RNA–Protein interactions for RNA: ENST00000461988.5

POR-218, Transcript of cytochrome p450 oxidoreductase, humanhuman


Gene POR, Length 2,522 nt, Biotype protein coding, Subcellular localisation Endoplasmic reticulum, Nucleus, Ribosome .

RNA Protein Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (ENCODE eCLIP)
Transcript Symbol Ensembl Transcript ID Gene UniProt Accession Length Protein Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score p-Value Fold Change
POR-218ENST00000461988 ACPPP15309 386 aa15.61■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 GPX2P18283 190 aa15.61■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 ALDH4A1P30038 563 aa15.61■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 CRATP43155 626 aa15.61■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 DGCR6Q14129 220 aa15.61■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 SPCS2Q15005 226 aa15.61■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 LAIR1Q6GTX8 287 aa15.61■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 CRTC3Q6UUV7 619 aa15.61■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 ZNF852Q6ZMS4 543 aa15.61■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 NEK10Q6ZWH5 1172 aa15.61■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 TECPR1Q7Z6L1 1165 aa15.61■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 NAGSQ8N159 534 aa15.61■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 TERB1Q8NA31 727 aa15.61■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 OR4A15Q8NGL6 344 aa15.61■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 ZFYVE19Q96K21 471 aa15.61■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 LRRC3BQ96PB8 259 aa15.61■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 HHIPQ96QV1 700 aa15.61■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 OR51B5Q9H339 312 aa15.61■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 PCDHB11Q9Y5F2 797 aa15.61■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 GMPPBQ9Y5P6 360 aa15.61■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 KLHL33A6NCF5 533 aa15.61■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 JUNBP17275 347 aaPredicted RBP15.61■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 MAGEA2P43356 314 aa15.61■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 TMBIM6P55061 237 aa15.61■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 DCDC1P59894 354 aa15.61■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 GRSF1Q12849 480 aaKnown RBP eCLIP15.61■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 ZNF77Q15935 545 aa15.61■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 GTF2IRD2BQ6EKJ0 949 aa15.61■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 TRMT11Q7Z4G4 463 aaKnown RBP15.61■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 B3GNT8Q7Z7M8 397 aa15.61■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 GTF2IRD2Q86UP8 949 aa15.61■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 VN1R2Q8NFZ6 395 aa15.61■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 OR8J2Q8NGG1 315 aa15.61■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 ATL1Q8WXF7 558 aa15.61■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 NRTNQ99748 197 aa15.61■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 ASPSCR1Q9BZE9 553 aa15.61■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 RUBCNLQ9H714 662 aa15.61■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 TM9SF3Q9HD45 589 aa15.61■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 FAM120CQ9NX05 1096 aaKnown RBP15.61■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 SIRT5Q9NXA8 310 aa15.61■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 GULP1Q9UBP9 304 aa15.61■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 RPS6KA6Q9UK32 745 aa15.61■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 PLAGL1Q9UM63 463 aa15.61■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 RANBP2P49792 3224 aaKnown RBP15.61■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 SLC5A10A0PJK1 596 aa15.6■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 NPC1O15118 1278 aa15.6■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 PCDH7O60245 1069 aa15.6■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 PRLHRP49683 370 aa15.6■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 MLLT10P55197 1068 aa15.6■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 TBPL1P62380 186 aa15.6■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 ZNF385BQ569K4 471 aa15.6■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 COX20Q5RI15 118 aa15.6■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 ERAP2Q6P179 960 aa15.6■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 GALNT18Q6P9A2 607 aa15.6■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 Q6ZPB1 254 aaPredicted RBP15.6■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 PIWIL3Q7Z3Z3 882 aaKnown RBP15.6■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 TTC29Q8NA56 475 aaPredicted RBP15.6■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 ZNF480Q8WV37 535 aa15.6■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 CIDECQ96AQ7 238 aaPredicted RBP15.6■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 TIFAQ96CG3 184 aa15.6■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 CXXC1Q9P0U4 656 aaPredicted RBP15.6■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 ACSL6Q9UKU0 697 aa15.6■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 KCNE2Q9Y6J6 123 aa15.6■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 H0YIV9 168 aa15.6■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 SLC16A6O15403 523 aa15.6■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 UGDHO60701 494 aa15.6■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 DNAJA1P31689 397 aaKnown RBP15.6■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 CTNNB1P35222 781 aa15.6■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 MMP12P39900 470 aa15.6■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 HNF4AP41235 474 aa15.6■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 BMXP51813 675 aa15.6■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 GP2P55259 537 aaKnown RBP15.6■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 EMX1Q04741 257 aaPredicted RBP15.6■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 AQP6Q13520 282 aa15.6■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 KCNC3Q14003 757 aa15.6■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 DPPA4Q7L190 304 aa15.6■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 OR52J3Q8NH60 311 aa15.6■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 OR5AK3PQ8NH89 298 aa15.6■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 FNDC8Q8TC99 324 aa15.6■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 SPPL2AQ8TCT8 520 aa15.6■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 RAB2BQ8WUD1 216 aa15.6■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 POF1BQ8WVV4 589 aa15.6■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 FCRL1Q96LA6 429 aa15.6■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 ACAT2Q9BWD1 397 aa15.6■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 REEP1Q9H902 201 aa15.6■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 KRT84Q9NSB2 600 aa15.6■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 THUMPD1Q9NXG2 353 aaKnown RBP15.6■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 TOR1BO14657 336 aa15.59■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 ETFAP13804 333 aa15.59■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 CEBPBP17676 345 aa15.59■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 IDSP22304 550 aa15.59■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 IRS1P35568 1242 aa15.59■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 OR1E2P47887 323 aa15.59■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 DGKGP49619 791 aa15.59■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 CRYBA2P53672 197 aa15.59■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 SLBPQ14493 270 aaKnown RBP eCLIP15.59■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 DHCR24Q15392 516 aa15.59■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 RAET1GQ6H3X3 334 aa15.59■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 C16orf87Q6PH81 154 aa15.59■□□□□ 0.09
POR-218ENST00000461988 CACUL1Q86Y37 369 aa15.59■□□□□ 0.09
Retrieved 100 of 20,778 RNA–protein pairs in 28.2 ms