RNA–Protein interactions for RNA: ENST00000454934.5

POR-216, Transcript of cytochrome p450 oxidoreductase, humanhuman


Gene POR, Length 2,295 nt, Biotype nonsense mediated decay, Subcellular localisation Endoplasmic reticulum, Nucleus, Ribosome .

RNA Protein Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (ENCODE eCLIP)
Transcript Symbol Ensembl Transcript ID Gene UniProt Accession Length Protein Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score p-Value Fold Change
POR-216ENST00000454934 TARBP2Q15633 366 aaKnown RBP17.01■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 MDH1BQ5I0G3 518 aa17.01■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 C1orf146Q5VVC0 180 aa17.01■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 CAND1Q86VP6 1230 aaKnown RBP17.01■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 BRI3BPQ8WY22 251 aa17.01■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 MCRS1Q96EZ8 462 aa17.01■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 MRPL4Q9BYD3 311 aaKnown RBP17.01■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 HBS1LQ9Y450 684 aaKnown RBP17.01■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 BPGMP07738 259 aa17■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 GABRB2P47870 512 aa17■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 STAT5BP51692 787 aa17■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 APLP1P51693 650 aa17■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 EFNA5P52803 228 aa17■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 ALDH18A1P54886 795 aaKnown RBP17■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 CDH6P55285 790 aa17■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 ANKRD23Q86SG2 305 aa17■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 ADGRG6Q86SQ4 1221 aa17■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 ARHGAP18Q8N392 663 aa17■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 LRRC39Q96DD0 335 aa17■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 RTP4Q96DX8 246 aa17■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 RILPQ96NA2 401 aa17■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 TTC1Q99614 292 aa17■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 C20orf27Q9GZN8 174 aa17■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 CREBZFQ9NS37 354 aa17■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 CPSF3Q9UKF6 684 aaKnown RBP17■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 PRR5-ARHGAP8B1AHC4 643 aa17■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 SLC25A27O95847 323 aa17■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 APOEP02649 317 aa17■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 AOC1P19801 751 aa17■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 MAGEA6P43360 314 aa17■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 ARHGAP8P85298 464 aa17■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 AAGABQ6PD74 315 aa17■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 METTL7BQ6UX53 244 aa17■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 PEBP4Q96S96 227 aa17■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 MPHOSPH6Q99547 160 aaKnown RBP17■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 ACO2Q99798 780 aaKnown RBP17■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 DDX50Q9BQ39 737 aaKnown RBP17■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 SMYD2Q9NRG4 433 aa17■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 STAU2Q9NUL3 570 aaKnown RBP eCLIP17■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 NXF1Q9UBU9 619 aaKnown RBP17■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 MARCOQ9UEW3 520 aaPredicted RBP17■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 CCDC195A0A1B0GUA6 201 aa16.99■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 SDR42E2A6NKP2 422 aa16.99■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 BTBD19C9JJ37 291 aa16.99■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 PDHXO00330 501 aa16.99■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 KCNN4O15554 427 aa16.99■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 CNMDO75829 334 aa16.99■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 BAG2O95816 211 aa16.99■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 HOXC6P09630 235 aa16.99■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 CPOXP36551 454 aa16.99■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 ZNF143P52747 638 aaPredicted RBP16.99■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 STX3Q13277 289 aa16.99■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 ARCQ7LC44 396 aa16.99■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 SEPT1Q8WYJ6 367 aa16.99■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 PPP2R3CQ969Q6 453 aa16.99■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 RNF157Q96PX1 679 aa16.99■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 SDCBP2Q9H190 292 aa16.99■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 THAP1Q9NVV9 213 aa16.99■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 A0A088AWK7 358 aa16.99■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 SLC15A5A6NIM6 579 aa16.99■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 UGT1A9O60656 530 aa16.99■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 ZCCHC18P0CG32 403 aa16.99■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 TCF7P36402 384 aaPredicted RBP16.99■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 BMPR2Q13873 1038 aa16.99■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 HNRNPDQ14103 355 aaKnown RBP16.99■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 C1orf228Q6PIY5 440 aa16.99■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 NDUFAF2Q8N183 169 aa16.99■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 PRPF31Q8WWY3 499 aaKnown RBP16.99■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 FAM167AQ96KS9 214 aa16.99■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 SIKE1Q9BRV8 207 aa16.99■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 KLC2Q9H0B6 622 aa16.99■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 UGT1A7Q9HAW7 530 aa16.99■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 UGT1A10Q9HAW8 530 aa16.99■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 UGT1A8Q9HAW9 530 aa16.99■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 PPM1HQ9ULR3 514 aa16.99■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 SOX13Q9UN79 622 aa16.99■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 FAM155AB1AL88 458 aaPredicted RBP16.98■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 BUD23O43709 281 aaKnown RBP16.98■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 TNNC2P02585 160 aa16.98■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 CDC16Q13042 620 aa16.98■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 CYP4V2Q6ZWL3 525 aaPredicted RBP16.98■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 PLD5Q8N7P1 536 aa16.98■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 TRAF3IP1Q8TDR0 691 aaPredicted RBP16.98■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 TUBGCP5Q96RT8 1024 aa16.98■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 ADPGKQ9BRR6 497 aa16.98■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 CNPY3Q9BT09 278 aa16.98■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 BCO2Q9BYV7 579 aa16.98■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 ETNK2Q9NVF9 386 aa16.98■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 HMX2A2RU54 273 aa16.98■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 MAFO75444 373 aaPredicted RBP16.98■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 CSH1P0DML2 217 aa16.98■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 CSH2P0DML3 217 aa16.98■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 RAP1GAPP47736 663 aa16.98■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 UNC5AQ6ZN44 842 aa16.98■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 STKLD1Q8NE28 680 aa16.98■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 MCUQ8NE86 351 aa16.98■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 GTF3C2Q8WUA4 911 aaPredicted RBP16.98■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 AZIN2Q96A70 460 aa16.98■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 ANKRD36BP1Q96IX9 119 aa16.98■□□□□ 0.31
POR-216ENST00000454934 EBF4Q9BQW3 602 aa16.98■□□□□ 0.31
Retrieved 100 of 20,778 RNA–protein pairs in 52.1 ms