 751 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 EML6Q6ZMW3 1958 aa8.79□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 UQCRHLA0A096LP55 91 aa8.79□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 A0A0G2JNJ9 132 aa8.79□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 PRAMEF27A3QJZ7 478 aa8.79□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 CD8B2A6NJW9 211 aa8.79□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 KDM4EB2RXH2 506 aaPredicted RBP8.79□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 PRSS44E7EML9 344 aa8.79□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 LINC01387J3KSC0 135 aa8.79□□□□□ -1
RSRC1-201ENST00000295930 HMGN4O00479 90 aa8.79□□□□□ -1
Retrieved 100 of 20,778 RNA–protein pairs in 58.1 ms