RNA–Protein interactions for RNA: ENST00000583994.5

RHOT1-215, Transcript of ras homolog family member T1, humanhuman


Gene RHOT1, Length 3,289 nt, Biotype nonsense mediated decay, Subcellular localisation Cytosol .

RNA Protein Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (ENCODE eCLIP)
Transcript Symbol Ensembl Transcript ID Gene UniProt Accession Length Protein Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score p-Value Fold Change
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 ARF3P61204 181 aaPredicted RBP15.08■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 POLR2GP62487 172 aaKnown RBP eCLIP15.08■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 EBPQ15125 230 aaKnown RBP15.08■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 PAPD4Q6PIY7 484 aaKnown RBP15.08■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 ABHD13Q7L211 337 aa15.08■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 COMMD2Q86X83 199 aa15.08■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 ADAD2Q8NCV1 583 aaKnown RBP15.08■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 OR9A4Q8NGU2 314 aa15.08■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 SPACA5Q96QH8 159 aa15.08■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 MRI1Q9BV20 369 aa15.08■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 BARX1Q9HBU1 254 aaPredicted RBP15.08■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 NOTCH4Q99466 2003 aa15.08■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 FREM3P0C091 2139 aa15.08■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 A0A1W2PQU0 124 aa15.07■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 USP53Q70EK8 1073 aa15.07■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 ZNF550Q7Z398 422 aa15.07■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 KDM8Q8N371 416 aa15.07■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 RCBTB1Q8NDN9 531 aa15.07■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 SLC22A8Q8TCC7 542 aa15.07■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 INTS14Q96SY0 518 aa15.07■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 SEMA6CQ9H3T2 930 aa15.07■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 ICAM5Q9UMF0 924 aa15.07■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 VSIG4Q9Y279 399 aa15.07■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 ICOSLGO75144 302 aa15.07■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 MED6O75586 246 aa15.07■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 MPPED2Q15777 294 aa15.07■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 ADAM5Q6NVV9 412 aa15.07■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 BAP18Q8IXM2 172 aa15.07■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 PRR22Q8IZ63 422 aa15.07■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 RNF141Q8WVD5 230 aa15.07■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 SPSB2Q99619 263 aa15.07■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 FGF22Q9HCT0 170 aa15.07■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 UQCC1Q9NVA1 299 aa15.07■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 DZANK1Q9NVP4 752 aa15.07■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 SLC22A7Q9Y694 548 aa15.07■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 H0Y8X5 98 aa15.07■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 STK17BO94768 372 aa15.07■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 CSF2RAP15509 400 aa15.07■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 PNLIPRP2P54317 469 aa15.07■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 SMAD2Q15796 467 aaKnown RBP15.07■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 TMEM52BQ4KMG9 183 aa15.07■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 PRSS35Q8N3Z0 413 aa15.07■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 WFIKKN2Q8TEU8 576 aa15.07■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 SLC25A21Q9BQT8 299 aaPredicted RBP15.07■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 MRPS33Q9Y291 106 aaKnown RBP15.07■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 DENND4AQ7Z401 1863 aa15.06■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 MED19A0JLT2 244 aaPredicted RBP15.06■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 EIF4E2O60573 245 aaKnown RBP15.06■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 ADAP1O75689 374 aa15.06■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 EFEMP2O95967 443 aa15.06■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 PMPCAQ10713 525 aa15.06■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 ZNF528Q3MIS6 628 aa15.06■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 TMEM31Q5JXX7 168 aa15.06■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 LINC01590Q5TEZ4 76 aa15.06■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 GAS2L1Q99501 681 aaPredicted RBP15.06■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 B9D1Q9UPM9 204 aa15.06■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 HTR3BO95264 441 aa15.06■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 CD14P08571 375 aa15.06■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 FHL1Q13642 323 aa15.06■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 C2orf27AQ580R0 203 aa15.06■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 OR5AP2Q8NGF4 316 aa15.06■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 MARCH1Q8TCQ1 289 aa15.06■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 AKR1E2Q96JD6 320 aa15.06■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 ZBP1Q9H171 429 aa15.06■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 MIOXQ9UGB7 285 aa15.06■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 TMEM212A6NML5 194 aa15.05■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 METTL12A8MUP2 240 aa15.05■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 SULT2B1O00204 365 aa15.05■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 SLC16A7O60669 478 aa15.05■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 ITGB2P05107 769 aa15.05■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 CEACAM5P06731 702 aa15.05■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 HOXB5P09067 269 aa15.05■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 NQO2P16083 231 aa15.05■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 RAB6AP20340 208 aa15.05■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 HRH1P35367 487 aa15.05■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 FABP9Q0Z7S8 132 aa15.05■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 ELOCQ15369 112 aa15.05■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 EIF2S3LQ2VIR3 472 aaKnown RBP15.05■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 ZNF542PQ5EBM4 170 aa15.05■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 FAM109BQ6ICB4 259 aaPredicted RBP15.05■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 CAMKVQ8NCB2 501 aa15.05■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 OR13C3Q8NGS6 347 aa15.05■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 RSPRY1Q96DX4 576 aa15.05■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 CLCC1Q96S66 551 aa15.05■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 FAM117AQ9C073 453 aa15.05■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 RHOFQ9HBH0 211 aa15.05■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 CHD7Q9P2D1 2997 aa15.05■□□□□ 0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 PSMB6P28072 239 aa15.05■□□□□ -0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 NPY4RP50391 375 aa15.05■□□□□ -0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 PRPS1P60891 318 aa15.05■□□□□ -0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 PSG6Q00889 435 aa15.05■□□□□ -0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 LCN10Q6JVE6 187 aa15.05■□□□□ -0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 FJX1Q86VR8 437 aa15.05■□□□□ -0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 SFTPA2Q8IWL1 248 aa15.05■□□□□ -0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 METTL21AQ8WXB1 218 aa15.05■□□□□ -0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 Q9N2J8 555 aa15.05■□□□□ -0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 EPHA6Q9UF33 1036 aa15.05■□□□□ -0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 PPM1AP35813 382 aa15.05■□□□□ -0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 RIPPLY1Q0D2K3 151 aa15.05■□□□□ -0
RHOT1-215ENST00000583994 CLINT1Q14677 625 aa15.05■□□□□ -0
Retrieved 100 of 20,778 RNA–protein pairs in 34.4 ms