RNA–Protein interactions for RNA: ENST00000577620.5

PIGS-209, Transcript of phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis class S, humanhuman


Gene PIGS, Length 608 nt, Biotype retained intron, Subcellular localisation Endoplasmic reticulum .

RNA Protein Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (ENCODE eCLIP)
Transcript Symbol Ensembl Transcript ID Gene UniProt Accession Length Protein Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score p-Value Fold Change
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 OR11H1Q8NG94 326 aa8.85□□□□□ -0.99
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 MEGF8Q7Z7M0 2845 aa8.85□□□□□ -0.99
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 TEX50A0A1B0GTY4 177 aa8.84□□□□□ -0.99
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 IGLC7A0M8Q6 106 aa8.84□□□□□ -0.99
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 CRYM-AS1A6NIL9 109 aa8.84□□□□□ -0.99
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 NPIPB5A8MRT5 1133 aa8.84□□□□□ -0.99
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 IGKV1-5P01602 117 aa8.84□□□□□ -0.99
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 REG1AP05451 166 aa8.84□□□□□ -0.99
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 SERPINE2P07093 398 aa8.84□□□□□ -0.99
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 CRYGCP07315 174 aa8.84□□□□□ -0.99
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 OR5AC1P0C628 307 aa8.84□□□□□ -0.99
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 CTRB1P17538 263 aa8.84□□□□□ -0.99
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 IZUMO4Q1ZYL8 232 aa8.84□□□□□ -0.99
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 CTRB2Q6GPI1 263 aa8.84□□□□□ -0.99
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 CCDC28AQ8IWP9 274 aa8.84□□□□□ -0.99
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 OR10W1Q8NGF6 305 aa8.84□□□□□ -0.99
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 OR1N2Q8NGR9 330 aa8.84□□□□□ -0.99
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 LHFPL5Q8TAF8 219 aa8.84□□□□□ -0.99
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 GLYATL2Q8WU03 294 aa8.84□□□□□ -0.99
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 FANCD2OSQ96PS1 177 aa8.84□□□□□ -0.99
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 CITED4Q96RK1 184 aa8.84□□□□□ -0.99
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 SEC22CQ9BRL7 303 aa8.84□□□□□ -0.99
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 NAA60Q9H7X0 242 aa8.84□□□□□ -0.99
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 TMEM14BQ9NUH8 114 aa8.84□□□□□ -0.99
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 FLVCR2Q9UPI3 526 aa8.84□□□□□ -0.99
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 C14orf166Q9Y224 244 aaKnown RBP8.84□□□□□ -0.99
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 ZNF257Q9Y2Q1 563 aa8.84□□□□□ -0.99
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 IGHV4OR15-8A0A075B7B6 117 aa8.83□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 A0A087WW49 117 aa8.83□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 ANXA7P20073 488 aaKnown RBP8.83□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 PSMB6P28072 239 aa8.83□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 AP2S1P53680 142 aaPredicted RBP8.83□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 SUPT4H1P63272 117 aaKnown RBP8.83□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 RHOGP84095 191 aa8.83□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 ZNF616Q08AN1 781 aa8.83□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 OPCMLQ14982 345 aa8.83□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 KLK9Q2XQG4 91 aa8.83□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 LGALSLQ3ZCW2 172 aaPredicted RBP8.83□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 C4orf46Q504U0 113 aa8.83□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 KPRPQ5T749 579 aaPredicted RBP8.83□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 H2BFWTQ7Z2G1 175 aa8.83□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 OR1L8Q8NGR8 309 aa8.83□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 QTRT1Q9BXR0 403 aaKnown RBP8.83□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 COMMD5Q9GZQ3 224 aa8.83□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 NDUFA4L2Q9NRX3 87 aa8.83□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 KLK9Q9UKQ9 250 aa8.83□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 OR51B2Q9Y5P1 312 aa8.83□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 DMRT1Q9Y5R6 373 aa8.83□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 A0A0G2JLM5 398 aa8.82□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 A0A0G2JRQ6 117 aa8.82□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 TEX13DA0A0J9YY54 714 aaPredicted RBP8.82□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 C13orf42A0A1B0GVH6 325 aa8.82□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 C15orf61A6NNL5 157 aa8.82□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 CDS2O95674 445 aa8.82□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 TRBV12-3P01733 135 aa8.82□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 SLURP1P55000 103 aa8.82□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 DEFA6Q01524 100 aa8.82□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 WT1-ASQ06250 92 aa8.82□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 EXOSC2Q13868 293 aaKnown RBP8.82□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 ZNF343Q6P1L6 599 aa8.82□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 SLC25A42Q86VD7 318 aa8.82□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 OR11H4Q8NGC9 324 aa8.82□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 RCC1LQ96I51 464 aaKnown RBP8.82□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 USMG5Q96IX5 58 aa8.82□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 TMEM222Q9H0R3 208 aa8.82□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 PRNDQ9UKY0 176 aa8.82□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 LINC01619G3V211 115 aa8.81□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 B3GALNT1O75752 331 aa8.81□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 OR2J3O76001 311 aa8.81□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 HSPB1P04792 205 aaKnown RBP8.81□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 OR8U8P0C7N1 319 aa8.81□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 S100A11P31949 105 aa8.81□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 TMEM187Q14656 261 aa8.81□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 Q6ZRM9 215 aa8.81□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 SELENOHQ8IZQ5 122 aaKnown RBP8.81□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 C12orf45Q8N5I9 185 aaPredicted RBP8.81□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 NECAP1Q8NC96 275 aa8.81□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 DCUN1D4Q92564 292 aa8.81□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 DPF1Q92782 380 aa8.81□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 DLX4Q92988 240 aaPredicted RBP8.81□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 GALNT14Q96FL9 552 aa8.81□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 SCGB3A2Q96PL1 93 aa8.81□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 SRSF8Q9BRL6 282 aaKnown RBP8.81□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 PRR13Q9NZ81 148 aa8.81□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 IGLV11-55A0A075B6I3 123 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 FAM223BA6NKX1 122 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 GOSR2O14653 212 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 NDUFB8O95169 186 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 OR4E1P0C645 316 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 AKR1C4P17516 323 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 MFAP2P55001 183 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 UBE2MP61081 183 aaKnown RBP8.8□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 C15orf32Q32M92 178 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 COMMD7Q86VX2 200 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 FAM223AQ8IWN6 122 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 SGPP2Q8IWX5 399 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 OR5B3Q8NH48 314 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 OR4A16Q8NH70 328 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 RBPMSQ93062 196 aaKnown RBP8.8□□□□□ -1
PIGS-209ENST00000577620 TMEM56Q96MV1 263 aa8.8□□□□□ -1
Retrieved 100 of 20,778 RNA–protein pairs in 73.3 ms