Protein–RNA interactions for Protein: Q03956

RAV2, Regulator of V-ATPase in vacuolar membrane protein 2, yeastyeast

Predictions only

Length 351 aa.

Protein RNA Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene UniProt Accession Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Length Transcript Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
RAV2Q03956 YPL238CYPL238C 390 nt1.44□□□□□ -2.18
RAV2Q03956 RPL11AYPR102C 525 nt1.44□□□□□ -2.18
RAV2Q03956 TAZ1YPR140W 1146 nt1.44□□□□□ -2.18
RAV2Q03956 POL5YEL055C 3069 nt1.44□□□□□ -2.18
RAV2Q03956 YJL016WYJL016W 1686 nt1.44□□□□□ -2.18
RAV2Q03956 CDC37YDR168W 1521 nt1.44□□□□□ -2.18
RAV2Q03956 LHS1YKL073W 2646 nt1.44□□□□□ -2.18
RAV2Q03956 VPS34YLR240W 2628 nt1.44□□□□□ -2.18
RAV2Q03956 IRC10YOL015W 1761 nt1.44□□□□□ -2.18
RAV2Q03956 SSY1YDR160W 2559 nt1.43□□□□□ -2.18
RAV2Q03956 BAS1YKR099W 2436 nt1.43□□□□□ -2.18
RAV2Q03956 YCR099CYCR099C 468 nt1.43□□□□□ -2.18
RAV2Q03956 PEA2YER149C 1263 nt1.43□□□□□ -2.18
RAV2Q03956 RIF2YLR453C 1188 nt1.43□□□□□ -2.18
RAV2Q03956 YML094C-AYML094C-A 402 nt1.43□□□□□ -2.18
RAV2Q03956 SRB4YER022W 2064 nt1.43□□□□□ -2.18
RAV2Q03956 ASI3YNL008C 2031 nt1.42□□□□□ -2.18
RAV2Q03956 DAD4YDR320C-A 219 nt1.42□□□□□ -2.18
RAV2Q03956 ADH4YGL256W 1149 nt1.42□□□□□ -2.18
RAV2Q03956 FYV4YHR059W 393 nt1.42□□□□□ -2.18
RAV2Q03956 YIL141WYIL141W 390 nt1.42□□□□□ -2.18
RAV2Q03956 CTK2YJL006C 972 nt1.42□□□□□ -2.18
RAV2Q03956 YJL133C-AYJL133C-A 225 nt1.42□□□□□ -2.18
RAV2Q03956 CSE4YKL049C 690 nt1.42□□□□□ -2.18
RAV2Q03956 YML090WYML090W 387 nt1.42□□□□□ -2.18
RAV2Q03956 YMR230W-AYMR230W-A 189 nt1.42□□□□□ -2.18
RAV2Q03956 YMR272W-BYMR272W-B 108 nt1.42□□□□□ -2.18
RAV2Q03956 TOA1YOR194C 861 nt1.42□□□□□ -2.18
RAV2Q03956 MUM2YBR057C 1101 nt1.42□□□□□ -2.18
RAV2Q03956 GAL80YML051W 1308 nt1.41□□□□□ -2.18
RAV2Q03956 UBP1YDL122W 2430 nt1.41□□□□□ -2.18
RAV2Q03956 MNE1YOR350C 1992 nt1.41□□□□□ -2.18
RAV2Q03956 SOK2YMR016C 2358 nt1.41□□□□□ -2.18
RAV2Q03956 CRD1YDL142C 852 nt1.41□□□□□ -2.18
RAV2Q03956 YDR381C-AYDR381C-A 345 nt1.41□□□□□ -2.18
RAV2Q03956 YIL102C-AYIL102C-A 228 nt1.41□□□□□ -2.18
RAV2Q03956 ATG38YLR211C 681 nt1.41□□□□□ -2.18
RAV2Q03956 POP8YBL018C 402 nt1.41□□□□□ -2.18
RAV2Q03956 YBL108WYBL108W 306 nt1.41□□□□□ -2.18
RAV2Q03956 HRT1YOL133W 366 nt1.41□□□□□ -2.18
RAV2Q03956 YOR392WYOR392W 444 nt1.41□□□□□ -2.18
RAV2Q03956 TDA9YML081W 3756 nt1.41□□□□□ -2.18
RAV2Q03956 MAK11YKL021C 1407 nt1.4□□□□□ -2.18
RAV2Q03956 URK1YNR012W 1506 nt1.4□□□□□ -2.18
RAV2Q03956 ATG11YPR049C 3537 nt1.4□□□□□ -2.18
RAV2Q03956 SYH1YPL105C 2550 nt1.4□□□□□ -2.19
