RNA–Protein interactions for RNA: ENST00000588859.5

EPOR-204, Transcript of erythropoietin receptor, humanhuman

TSL 1 (best)

Gene EPOR, Length 1,825 nt, Biotype nonsense mediated decay, Subcellular localisation Endoplasmic reticulum .

RNA Protein Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (ENCODE eCLIP)
Transcript Symbol Ensembl Transcript ID Gene UniProt Accession Length Protein Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score p-Value Fold Change
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 OR1A1Q9P1Q5 309 aa21.35■■□□□ 1.01
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 MAP1BP46821 2468 aaKnown RBP21.35■■□□□ 1.01
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 IRF2P14316 349 aa21.34■■□□□ 1.01
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 CHRNB4P30926 498 aa21.34■■□□□ 1.01
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 IL15RAQ13261 267 aa21.34■■□□□ 1.01
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 TMEM268Q5VZI3 342 aa21.34■■□□□ 1.01
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 GCSAMQ8N6F7 178 aa21.34■■□□□ 1.01
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 SCARB1Q8WTV0 552 aa21.34■■□□□ 1.01
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 TMEM56Q96MV1 263 aa21.34■■□□□ 1.01
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 SPIN2AQ99865 258 aa21.34■■□□□ 1.01
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 SPIN2BQ9BPZ2 258 aa21.34■■□□□ 1.01
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 RNF7Q9UBF6 113 aa21.34■■□□□ 1.01
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 TMEM56-RWDD3S4R434 201 aa21.34■■□□□ 1.01
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 PIEZO2Q9H5I5 2752 aa21.34■■□□□ 1.01
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 H0Y980 276 aa21.34■■□□□ 1.01
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 ANKHD1-EIF4EBP3H7C0V5 636 aaPredicted RBP21.34■■□□□ 1.01
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 CCL21O00585 134 aa21.34■■□□□ 1.01
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 OR4A8P0C604 315 aa21.34■■□□□ 1.01
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 TNFRSF1AP19438 455 aa21.34■■□□□ 1.01
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 CEACAM6P40199 344 aa21.34■■□□□ 1.01
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 LYZL2Q7Z4W2 148 aa21.34■■□□□ 1.01
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 SNX22Q96L94 193 aa21.34■■□□□ 1.01
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 LURAP1Q96LR2 239 aa21.34■■□□□ 1.01
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 WFIKKN1Q96NZ8 548 aa21.34■■□□□ 1.01
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 RNF126Q9BV68 326 aa21.34■■□□□ 1.01
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 HEXAP06865 529 aa21.33■■□□□ 1.01
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 EGR1P18146 543 aa21.33■■□□□ 1.01
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 CD177Q8N6Q3 437 aa21.33■■□□□ 1.01
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 CNTNAP3BQ96NU0 1288 aa21.33■■□□□ 1.01
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 CNTNAP3Q9BZ76 1288 aa21.33■■□□□ 1.01
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 PGLYRP1O75594 196 aaPredicted RBP21.32■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 SPDEFO95238 335 aa21.32■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 LHBP01229 141 aa21.32■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 IL22RA2Q969J5 263 aa21.32■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 COQ2Q96H96 371 aa21.32■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 ZNF471Q9BX82 626 aaPredicted RBP21.32■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 NDRG3Q9UGV2 375 aa21.32■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 SHANK1Q9Y566 2161 aa21.32■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 F5H0A9 414 aaPredicted RBP21.32■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 MGST3O14880 152 aa21.32■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 CDS2O95674 445 aa21.32■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 ADIPOQQ15848 244 aa21.32■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 SLC35G3Q8N808 338 aa21.32■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 OR5D13Q8NGL4 314 aa21.32■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 Q8TCH9 128 aa21.32■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 GCM1Q9NP62 436 aa21.32■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 KCNS2Q9ULS6 477 aa21.32■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 C12orf77C9JDV5 145 aa21.31■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 H0YIZ8 118 aa21.31■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 SPINT2O43291 252 aa21.31■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 F2RP25116 425 aa21.31■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 UCP1P25874 307 aa21.31■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 TESK1Q15569 626 aa21.31■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 BEX5Q5H9J7 111 aa21.31■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 FOXRED2Q8IWF2 684 aa21.31■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 ST8SIA2Q92186 375 aa21.31■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 AQP10Q96PS8 301 aa21.31■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 SHARPINQ9H0F6 387 aa21.31■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 ZC4H2Q9NQZ6 224 aa21.31■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 OR5AC2Q9NZP5 309 aa21.31■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 IGKV1D-17A0A075B6S4 117 aa21.3■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 RNF212BA8MTL3 300 aa21.3■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 SCGB1D2O95969 90 aa21.3■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 ADAM5Q6NVV9 412 aa21.3■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 MRGPRDQ8TDS7 321 aa21.3■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 RBPMSQ93062 196 aaKnown RBP21.3■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 EGLN1Q9GZT9 426 aa21.3■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 METRNQ9UJH8 293 aa21.3■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 DSPP15924 2871 aaKnown RBP21.3■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 LRRC30A6NM36 301 aa21.29■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 ZNF737O75373 536 aa21.29■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 DEDDO75618 318 aa21.29■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 HBZP02008 142 aa21.29■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 ADH4P08319 380 aa21.29■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 WNT2P09544 360 aa21.29■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 FBXL19-AS1Q494R0 122 aa21.29■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 THOC7Q6I9Y2 204 aaKnown RBP21.29■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 RNASE6Q93091 150 aaKnown RBP21.29■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 PHYHIPLQ96FC7 376 aa21.29■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 PPP1R3CQ9UQK1 317 aa21.29■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 LSM5Q9Y4Y9 91 aaKnown RBP21.29■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 LINC00862A6NCI5 91 aa21.29■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 ERVH48-1M5A8F1 160 aa21.29■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 TNFSF12O43508 249 aa21.29■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 SERPINE2P07093 398 aa21.29■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 GZMHP20718 246 aa21.29■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 GLIPR1P48060 266 aa21.29■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 HOXA4Q00056 320 aaPredicted RBP21.29■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 EDDM3AQ14507 147 aa21.29■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 ALKAL2Q6UX46 152 aa21.29■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 ZNF561Q8N587 486 aa21.29■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 ZBTB34Q8NCN2 500 aa21.29■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 OR1S1Q8NH92 325 aa21.29■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 OR1L1Q8NH94 360 aa21.29■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 PRORYQ9H606 182 aa21.29■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 RAB9BQ9NP90 201 aa21.29■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 LIN7CQ9NUP9 197 aaKnown RBP21.29■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 C17orf100A8MU93 164 aa21.28■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 CD55P08174 381 aa21.28■■□□□ 1
EPOR-204ENST00000588859 NCMAPQ5T1S8 102 aa21.28■■□□□ 1
Retrieved 100 of 20,778 RNA–protein pairs in 105.4 ms