RAV2Q03956 RPL31AYDL075W 342 nt1.4□□□□□ -2.19
RAV2Q03956 NCE101YJL205C 162 nt1.4□□□□□ -2.19
RAV2Q03956 YLR050CYLR050C 486 nt1.4□□□□□ -2.19
RAV2Q03956 BAG7YOR134W 1230 nt1.4□□□□□ -2.19
RAV2Q03956 GPI2YPL076W 843 nt1.4□□□□□ -2.19
RAV2Q03956 NTC20YBR188C 423 nt1.4□□□□□ -2.19
RAV2Q03956 YBR197CYBR197C 654 nt1.4□□□□□ -2.19
RAV2Q03956 YCL001W-AYCL001W-A 462 nt1.4□□□□□ -2.19
RAV2Q03956 PES4YFR023W 1836 nt1.4□□□□□ -2.19
RAV2Q03956 YJL070CYJL070C 2667 nt1.4□□□□□ -2.19
RAV2Q03956 SAS4YDR181C 1446 nt1.4□□□□□ -2.19
RAV2Q03956 BFR1YOR198C 1413 nt1.4□□□□□ -2.19
RAV2Q03956 FAB1YFR019W 6837 nt1.39□□□□□ -2.19
RAV2Q03956 YCR087C-AYCR087C-A 462 nt1.39□□□□□ -2.19
RAV2Q03956 PBP4YDL053C 558 nt1.39□□□□□ -2.19
RAV2Q03956 DDI2YFL061W 678 nt1.39□□□□□ -2.19
RAV2Q03956 NAM7YMR080C 2916 nt1.39□□□□□ -2.19
RAV2Q03956 VPS38YLR360W 1320 nt1.39□□□□□ -2.19
RAV2Q03956 KCS1YDR017C 3153 nt1.39□□□□□ -2.19
RAV2Q03956 BRR2YER172C 6492 nt1.38□□□□□ -2.19
RAV2Q03956 YDR341CYDR341C 1824 nt1.38□□□□□ -2.19
RAV2Q03956 snR57snR57 88 nt1.38□□□□□ -2.19
RAV2Q03956 YER068C-AYER068C-A 432 nt1.38□□□□□ -2.19
RAV2Q03956 SHE2YKL130C 741 nt1.38□□□□□ -2.19
RAV2Q03956 MSA2YKR077W 1092 nt1.38□□□□□ -2.19
RAV2Q03956 TEN1YLR010C 483 nt1.38□□□□□ -2.19
RAV2Q03956 FMP41YNL168C 780 nt1.38□□□□□ -2.19
RAV2Q03956 PNO1YOR145C 825 nt1.38□□□□□ -2.19
RAV2Q03956 TRM7YBR061C 933 nt1.38□□□□□ -2.19
RAV2Q03956 MON2YNL297C 4911 nt1.38□□□□□ -2.19
RAV2Q03956 NPR1YNL183C 2373 nt1.38□□□□□ -2.19
RAV2Q03956 TFC8YPL007C 1767 nt1.38□□□□□ -2.19
RAV2Q03956 PAF1YBR279W 1338 nt1.38□□□□□ -2.19
RAV2Q03956 GCD2YGR083C 1956 nt1.38□□□□□ -2.19
RAV2Q03956 HKR1YDR420W 5409 nt1.37□□□□□ -2.19
RAV2Q03956 YPD1YDL235C 504 nt1.37□□□□□ -2.19
RAV2Q03956 MMS21YEL019C 804 nt1.37□□□□□ -2.19
RAV2Q03956 MER1YNL210W 813 nt1.37□□□□□ -2.19
RAV2Q03956 ATX2YOR079C 942 nt1.37□□□□□ -2.19
RAV2Q03956 LYS9YNR050C 1341 nt1.37□□□□□ -2.19
RAV2Q03956 YOR019WYOR019W 2193 nt1.37□□□□□ -2.19
RAV2Q03956 YDR290WYDR290W 330 nt1.36□□□□□ -2.19
RAV2Q03956 DUO1YGL061C 744 nt1.36□□□□□ -2.19
RAV2Q03956 CCW14YLR390W-A 717 nt1.36□□□□□ -2.19
RAV2Q03956 HHT2YNL031C 411 nt1.36□□□□□ -2.19
RAV2Q03956 EAF7YNL136W 1278 nt1.36□□□□□ -2.19
RAV2Q03956 SPO24YPR036W-A 204 nt1.36□□□□□ -2.19
RAV2Q03956 GRX1YCL035C 333 nt1.36□□□□□ -2.19
RAV2Q03956 ADR1YDR216W 3972 nt1.36□□□□□ -2.19
RAV2Q03956 CDC53YDL132W 2448 nt1.35□□□□□ -2.19
RAV2Q03956 ARP9YMR033W 1404 nt1.35□□□□□ -2.19
RAV2Q03956 RKM1YPL208W 1752 nt1.35□□□□□ -2.19
RAV2Q03956 KEI1YDR367W 666 nt1.35□□□□□ -2.19
RAV2Q03956 YFL015CYFL015C 495 nt1.35□□□□□ -2.19
Retrieved 100 of 7,029 protein–RNA pairs in 63.2 ms